Saturday, April 15, 2006

I want to play D&D

For most of today, I wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons. This was a problem, since I didn’t have anyone to play with except my little sister, Sprite. I just tried playing a game with her and I didn’t enjoy it at all. I have discovered two thing about this. One is not to play D&D with your little sister and second is that I hate being the Dungeon Master. As Dungeon Master I have to pay attention to all the little things and that drives me insane. I would rather just play as a character.
For this, I am writing a post on a Dungeons and Dragons Google Group. In it I ask for any help on getting into an online group. I hope that will give me some help in finding a group to play D&D with.
In the school front, I have to find examples of how men are portrayed in the Media (on commercials) and I have to come up with something to write a really big and important paper on. I find this frustrating since I don’t like working.
Okay, bye. Happy easter.

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