Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Apparently there was no monkey envolved in the Scopes Monkey Trial

So my EA is back. I wasn't paying enough attention in Philosophy, so I suppose I deserve it. But if I'm really good for the next six days she'll go. At first it was five, but five is one of the special numbers and I didn't know if that was a good omen or not. I thought it wasn't, but I'm having doubts at the moment.
On the subject of Philosophy, I have to write an essay about what a certain philosopher (Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, John Locke or David Hume) would think of the theory of evolution. I'm thinking about doing either Rene Descartes or David Hume because I feel I've got a good handle on them, mainly since John Locke is hard to read. I also had to read alot on the Scopes Monkey Trial, which was a big thing on evolution being taught in the American South during the 1920's. It was a pretty interesting account, since to me it looked like few of the people involved even cared about evolution except for the people who where against it and even then the major players had ulterior motives.
And there was no monkey testifying at the trial. There where a bunch of people who brought performing monkeys and said they would be testifying in the trial. They did have an article about a super-intellegent Chimpanzee from the future named Cornelius, but it was dismissed because the concept of a civilization of intellegent apes went against the Bible. As did the theory of a civilization of human degenerates who live underground and worship a bomb.
And that's all I can write for now because I am know bored.


Steph said...

I think that'd be a rather interesting essay to write actually. I might even do that for the fun of it.

Dylan said...

I'll post mine when I'm finished