Sunday, December 28, 2008

You Can Never Go Home

For most of what has been the Holiday Season, I have not felt in the holiday spirit. I have been, for the most part nervous and edgie. My socials skills have not been the best and a few times I have been rude. When this happens this usually means I'm uncomfortable. I discussed this with my parents and they said that technically I have no home at the moment. I'm on the verge of moving out, though I do come home on weekends, but either way when I stay to long I begin to miss the other place. I had the same problem during exams with serious homesickness, at one point I didn't even want to go back to University but I don't want to live at my old home either.
So anyways, as with all Christmas posts, I'm going to give a list of all the stuff I got. Since I had only two things that I praticularly wanted, and I got both of those I suppose it was a good year. I might not ask for anything next Christmas, but that dosn't seem likely. So here's the list
  • The Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky box set
  • Carnivale Season 2
  • The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse
  • Hiro Bobblehead
  • A Confession, by Leo Tolstoy
  • A book about books
  • Two note books
  • New Pencils
  • The Traditional Terry's Chocolate Orange
  • Three sweaters
  • 25 dollars worth of Itunes I have yet to spend
  • The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman

That's all I can remember, but I like lists and this is something that I do at Christmas and Birthdays or when I buy used books.


Anonymous said...

Hey what about the Dude abides tshirt. We all thought it was awesome and would even wear it out in public.

Dylan said...

Sorry about that.