Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Excerpts from an MSN conversation

David says:
Hey Taz
N says:
hey Dylan!
N says:
long time no talk!
David says:
Yeah, how are you?
N says:
I'm okay
David says:
Well, I'm doing alright myself
David says:
Still no job, but I'm half-way through the Brothers Karamazov
David says:
And I'm trying to work on the 1920s Mage game
N says:
I've also gotten my GURPS Psionics game off the ground
David says:
David says:
So how is the job search in Dubai?
N says:
David says:
I'm not doing that good on my end either
N says:
David says:
I did do some final edits on a short story I wrote recently
David says:
You want me to email you a copy?
N says:
David says:
Sending it now
N says:
David says:
Did you get it?
N says:
N says:
got it!
David says:
David says:
You can read that whenever you want
David says:
Be sure to email me after
David says:
I'd like your opinion
David says:
Hey, did my advise give you any help on your game?
N says:
a bit!
David says:
How did it help?
N says:
It helped me absorb the lesson that fringe groups tend to occur in large quantities and be filled with assorted craziness
N says:
no offence
N says:
I had this issue where I treat everything as a monolithic entity
N says:
"Big Business" etc. etc.
David says:
I was hoping to be more use then that
N says:
I suppose you were, but I've come to the conclusion that I might have to cut down on my already way too layered plot
N says:
my friends aren't exactly the kind who'll get all the symbolism
David says:
David says:
I'd love that
David says:
If I could manage it, I'd create a game layered with symbolism
David says:
I might do that with the Mage game, but it will probubly try to do it subtlelly
N says:
David says:
If the players get the symbolism I'll give them extra experience points
N says:
right now, I've already got lots of government conspiracy groups like MKULTRA and Majestic in the picture
N says:
lots of Aztec and Gnostic bits

David says:
So, on the subject of 1920s Mage, your playing a Polish Jewish Mage who is trying to prevent the Apocalypse
N says:
David says:
Your character's career is a grocer
N says:
I have not been paying nearly enough attention to that, actually
N says:
David says:
What exactly is your character's belief system
N says:
a family business
N says:
not very religious; sticks with it just for the community aspect
David says:
Alright, I'm probubly going to mix in some traditional Jewish elements to his Awakening
David says:
Two parents, single child, right?
N says:
yeah, that'll work
David says:
David says:
How exactly is your character going to work this through by the way?
David says:
I'm going to be taking him across the world
David says:
Most of Europe, New York, may even send you to Egypt or Tibet or something
N says:
I'm not sure what you mean by 'how is he going to work this through'
David says:
The grocer thing
David says:
If you like he can have a brother or something like that
N says:
He's probably going to be a Warlock, and at his awakening, he might abandon his grocery store for a pilgrimage
David says:
N says:
I like the warlock bit because that allows some Kfitzat Haderech jewish symbology methinks
N says:
In Torah study and Jewish folklore, kefitzat haderech is the ability to jump instantaneously from one place to another or travel with unnatural speed. The term is originally found in Midrashim to explain anomalies of travel in the Hebrew Bible. In East European Jewish folktales, especially those associated with the Hasidic movement, kefitzat haderech was utilized by various revered holy men.
David says:
N says:
essentially, Torah teleportation
David says:
David says:
This could be handy
N says:
if you liked that, there's also a Islamic reference
N says:
something called "Tay Al Ard"
N says:
which literally translates to "the folding of space"
N says:
sounds like science fiction
N says:
I love it
David says:
This is pretty cool
David says:
I'll have to remember it
David says:
Already there
David says:
I'm giving a character in my mythos this abbility
David says:
It woudl be really handy for him
N says:
N says:
also, I am having a devil of a time actually downloading your story from the email
David says:
David says:
I'll send you another email that has it in the format
David says:
So what is your character's personality going to be like?
N says:
I'm wondering about that actually
David says:
YOu may have to wait for my short story
N says:
I want to play something different (editors note, my friend usually plays violent characters. Last time we were in a game his character shot a cop in the face in the first session)
N says:
David says:
N says:
perhaps a pacifist
David says:
N says:
less killing people, more psychic-assisted diplomacy and scrying and teleportation and stuff
David says:
So what order are you going to join?
N says:
I'm thinking the Guardians of the Veil (The Guardians of the Veil are an order of Mage spies, think CIA only with magic)
N says:
its the group that our characters are the most antagonistic with, by principle
N says:
and I think I can make a character who'll be attracted to that
David says:
David says:
Sounds like a good idea
David says:
Now I need to figure out how I'm going to put the game together
N says:
N says:
good luck
David says:
I have an endgame in mind, I just need to figure out how exactly I'm going to get there
David says:
Since I want to put the game in 1923 or something like that and end towards the end of 1945
N says:
David says:
So the characters will age 22 years in that time
David says:
Sort of seperate it into various chapters by year
David says:
Then stop, give the characters a certain number of experience points and see what happens next year, say 1927
N says:
N says:
makes sense
David says:
You have any idea what I should do with the first one?
David says:
I'm thinking that I'll start in Paris
N says:
I am clueless ;_;
David says:
Probubly for the best
David says:
I'm actually thinking of overlapping this with my mythos
David says:
So you'll meet a few characters from my own writing
N says:
N says:
David says:
I don't know how they'll work exactly
David says:
But you'll meet a couple in the first chapter
N says:
David says:
I think I got an idea of what to do first
N says:
don't spill!
N says:
that'll spoil D:
David says:
Don't worry
David says:
I wont
David says:
I like this idea to much
N says:
David says:
I just wish I knew what other characters I was dealing with
David says:
Then I could make it more rounded
N says:
N says:
I bet that another PC will be some neo-nazi silver ladder mage
N says:
N says:
and we'll have such good times together.
David says:
I'll have to reject that
N says:
David says:
The character can be anti-semetic, but he won't be a member of the National Socialist Party
N says:
David says:
It would be to annoying
N says:
and we'd probably be at each other's throats
David says:
Unless we had another character who could act as peacemaker
N says:
except I suppose being the pacifist makes ME the peacemaker
David says:
David says:
Still, wish I had a better idea of what the other players would be
N says:
David says:

