Friday, December 18, 2009

Could this be the end of The Aspie Diaries?

Very probably.
I am very tempted to just go on about how shitty I feel at the moment, and despite the fact it's almost Christmas I'm not feeling alot of that cheer. I have been working on my final exam, the one for the Jesus class and it has largely been driving me nuts. Or more likely not getting enough time to write it has been driving me nuts. Much worse is that my sleep patterns are off, my schedule is a mess and I'm not blogging as much as I should.
Which brings me to what I was thinking about doing for awhile, starting a new blog. I'm not the same person I was when I started writing this thing, and to be honest most of this blog feels like dead weight to me. Maybe a new refreshing blog is just what I need right now.
So for the next few days I'll be getting this stupid paper done and coming up with a new blog to replace "the Aspie Diaries." I'll still keep this blog up and officially my last post will be an announcement that the new blog is up and running. I hope that this new blog will help me rediscover my passion for internet journalism.


Jason said...

Cheer up Dylan! Sounds to me like you are near the end of a long fermentation process. Time to examine your vessel, to filter out the good stuff and chuck the gunk.

Any artist has to reinvent himself from time to time... Love the beard!

Desperately looking forward to your first hermetpunk novel.

Dylan said...

Thanks for the advise Jason. I appreciate your reading.

Loved the last episode by the way.