Wednesday, January 31, 2007

After Exams

So yesterday I went to a local coffee place called Shenanigans. I have heard much of this place from some of my schoolmates, and since I have nothing better to do what with exams over I decided to go. Well, I went and happened to run into some guys I'm on freindly terms with. We played some pool and had a good time.
This was a big thing for me, because as many of you should know, I spend alot of my time being very lonely. My mom was very happy when I told her about this, and it is looking like Shenanigan's may be a good place for me to hang out. I get to play pool and they have good music. The only problem is that Shenanigan's is closing because of financial problems. I'm thinking of helping them out by doing a collage. I am confident in my abbility to make a collage, but I will need access to a digital camera. Maybe I can talk my sister into letting me borrow her camera If not, I'm sure mom can talk her into it, since she cares about my social life.
So, what with exams over I have spent most of my time walking around town. I picked up volume two of Transmetropolitan, which I must say is better then the first volume. Most of it is one issue stories dealing with the world of Spider Jerusalem. Oh, sorry, I apologize, many of you people may not be familiar with this, allow me to summarize.
Transmetropolitan is a comic book series about Spider Jerusalem, a gonzo journalist who lives (against his will) in the futuristic city, The City. Spider has been torn away from his hideout in the Mountains because of two books he owes his editor. Spider must now put up with his editor, his publisher, legions of fans, The Beast (President of the United States) and pretty much everyone else because, SPIDER HATES MOST EVERYBODY!
Well, Volume 2 is for the most part a bunch of issues dealing with various aspects of Spider's world. In these one issue stories we encounter various aspects of Spider's universe, such as Television, Religion, and cultural reservations located about the place. It finished of with a three-part series in which Spider has to deal with a bunch of people who want to kill him, including a vengeful bulldog who Spider had nudered, and his ex-wife who has become a brain in a jar to be recomishioned when Spider is dead.
I have to say, that this is one of the best graphic novels in my current collection. I'd place it on three, two being the first few issues of Hellblazer, which has some killer social commentary, and number one being V for Vendetta, which just rocks. Still, Transmetropolitan Volume 2, Lust for Life, is a great book for it's social satire, dark humour, and the really cool futuristic world.
Okay, that's all.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Grand Canyon Creation Theories, or why my religion kicks everyone else's religion's buts