What would you think about starting the game in Paris
David says:
So I can basically start the game off in a "You Were There" sort of vein
N says:
N says:
David says:
So do you have any reason your character would be at the apartement of one Gertrude Stein
David says:
here's a link
David says:
N says:
not really :/
N says:
you'll have to provide me one
David says:
I'll give you contact with someone who can help you with your mission with the Holocaust
David says:
Don't worry, I know just the guy
N says:
David says:
Well, I think I got a handle on your character
David says:
Just wish I could get a handle on everyone elses
David says:
That woudl really help me get this game going
N says:
N says:
who else are playing?
David says:
Don't know yet
David says:
I asked Shaun to email me about anyone who would be interested
N says:
David says:
I think that this is how I'm going to run games
David says:
I start out with a basic idea "Let's have a Mage Game set in the 1920s!"
David says:
Then everyone makes a charatcer
David says:
Then I work on a plot around that
David says:
I think this is a good stategy
N says:
N says:
David says:
Hey, can I use a bit of our conversation here for a blog post?
N says:
David says:

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Insominia Maximus

Well, I broke my record of sleep deprevation. I didn't get to sleep until 6 in the morning. This bothers me, largelly because when I get like this I become worried that I'm doing something wrong, and I can't wake anyone up and tell them. The only people I can think of are suicide helplines and gay helplines, none of which I know off, of for that matter would be appropriate.
The only good thing about my routine is that I'm at my favorite cafe. I've barely been up an hour and I've already moved in over here. The problem is now I'm worried about my physical apperance. I think I do look a bit tired, and my teeth aren't that good. A few days ago they were in pain, but I flossed and it went away. Maybe I should floss when I get home. But I shouldn't bore you with how my body is doing. That's probubly rude for all I know.
My novella progress seems to have stalled, which annoys me. On the plus side I'm getting good reviews of a short story I wrote largelly to amuse myself. Michael (or Rowan as I may have called him, but I will be calling him Michael from now on) also gave me alot of useful advise, for instance that I'm writing for an audience that lives in the future and that I should think of them. I think my Dad may have brought this up, but for some reason when Michael said it there was more of an effect on me. Maybe it's because Michael is a writer, or reads more then my Dad and has more authority in this sort of thing. That is probubly it, but I've been thinking about what exactly this audience thing is. For a long time I thought I'd just write for myself, but since I want to be published I'm going to nead to know who exactly my demographic is. I don't think I ever used the word demographic before. I'm going to ask Nora what she things my demographic is...

