Hey Taz
N says:
hey Dylan!
N says:
long time no talk!
David says:
Yeah, how are you?
N says:
I'm okay
David says:
Well, I'm doing alright myself
David says:
Still no job, but I'm half-way through the Brothers Karamazov
David says:
And I'm trying to work on the 1920s Mage game
N says:
I've also gotten my GURPS Psionics game off the ground
David says:
David says:
So how is the job search in Dubai?
N says:
David says:
I'm not doing that good on my end either
N says:
David says:
I did do some final edits on a short story I wrote recently
David says:
You want me to email you a copy?
N says:
David says:
Sending it now
N says:
David says:
Did you get it?
N says:
N says:
got it!
David says:
David says:
You can read that whenever you want
David says:
Be sure to email me after
David says:
I'd like your opinion
David says:
Hey, did my advise give you any help on your game?
N says:
a bit!
David says:
How did it help?
N says:
It helped me absorb the lesson that fringe groups tend to occur in large quantities and be filled with assorted craziness
N says:
no offence
N says:
I had this issue where I treat everything as a monolithic entity
N says:
"Big Business" etc. etc.
David says:
I was hoping to be more use then that
N says:
I suppose you were, but I've come to the conclusion that I might have to cut down on my already way too layered plot
N says:
my friends aren't exactly the kind who'll get all the symbolism
David says:
David says:
I'd love that
David says:
If I could manage it, I'd create a game layered with symbolism
David says:
I might do that with the Mage game, but it will probubly try to do it subtlelly
N says:
David says:
If the players get the symbolism I'll give them extra experience points
N says:
right now, I've already got lots of government conspiracy groups like MKULTRA and Majestic in the picture
N says:
lots of Aztec and Gnostic bits
David says:
So, on the subject of 1920s Mage, your playing a Polish Jewish Mage who is trying to prevent the Apocalypse
N says:
David says:
Your character's career is a grocer
N says:
I have not been paying nearly enough attention to that, actually
N says:
David says:
What exactly is your character's belief system
N says:
a family business
N says:
not very religious; sticks with it just for the community aspect
David says:
Alright, I'm probubly going to mix in some traditional Jewish elements to his Awakening
David says:
Two parents, single child, right?
N says:
yeah, that'll work
David says:
David says:
How exactly is your character going to work this through by the way?
David says:
I'm going to be taking him across the world
David says:
Most of Europe, New York, may even send you to Egypt or Tibet or something
N says:
I'm not sure what you mean by 'how is he going to work this through'
David says:
The grocer thing
David says:
If you like he can have a brother or something like that
N says:
He's probably going to be a Warlock, and at his awakening, he might abandon his grocery store for a pilgrimage
David says:
N says:
I like the warlock bit because that allows some Kfitzat Haderech jewish symbology methinks
N says:
In Torah study and Jewish folklore, kefitzat haderech is the ability to jump instantaneously from one place to another or travel with unnatural speed. The term is originally found in Midrashim to explain anomalies of travel in the Hebrew Bible. In East European Jewish folktales, especially those associated with the Hasidic movement, kefitzat haderech was utilized by various revered holy men.
David says:
N says:
essentially, Torah teleportation
David says:
David says:
This could be handy
N says:
if you liked that, there's also a Islamic reference
N says:
something called "Tay Al Ard"
N says:
which literally translates to "the folding of space"
N says:
sounds like science fiction
N says:
I love it
David says:
This is pretty cool
David says:
I'll have to remember it
David says:
Already there
David says:
I'm giving a character in my mythos this abbility
David says:
It woudl be really handy for him
N says:
N says:
also, I am having a devil of a time actually downloading your story from the email
David says:
David says:
I'll send you another email that has it in the format
David says:
So what is your character's personality going to be like?
N says:
I'm wondering about that actually
David says:
YOu may have to wait for my short story
N says:
I want to play something different (editors note, my friend usually plays violent characters. Last time we were in a game his character shot a cop in the face in the first session)
N says:
David says:
N says:
perhaps a pacifist
David says:
N says:
less killing people, more psychic-assisted diplomacy and scrying and teleportation and stuff
David says:
So what order are you going to join?
N says:
I'm thinking the Guardians of the Veil (The Guardians of the Veil are an order of Mage spies, think CIA only with magic)
N says:
its the group that our characters are the most antagonistic with, by principle
N says:
and I think I can make a character who'll be attracted to that
David says:
David says:
Sounds like a good idea
David says:
Now I need to figure out how I'm going to put the game together
N says:
N says:
good luck
David says:
I have an endgame in mind, I just need to figure out how exactly I'm going to get there
David says:
Since I want to put the game in 1923 or something like that and end towards the end of 1945
N says:
David says:
So the characters will age 22 years in that time
David says:
Sort of seperate it into various chapters by year
David says:
Then stop, give the characters a certain number of experience points and see what happens next year, say 1927
N says:
N says:
makes sense
David says:
You have any idea what I should do with the first one?
David says:
I'm thinking that I'll start in Paris
N says:
I am clueless ;_;
David says:
Probubly for the best
David says:
I'm actually thinking of overlapping this with my mythos
David says:
So you'll meet a few characters from my own writing
N says:
N says:
David says:
I don't know how they'll work exactly
David says:
But you'll meet a couple in the first chapter
N says:
David says:
I think I got an idea of what to do first
N says:
don't spill!
N says:
that'll spoil D:
David says:
Don't worry
David says:
I wont
David says:
I like this idea to much
N says:
David says:
I just wish I knew what other characters I was dealing with
David says:
Then I could make it more rounded
N says:
N says:
I bet that another PC will be some neo-nazi silver ladder mage
N says:
N says:
and we'll have such good times together.
David says:
I'll have to reject that
N says:
David says:
The character can be anti-semetic, but he won't be a member of the National Socialist Party
N says:
David says:
It would be to annoying
N says:
and we'd probably be at each other's throats
David says:
Unless we had another character who could act as peacemaker
N says:
except I suppose being the pacifist makes ME the peacemaker
David says:
David says:
Still, wish I had a better idea of what the other players would be
N says:
David says:
What would you think about starting the game in Paris
David says:
So I can basically start the game off in a "You Were There" sort of vein
N says:
N says:
David says:
So do you have any reason your character would be at the apartement of one Gertrude Stein
David says:
here's a link
David says:
N says:
not really :/
N says:
you'll have to provide me one
David says:
I'll give you contact with someone who can help you with your mission with the Holocaust
David says:
Don't worry, I know just the guy
N says:
David says:
Well, I think I got a handle on your character
David says:
Just wish I could get a handle on everyone elses
David says:
That woudl really help me get this game going
N says:
N says:
who else are playing?
David says:
Don't know yet
David says:
I asked Shaun to email me about anyone who would be interested
N says:
David says:
I think that this is how I'm going to run games
David says:
I start out with a basic idea "Let's have a Mage Game set in the 1920s!"
David says:
Then everyone makes a charatcer
David says:
Then I work on a plot around that
David says:
I think this is a good stategy
N says:
N says:
David says:
Hey, can I use a bit of our conversation here for a blog post?
N says:
David says:
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