You guys are going to love this. Turns out that the Grand Canyon isn't allowed to have books about how the canyon naturally formed over millions of years, BUT it is allowed to have books about how the Grand Canyon was formed during Noah's flood. Oh, this is going to be fun. Do you know what time it is kiddies?
The Voices of a thousand happy children: MASS CONCERVATIVE CONSPIRACY THEORY TIME!
That's right kiddies. Isn't this priceless, isn't it? I mean this is just a juicy excuse to beat up on the Religious Right. So what's the major complaint here? Well, it could be that they are only selling one thing theory. The people at the grand canyon should be having a whole bunch of theories, not just one (which is probubly wrong anyway).
And why do we have this problem? Because of Dogma. No not the movie Dogma, that was good. I mean the pointless rules we all follow for no reason. Let's face it, the idea of the entire world being drowned by a vengeful God is neither pleasent nor practical. I mean come on, the only decent people in the world were Noah, his wife, and there three sons and there son's wives? (Or maybe just Noah and his sons, this is still before feminism remember). And the entire world was destroyed in a flood? This isn't painting a pretty picture for God. This is making God seem like a bastard. If this is God then you religious freaks can have that bastard. And if that's the way things actually are then God can go to hell (or I can go to hell, whatever comes first). I refuse to worship a God who thinks on that level.
So, to tick of the Religious Right and the Bush adminstration, I hearbye declare a new religion, which will be placed above all other religions. And this religion will be called My Religion, and it will dictate that all religions are bogus and that all religions are part of the one real religion in which everything is united into an ultra cool stew of spirituality and imagination. And yes, I stole alot of this from reading Alan Moore's Promethea and yes, I'm very sure that the Sufi's beat me to this, but I'm still declaring the creation of My Religion.
Since I have no declared my own religion I will know be excepting converts. Entry into my religion will be simple, first you find a bunch of stuff in New Age books, science ficion novels and other random stuff and declare that your religion. The key here is not to really believe it, what you are currently believing is just a way to make you a better person, your not suppose to kill anyone about it. (NOTE: Once you add your bits of the religion, it becomes Your Religion, not My Religion. You may call it my religion, but it will no longer be My Religion) Also, have fun with it. Make up really weird gods and stuff like the Giant Spagetti Monster and Naos and make T-shirts of them. If your local chapter of the Pseudo-religious Chirtian Consevative Conspiracy makes some big fuse about something, then go over and give a big rant about your crazy gods that you don't take seriously. Here, I'll show you how it's done.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS! HELLO! I AM THE WRITER! I HAVE COME WITH A MESSAGE FROM HIS DIVINE GROOVINESS NAOS BEN-DAVID, THE TRICKSTER KING AND LORD OVER ALL THE PUBLIC BATHROOMS! (I'm yelling like a crazy person at the moment. This is key, so that they can see how loud and crazy you are. If you have a megaphone that would help to. Keep in mind I am making all of this up as I go, so that way I seem even more weird and crazy). Naos says that the Grand Canyon WASN'T created by EROSION. NOR was it created by NOAH AND HIS FLOOD THINGIE! THE GRAND CANYON WAS CREATED BY NAOS! YES, I say, NAOS created the Grand Canyon.
WHO is NAOS, You say? WHY young girl, NAOS is that guy who you saw busking out in front of some building, but you didn't give him any money because you didn't know it was NAOS. NAOS is that guy who sits at the back of the room and laughs because he is NAOS! Why, I AM NAOS! AND SO ARE YOU! AND YOU! AND YOU! not you. BUT YOU ARE! WE ARE ALL NAOS! except that guy there. I don't know who he is. who are you?
um, frank.
no we didn't
SILENCE! THEY ARE THERE! (point to small bit of dog poo in some grass) IN THE DOG POO!
(this is a refrence to some Taoist and Zen philosophers saying that enlightenment lay in poo. I don't think they were being literal, as much as they were trying to make a point that everything is holy, including your own excriment. I shall continue)
YES. They are in the poo. Do you all see the poo? Everyone look at the poo. Everyone line up and be careful not to step in it. LEAST YOU BE SMITENATED! Yes, see the poo of holiness.
Okay, that's it. I'm stopping know. I believe that I have blown there minds enough. That is all I have to say about that.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Am I a bad freind?

So I was chating with Steph and there were a few interuptions and such. During this time I waited for Steph to reply, usually by typing little messages. Then for some reason I went to Steph's blog and read this.
I'm not sure if I actually get this message. It makes me feel guilty. I feel like I'm not being a good enough freind to Steph. I enjoy having a conversation with Steph, and I'm sorry if I made it feel like I was tryin to intrude to much into her own life, which is basically what I was doing. I feel a need to talk to Steph because I like talking to her. I wasn't really thinking about Steph, or at least I was, just not in the right way. I also didn't mean to be rude or anything. I picked up that I may have sounded rude. I didn't mean to. I just have difficulty in conversation, face-to-face or internet apparently.
I'm really, really sorry if I made you feel bad Steph.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

But Math Class is Hard!

You know that old talking barbie they hade pulled of the shelves because she said "Math class is hard."? Apparently feminist groups had this whole thing about this making little girls believe that women weren't good at math. First off, what is the deal with this? Why are we making Barbie the avatar of Western womans? Why do we need an avatar of western women? And why can't we just presume that Barbie wasn't good at math and that's it. Math class is hard!
So, I was just thinking about the Big Christian Novel where Satan decides to gain redemption. I was thinking that many elements in said novel would potentially insult some of the Religious Right. The basic issues are not exactly traditional, what with Jesus and God being at odds, Satan looking for some kind of redemption and a gay couple that just so happens to be an angel and a demon. But on the other hand, having Satan going on a quest for redemption in the eyes of God, or at least the New Guy (i.e. Jesus) could possibly insult Satanists. This would be an interesting phenomenon to actually have Fundamentalist Christians and Satanists united in there loathing of a novel. I mean, what would happen if they were to go to the same protest? Maybe I should work that into the novel somewhere.
On the subject of Christian Mythology style literature (We need a name for that, Religious Fantasy maybe). I guy at Moorcock's Miscellany, the Michael Moorcock forum I frequent, suggested I read the graphic novel series Preacher. Preacher is the story about a small town Preacher named Jesse Custer who suddenly finds himself possessed by the product of a union between an angel and a demon that gives him super-human powers of persuation, so he goes on a quest to find God and make him pay for making such a screwed up creation. It sounded like an interesting series. It was written by a guy called Garth Ennis, who was part of the British comics invasion started by Alan Moore, and I have read alot of good stuff by those guys so I might as well pick it up next time I'm at the book vault.