...she says my demographic would be around 20-30 year old University education caucasians (mostly males) who are in a creative field, like writing or television. She also sees my writing as a bit like Quentin Tarantino, possibly as someone who would do a film version of one of my novels. She did say thats he could be wrong about that, but if she's right my audience will be made up largelly of hipster film geeks. Despite the fact I have no idea of what hipster culture actually is except the decadent inheritors of the counter-culture with bad haircuts, fashion senses I don't understand and something I largelly see myself as an outsider to, I feel largelly alright with this.
I also think that I may have an autistic audience as well, and by autistic I also mean parents of people with autism as well. Since I have Aspergers Syndrome, I will have all kinds of parents thinking, wow this guy has Aspergers Syndrome, maybe little Billy has a future. That makes me feel a bit happy, because then I could help all my Autistic Brethren. I could be like, I don't know, that guy who wrote a book about his minority that brought national identity to them. Angus Wilson or something like that.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ballad of the Skeletons

King Shot In Production

It's coming. It's finally coming. Jodorowsky has come down from the Mountain after meditating for God knows how long, slayed the demon king of that mountain, had the camera found in the demon's belly blessed by a team of half-naked Hindu guys and is know in the production phase of King Shot.
I seriously believe that is how Jodorowsky prepares for a movie. Because he is that cool.
So for those of you who don't remember when I informed you of this monumentous event. King Shot is a "mystic spagetti western," featuring a casino in the middle of the desert, Marilyn Manson as a 300 year old pope, a giant skeleton, a beetle for a narrator and David Lynch producing. None of this really shocks me, except for the David Lynch producing bit which is freaking awesome. For my grandparents, who might find this shocking, or even blasphemous, I suppose it kind of is but I'm familiar with this guy and Jodorowsky has been wanting to work with Manson for awhile, and I'm going for Jodorowsky anyways. Manson is just sort of there.
So the question is, when is this movie going to be released and how am I going to be able to see it as soon as humanly possible. My guess is that it's going to be at Cannes, but I highly doubt that I'll be able to make it for Cannes this year. My closest idea is that the Princess Cinema will be playing this. They sure as heck aren't showing it in my neck of the woods. I'll be writing back as soon as I figure out where it's being shown.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Big Season 5 Lost Post

Today was a day of Job Searching. I don't know how good I did, but I dropped of six resumes, mostly at restaurants and bookstores. I don't have much hope for the bookstores, but I can dream can't I? Anyways, I have a good feeling about a couple of the restaurants, a couple new ones and I think one may be hiring. I also checked City Hall, but they don't except unsolicited resumes. Probably not a good idea for a summer job. I also tried to find the downtown office of a local newspaper, but that doesn't exist anymore.
Well, besides that it has come to my attention that I have a new follower. So far the only follower I've had is Aspie Mom, but it appears that I have I have someone called "The Hostile Witness," who is a LOST fan. I think either she is an Aspie, her son is, or they both are and she only just learned about it recently. How she found my blog I have no idea, but I figured that I'd give a great big Namaste and get about my Lost post.
So, for those of you who don't know the basic story of what happened last week and for the past while, Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid were sent to 1977 while they were trying to get back to the island. Sun, Ben and Lapedis are in good old 2007, as well as Locke but we'll get to Locke latter. Faraday thought that it would be a pretty good idea to prevent the entire series timeline by setting of a hydrogen bomb where the hatch is going to be before the Dharma folks open an energy pocket, leading to the creation of the hatch, leading to the system where you have a guy pushing a button every 108 minutes because if they don't SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN, leading to Desmond being in the hatch, leading to Desmond not pushing the button, leading to Oceanic Flight 815 crashing on The Island. With me so far?
Well, the bad thing is that Faraday is killed by his mother, who is one of the Others, which is unfortunate because I like Faraday. I named a character for a role-playing game after him (and a line from a Tom Waits song, but either way). With Faraday having bit the dust in a very Greek Tragedy format, Jack thinks it's a good idea to go on with his plan despite it involves setting of a HYDROGEN BOMB to CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY, which are bad ideas put together and makes me nervous. Anyways, Jack is able to get an hydrogen bomb from the Others, who picked one up when the American Military dropped by the Island to drop one, yeah this Island has got everything hasn't it? And what happens, everyone decides that they'll go along with it. Kate and Sawyer complain a bit, and Sawyer beats the shit out of Jack but in the end they're going to set it off. And the last scene is Juliette banging at the hydrogen bomb with a rock until it goes off taking the next thirty years of history.
Now, back to our group in 2007. Ben, Sun and Lapidis are still in the present, but it seems everyone else on the plane belongs to a bunch of people who know about the island and have a code question "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Along with this, it appears that Locke has pulled a Jesus and come back from the dead, which Ben says is something the island has not done and "scares the hell out of me." Mind you, Ben had killed Locke, so there's that factor to look in on. So Locke gets it into his head that he wants to bring all the Other's over to Jacob's place and he's going to go and have a nice big talk, only he's not going to talk to Jacob, he's going to KILL JACOB! Well, actually he's not going to kill Jacob, he's going to have Ben kill Jacob. And in the end it works, but the thing is, it isn't really Locke, because the "What lies in the Shadow of the Statue" People have LOCKE'S BODY! So Locke didn't really kill Jacob.
Oh yeah, by the way, we know what Jacob looks like now, and technically so do Jack, Kate, Sayid, Sun, Jin, Hurley and Locke before hand. He is also apparently a Flannery Conner fan, but knowing how many literary references there are in this show it's probably safe to presume that Jacob is ridiculously well read. Also, there is somebody else, who well will call Anti-Jacob, or Not Locke because that is the guy who was doing a very convincing Locke impression. Anti-Jacob and Jacob meet in the first bit of the show and have a nice friendly conversation about how Anti-Jacob would really like to kill Jacob one of these days, and how Jacob has gone and brought an old ship, presumably the Black Rock, to the Island. Also, the statue is off Tawaret, who is a really not nice Egyptian Goddess.
So, In Conclusion...
  • Jack went and rewrote history so now Oceanic Flight 815 did not crash on the island.
  • Locke is not Island Jesus, it was just Anti-Jacob.
My theory.
  • Jacob is God
  • Desmond, whom as Faraday explained the rules of time do not apply too, is going to be really pissed at Jack if he remembers this, because for all we know Penny hasn't even been born.
  • The show has not jumped the shark, because that is what I thought with the whole Oceanic 6 thing and that turned out pretty well.
  • Richard was on that boat.
  • And finally, I still think that the end of the show is going to end with a talk between Jack and his father and/or Jacob made up mostly of non-sequiters. I am fine with them not answering all the questions, in fact I'd really rather they left a few unanswered ones for the fans to figure out.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Job Search Update

