Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Academic 4 Life

Well, yesterday was the first day of school. Things are going pretty good you know, I have a good classes, two of them and with my two favorite teachers. I got the teacher I had for Writer's Craft last year for Philosophy which is good because she's cool and on my same wave length. I'm also doing 6 pieces of art for art class dealing with my mythos.
I have been talking with my parents and it looks like I'm going to spend most of my life in an academic environment. I got bored out of my skull without the structure of an academic environment during the summer, I don't know how I will react to having myself seperated from school. I talked it over with my parents who figure I should take four years at Wilfred Laurier and then get a masters degree from the U of T (University of Toronto). Then I could just work as a university librarian and work on my books.
Well, I guess that's enough. I should probubly be getting to class.


Anonymous said...

Ah but an aspie who can make a profession of their obsession often makes a impression

Good luck to you mate

Anonymous said...

Good information...keep it flowing