Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Homework monsters eating me alive

  1. Feature Article on Aspergers Syndrome and the Workplace, due May 18
  2. Essay on antiwar movements
  3. Final project for Co-op, due May 18

This is what I have for homework. Looking at it makes me feel like everything is coming apart. I feel like something is attacking me and I'm a great big stupid slug who can't get out of the way. And to top it all off I am really, really sweaty and uncomfortable. Sigh, I'm just going to go upstairs and watch TV. Just wanted to vent.


ZZZZZZZ said...

one thing at a time! haha sorry about all your homework... try this, start with the first thing on your list work at it for an hour or so, then take a break. watch tv. treat yourself to icecream, lunch, writing your own stuff... then after an hour or so of that get back to your homework. It makes it a lot less stressful to break it down and reward yourself after committing.

Dylan said...

That sounds like a very good idea, Shelia. Thanks