Yesterday was a day of job searching, or at least dropping of resumes at various resturaunts. I think the main reasons I'm looking into resturaunts is that it was what my parents suggested. I'm a sucker for doing what my parents say. This is probubly a positive or negative trait depending on who you are. On the one hand, I could be living under my parents wings to much, but on the other end they do have good advise most of the time. Like "When your in a social situation, watch people and do what they do," or "Get out of my room, it's 2:30 in the morning."
Rowan, who is one of my older friends, gave me alot of ideas when we ran into each other. He's saying that since I'm so good at using words I should find a job with a newspaper or at City Hall or something like that. He also suggested that I hook up with one of those stores in town that sells bracelets and stuff and busk, which sounded cool but I think I'll try something else since I don't think it can get me to the kind of money I'd like. The paper ideas sound like a good idea. Rowan also said that I'm a really good wordsmith, which is nice because I was worrying about that.
Today, I am hanging out at Revel, not that I have anything I can buy food with or anyone to meet, but because this is the only place my laptop gets internet and I'm guying Itunes music. I'm trying to decide whether I should get a Tom Waits album or an Andrea Gibson album. On the one hand, I have alot of Tom Waits albums and nothing by Andrea Gibson, but on the other I really like this album, by Dad has it on vinyl and I like liseaning to it. But again, this album is available on vinyl, and I may be getting tired of it as it is. Also, I don't have alot of spoken word stuff, just two albums by Burroughs and an album of Kerouac that also features his bad singing. I could have bought both, but I also bought a Billy Childish album, since I have had my eye on that for a long time. I still don't know which one to choose, so I'm going to leave this blog and get back to that problem. See you folks latter.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Death and Ego

