Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Aristotle, New Bookshelves and Alicia Silverstone emerging nude from a swimming pool

Again, I was lazy about posting. But no matter, today I will fill you in.
Mom and Dad finally decided not only to get me a new bookshelf, but two book shelves. So since Delila was of in Niagara for a theatre thing, we packed the car up with the remaining people in the family and drove to Ikea. Then we went to Chapters and then Outback Steakhouse.
The Chapters was okay. I got a copy of Stephen King's On Writing and an anthology of speculative fiction written by people of African descent. It's called Dark Matter. I also found a really big book of William Blake's poetry, but it was way to expensive.
In School news, I've only recently gotten started on a thing called the Aristotle. It's basically a philosophy essay I have to write and will take me most of the class. My EA, who has been brought out of the wood works, keeps bugging me about doing it. Considering the fact I don't really have any work done on it I suppose she has a point. I'm also doing a study on animal rights, which is opening up a whole can of worms for me. I'm wondering if I should become a vegetarian or just kill my own meat.
On the subject of recent news, it turns out that famous person I've never heard of, Alicia Silverstone has joined with PETA to promote vegetarianism. The video she cut with them is of her emerging from a swimming pool naked and then the words goveg.com appear on the screen. While I have no real quarrel with nudity in general, there is something of seducing people into vegetarianism in this. I'm not saying becoming a vegetarian or vegan is bad, but the video doesn't really have anything to do with swearing of your meats. It's just a very attractive woman naked and then goveg.com on the end. It's hilarious once you think of it, but what about the people who can't read. They will loose the meaning completely.
Also, my new favorite song is the Gipsy King's version of Hotel California. From now on the song should only be played in Spanish. If you haven't heard this song it's on the soundtrack to the Big Lebowski in the scene where we first meet the Dude's bowling rival, Jesus.


Dylan said...

NOTE: Okay, apparently Alicia Silverstone was talking about how veganism has benefitted her. My computer didn't have sound. Sorry about the misinformation.

Steph said...

I've heard about that commercial. Mucho controversy. While I'm also fine with nudity, I think it's a bunch of crap that a hot chick's nudity is being exploited just to get people to pay attention to the commercial. It's like the fact that she's vegan is an afterthought.

Also, I've written a paper on animal rights, so if you wanna read it, to maybe see another perspective or whatever, let me know.

Dylan said...

I'd like to read your paper on animal rights Steph and would greatly appreciate it if you could send it over.

Steph said...
