Friday, September 28, 2007

September 2007 Blogthings

You Are 16% Emo
You're the furthest thing from emo. Sensitivity is not something you exactly cultivate... and you can't imagine weeping over song lyrics.

You Should Play the Accordion
You are eccentric, funky, wacky... definitely one of a kind.People have trouble putting you in any one particular category. You definitely have your own thing going on.
You are a born entertainer. No wonder you'd be perfect as an one man (or one woman) band.Your musical influences likely cross all genres - and blend together in a very unusual way.
While you are definitely offbeat, you also enjoy tradition and influences from the past.It's just your style to take an old fashioned instrument like the accordion and make it uniquely yours.
Your dominant personality characteristic: your total inhibition
Your secondary personality characteristic: your interest in obscure activities and subjects

These things are getting more and more feminine, so I don't do them. Maybe I'm becoming to insecure about my masculinity.

On Alejandro Jodorowsky

First of all, I can never remember this guys name. I had to copy it down from Wikipedia. I really should because he may just be one of the most important people alive today.
Why does Alejandro Jodorowsky deserve such praise you ask? Why does he matter? What does he do? Well, he makes movies. I've only seen El Topo, which is a movie about a gunfighter trying to attain enlightenment. It completely blew my mind. If you look him up on Wikipedia (click on the title to learn more about him), you'll see he also does alot of other cool stuff. He reads Tarot cards and is a scholar of comparitive religion, both of which are things I see myself as doing at some point. He also almost made a movie out of Dune, which would have been cool but Hollywood sabotaged it because it was to French. I really should make a secret brotherhood of movie makers in Hollywood villains in a novel someday.
Anyway, what I really mean to say is El Topo, while freaking me out in some places, is one of my favorite movies. I think elements of it have worked there way into The Last Dance Revolution and probubly most of my other works too. So when they decide to write down all the people who I'm inspired by Alejandro Jodorowsky will probubly be high on that list.
Anyway, I have decided Alejandro Jodorowsky is know one of my favorite human beings. That's all I have to say.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Apparently there was no monkey envolved in the Scopes Monkey Trial

So my EA is back. I wasn't paying enough attention in Philosophy, so I suppose I deserve it. But if I'm really good for the next six days she'll go. At first it was five, but five is one of the special numbers and I didn't know if that was a good omen or not. I thought it wasn't, but I'm having doubts at the moment.
On the subject of Philosophy, I have to write an essay about what a certain philosopher (Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, John Locke or David Hume) would think of the theory of evolution. I'm thinking about doing either Rene Descartes or David Hume because I feel I've got a good handle on them, mainly since John Locke is hard to read. I also had to read alot on the Scopes Monkey Trial, which was a big thing on evolution being taught in the American South during the 1920's. It was a pretty interesting account, since to me it looked like few of the people involved even cared about evolution except for the people who where against it and even then the major players had ulterior motives.
And there was no monkey testifying at the trial. There where a bunch of people who brought performing monkeys and said they would be testifying in the trial. They did have an article about a super-intellegent Chimpanzee from the future named Cornelius, but it was dismissed because the concept of a civilization of intellegent apes went against the Bible. As did the theory of a civilization of human degenerates who live underground and worship a bomb.
And that's all I can write for now because I am know bored.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Screwed-up Japanese Movie

The good news is I am not completely desensitized to violence! The bad news is I'm going to have nightmares about Japanese school kids brutally murdering themselves for months.
I was going to Art class ahead of time, which meant that the cartoon and comic club would be there. Usually they watch harmless stuff which I can handle, such as Popeye or the Animatrix, but today they where watching Battle Royale, which is about a bunch of Japanese School kids who are forced to fight each other to death on an island until only one survives. It is very brutal and there are a bunch of kids who die in very painful ways. I didn't enjoy it and after they turned it off I had to ask for some hugs and I'm still all wound up about it.
On a lighter note I was worried that I was becoming desensitized to media violence. So I suppose seeing this movie wasn't all bad.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Passed by Ruric's old house today and I got all lonely again.
I don't know why I'm posting this. I just felt I needed to post. Probubly because it's the 19th and that whole special numbers thing I've got. God that's a stupid concept.
Well, that's it. Be seeing you.

Monday, September 17, 2007

They cancelled Little Steven's Underground Garage so know I have to listen to archived shows that is if my little sister isn't on the computer. DAMN!

Recently, Little Steven's Underground Garage has ceased to be played on my local radio. As I am a big fan of this particular radio program, I am greatly disappointed. I should probably call them about it. Anyway, this has caused a great change in my calendar. On Sundays, when I knew that I would be able to listen to Little Steven's Underground Garage and I wouldn't feel so bad. Now, I just lay in my bed and await the inevitable. Come to think of it, listening to Little Steven's Underground Garage is probably one of the ten top ways I would like to die.
Does this mean that I can't listen to Little Steven's Underground Garage? No, I can listen to archived shows on the Internet (see link). But I have to listen to it the moment I get home because my sister tends to bring a friend home most days, thus interrupting the episode. Except for today when I forgot to put it on. So know I have to wait until tomorrow because I also have a mind load of philosophy homework.
School has been going well. I'm bonding with alot of people at the art table and I'm going to get on to my first piece of art "The Extinction of the First Kingdom of Yazan," this week. I also need to figure out what my next pieces of art will be.
Well, that's all I care to mention today. Be seeing you.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Posting for the heck of it

School has been going along pretty well. I've got myself into a routine that suits me. I have learned a good deal about philosophy which is fun. Art class is looking to be a pretty high mountain to climb though. I've been working on a piece called "The Extinction of the First Kingdom of Yazan." I want it to have a bit of realism but I'm not seeing myself as a realistic painter. I just want the perspective of the body to be right, which I'm having a problem with.
Then I have to figure out what I'm going to do with my second piece, since I need a second piece. I'm not sure what to do, probubly something that connects to "Extinction". Maybe something to do with Ilsethan and Lucifer, since that is the other half of whatever book of my mythology this is (The one dealing with the beginning of the Conflict). I just don't know how to work that out.
Okay, I can't blog much longer bye.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Academic 4 Life

Well, yesterday was the first day of school. Things are going pretty good you know, I have a good classes, two of them and with my two favorite teachers. I got the teacher I had for Writer's Craft last year for Philosophy which is good because she's cool and on my same wave length. I'm also doing 6 pieces of art for art class dealing with my mythos.
I have been talking with my parents and it looks like I'm going to spend most of my life in an academic environment. I got bored out of my skull without the structure of an academic environment during the summer, I don't know how I will react to having myself seperated from school. I talked it over with my parents who figure I should take four years at Wilfred Laurier and then get a masters degree from the U of T (University of Toronto). Then I could just work as a university librarian and work on my books.
Well, I guess that's enough. I should probubly be getting to class.