Still haven't gotten a job, but that can all be blamed on the fact I haven't gotten up to do it. My writing has slowed down, which is also due to my own laziness. I seem to be better at writing down ideas then stories. I'm also coming down with a stuffy nose, which hasen't stopped me from dropping by my favorite cafe and drinking a nice warm cup of hot chocolate.
Well, besides the stuffy nose there isn't that much I can talk about. I went to the funeral of a friend's relative, but I'm not going to go into that because it's not really my business and it certainly isn't yours (unless you are said friends, in which case you know what I'm talking about). And while I was there I began thinking about death. Death is something I think about, specifically my death, late at night. The fact that one day I won't exist anymore is a bit bothersome and scary. I'm very used to having at least some awareness about what is going on in the world around me and the fact that one day this will all just stop scares me. Also, there is the fact that I'll miss my own funeral, and generally I like things that are about me. Since funerals are all about the dead person, I'd be missing out on one of the few times that it is all about me. That ticks me off, because I'm a very egocentric person.
Which brings me up to other bit of internal life news. I'm realizing that I can be a pretty self-absourbed person sometimes. I mean, I'm not an egocentric jerk all the time, I think. The problem in all this is at somepoint in my life, after I have reached the first milestone of living on my own I want to have a girlfriend, maybe even a wife. If I am to do this I'm going to have to become less egocentric, as I'm going to have to live with another human being for a longtime. Maybe I'm getting to far ahead in my development. Ah, maybe I should just stop talking about all this before I give to much away to the trolls.
Well, all I can say for now is that things are looking up. I am feeling better emotionally and my nose is feeling better as well, maybe because I took some Reactin earlier, but other then that I don't know.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Performance Poetry and Me

I just wrote what, aside from "Anarchy Baby," may be my first poem in the performance poetry tradition, which when all is said and done may be the one form of poetry that I have the most experience with. I got my real interest in poetry from liseaning to Indeefeed: Performance Poetry, which I have linked to my blog. As such, I've been thinking that I may try and become a performance poet. I'm still going to write poetry, but I am also thinking that if I can find any, I might try my hand at the poetry slam. (Is it just me or is my writing starting to have a more distinct flow?)
It may not be that I'll be good at slams, but it may just be that this is where I have learned how poetry works, and the reason I though hey I should get involved in poetry because this is cool. And I am starting to get the style, and it is remaining my own. At least, Nora, who heard the poem, called "LEADS Employment Services," said that she liked it, because she likes my writing, so I figure that it sounds like me. It always makes me feel good to write a poem, because I usually write poetry in one go, but I think it over in my head and decide that this is what the poem is going to be about. Sometimes I go back and edit, but not often, maybe because I don't write much poetry. I think I'll write more later, I even have two ideas I'd like to get started on. Nora suggested a project that we can work on, which could lead to my first publication in an actual book. How great would that be? I'm even thinking of recording some of my poetry and sending it over to Indeefeed: Performance Poetry. I've been toying with that idea for awhile, and with this boost of confidence from Nora, I think I may be able to do it. I'll have to check with a friend who I know has recording equipment. I hope I can get on Indeefeed, because that would be one of the high points of my life so far, and when I'm on my death bed I could probubly consider it one of the top ten points of my life, but since I'm only nineteen I'd have to wait awhile to be sure. It would certainly be up there with my first kiss and the time "Cattle Man's Folly," was first published.
So finally, I'd like to bring up the fact that as soon as I'm done publishing this, I am going to send a link to this to Mongo, the guy who runs Indeefeed, so he can read this. I just checked his website and noticed that he hasn't had any comments on the blog for awhile. I know how it feels when people don't comment on your blog for a long time, and I want him to know that things are alright and that he is doing important things. So Mongo, when your reading this, thank you for all you have done. I hope to be on your podcast someday. Keep up the good work.

Beau Sia is from the FUTURE!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Blogging has a new form, and that form is twitter. From my understanding, twitter is like a normal blog except a shorter format and more famous people. I just discovered Neil Gaiman is on the twitter. Some people have even become twitter addicts, i.e. people who cannot help tweeting, a tweet being a post on twitter, or someone who is on the tweeter. I don't know, because I'm not getting involved in this. I prefer the long ranting format that blogs allow. I was hoping to go longer, but I don't think that this is all I can manage at the moment. Well, at least it's longer then a twitter post.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Writing yer blaa-blaas out

