Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Youtube Videos

I found this on an Aspergers Forum I joined. It's funny and insightful to norms. I hope that this comes out on my blog. Insidently, this has happened to me.

And after I saw that I remembered this thing I saw. It's a trailer for a Dark Tower movie using clips from other movies. For you film fans out there, name all the movies used in the making of this trailer.


Steph said...

That first video was really funny, but who was supposed to be the Aspie? The one that wouldn't shut up or the one that just wanted her to go away? Incidentally, I would have been the one that wanted her to go away...

Dylan said...

You'd be right, that guy would be the Aspie, at least that's my guess, the speech he did kind of clicnched it for me.