I went to the cafe today, mainly since I may or may not be getting involved in Roger's exhibition. I sat there fiddling away on my laptop and didn't really get anything done, except look up stuff on how to write a murder mystery and an interesting story that could turn into a murder mystery at a later time. I never really got to talking about how I might get involved in this exhibition, since Roger suggested that I could do some poetry because of how he was impressed with my Manifesto. In the end we didn't talk that much. Roger's a pretty quite guy, and I don't think I can do a reading at his show anyways. I don't have anything prepared and I can't think of anything appropriate to read.
In the department of writing, my novella seems to be coming along. I'm going to have to edit it up on a different computer then my laptop though, because I simply don't have the ability to properly edit it on my laptop because the mouse won't let me cut and past on the word processor. Along with this, I also want to get started on another short story, and while I'm editing my novella I can write something shorter. I don't have an idea. I'm toying with writing a Jack Monsairty story, but I see the Monsairty stories as primarily mysteries. Maybe I should try writing something about Jack that isn't a mystery, just a straight up story. I can't have him detecting all the time.
I also talked to Rowan, and he suggested I just write little sketches of characters. I've written two I think are alright based on characters for WoD games I've toyed with making. He suggested I write about actual people, and I may do that at some point soon. At the moment I just feel a bit inadequate. Maybe it's because I woke up so late and I have been rained on. Anyways, I'm going to type this up therapeutically to see if I can't get something out of this.
As I spoke of last post, I want to write metaphysical mysteries. These will be most prevalent in two novels I have planned, which will both be mysteries of a sort, but before that I'd like to get a handle on the mystery-genre. I want to try my hand at writing a mystery or to before I get onto those novels. But now that I think about it, I don't really want to write a mystery at all. The mystery format tends alot towards plot, and I want to concentrate just on the character. The mystery seems to be a hollow puzzle (was it Ms. Scarlett in the Library with a pipe wrench?) where as the questions I want to ask are more metaphysical (Is Modernist Jesus real or is he just a prank of Gertrude Stein and a secret cabal of critics?). But also, the Big Novel is a murder mystery, but it's also a bit straight forward as the reader knows what happened before we even get to it. I might not even introduce the novel until page 150, where as in a traditional murder mystery you have the murder in the first 50 pages, and not know who the killer was unless it's Colombo or something. I'm also worried I might start relying to much on the mystery plot structure and I don't want to be seen as a mystery writer, I want to be scene as a writer of Great Literature who just so happens to write the odd mystery, but in a Borges-Eco sort of way.
Ah, this isn't helping. I'm going to shut this off and leave you here.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Manifesto and Mystery

Yesterday I meant to talk about my first real attempt to start an art movement. I think that I may have gotten somewhere at Waterloo, but I'm starting to think that my hometown can be a much better place to start because I know more writers and artists here.
Basically, I'm working on a Manifesto, a Magic Naturalist Manifesto. I don't want to get to involved just yet, but I already talked to two friends. Let's call them Roger and Rowan. Roger is a painter I've known for awhile and when I showed him what I have done for the Manifesto he was very impressed. We then ran into Rowan, who's a retired actor and a sort of elder statesmen of the local poets, at least in my opinion. He didn't like the idea of a Manifesto as such, so I doubt he'll sign it. I appreciate that, since in the Beat Generation of my life, Rowan fills a posistion somewhat akin to William S. Burroughs, except without the drugs and the homo-sadism, which is a good thing.
I'm not going to get to much into Magic Naturalism, except that it is my first attempt at a form of Remodernist Literature. In the end it will probubly only apply to myself, but Roger is pretty interested in it and I think I may have set something off. I've been interested in writing a Manifesto ever since I read the Remodernist one, and if I ever get this into a legitimate movement with people in it besides me and Roger, I may try setting up a magazine. I may just end up editting a major magazine as "The Magic Naturalist Issue," which according to a podcast I liseaned to on starting your own poetry movement should have four really good poets or writers, which can (and will) include me, as well as commentary. The commentary may just be my copy of the Magic Naturalist Manifesto. But again, this is only being made as a pattern that I can follow. Remodernism, while a great idea, lakes the neccesary structure that I find neccesary, not that Magic Naturalism is structured, it's just a list of ideas about writing and art and things like that.
I am thinking about writing in the mystery genre, at least as a format, but I'm not sure I want to write murder mysteries. I have a few ideas for murder mysteries, but I'd like to try something more like Chesterton's "The Man Who Was Thursday," which isn't really a murder mystery, no one is murdered, but I would like to do something that is pretty heavy on the metaphysics. To do this I realize I need to read a lot of mysteries. I'm going to try and read as much Chesterton as I can. So far I've only read seven Chesterton stories, one book "The Club of Queer Trades," which was amusing and a Father Brown story called "The Resurrection of Father Brown." I think that Chesterton's prose can be a bit...Edwardian let's say, so I may just try reading other things. I still have two Rex Stout novels I need to read, and I do enjoy Rex Stout's writing style.