The Son of the January Blogthings

Your Stress Level is: 47%

You are somewhat prone to stress, especially when life gets hard.
When things are good, you resist stressing over little problems.
But when things are difficult, you tend to freak out and find it hard to calm down.

You Should Paint Your Room Purple

Sophisticated and exotic, purple can also be a deeply comforting color.
Your purple room will inspire you to trust yourself more and go with your intuition.
Purple has also been known to facilitate healing and a feeling of protection.

Your Preppy Name Is...

Foxhall Swanee Marsden the Fourth

But most people know you as Tip

The True You

You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to do more for you.
With respect to money, you spend as little as possible.
You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others.
The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort.
You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked.
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you base your search on information from your friends.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Paranoia! Stress! Depression! Fear and Loathing in Southern Ontario

So, I'm slowly becoming paranoid about my EA. I was doing work in English and I kept thinking "She's watching me. She's keeping tabs on me which they send to the Man and their coming for me." It could just be the combination of my overactive imagination and the stress from my upcoming exams. Exams make me stressed. I'm thinking on taking the day off tomorrow. Look after my little sister Sprite, who got her leg broken and has to stay home. If any of you have a god or something you worship, then a little prayer worship would be appreciated because she is currently going through hell. She has to sit down for extended periods of time, it's driving her nuts.
Let's see, most of my emotions have been largelly distressful and depressed, slightly tired as well because I'm moving onto Loncrow-time for some reason. Maybe because I'm up all night reading Moorcock and Kerouac. I'm reading On the Road by Jack Kerouac by the way. I'm getting into the Beat Generation for some reason. My interest in the nineteen-sixties seems to have lead into the Beats of the previous decade. On the Road is a pretty good novel though I don't feel in the swing of it, since the characters arn't actually on the road.
I have no idea were all my things are. I'm at the library and I have my backpack and a book I'm getting out lying around somewhere. I have my wallet on me so no one can get what little money I have in there. God, I need to get away from the materialistic world.
I'm working on my first novel. I'm doing it about Naos, since I figure I should write that first. It's about how Naos gains Enlightenment. There's romance, political intrigue, Revolution, supernatural forces, post-cyberpunkness and random tributes to the 1960's because I like hippies for some reason. I was hoping to write a bunch of other stories about Naos' time on the mortal plane, but I think that bit of my mind that is Naos is telling me "Stop screwing around, Writer. Those stories arn't important. Get to the important stuff. Trust me this is going to be great."
I was thinking about Ralph. Ralph is feeling left out of the mythos because Naos seems to be getting more and more room. So I figure it's about time Ralph went for a make-over. If I want Ralph to have the range of Naos he too must shed the physical form. I'm thinking about making Ralph the main character for Mythania, kind of like Death in the Discworld series, except Ralph isn't really a supernatural force. At some point he's going to appear elsewhere in my multiverse. The only non-mythanian novel I have him in at the moment is The Book of the Saints(working title for the apocalypse novel). I figure he may get involved with Nyzadi at some point, and I have the idea of writing a thing about my life at the moment, mixed with my mythos and my role in it. I've kind of put myself as the creative apex of my mythology, a few characters are aware of a being they call "The Writer," but for the most part many are completely ignorent of it(me). Naos is very concious of the Writer, odviously since he is the idealized version of myself. I suppose that means Helen knows. Ralph may know.
I've been throwing the idea of making alternate versions of Ralph, in various other realities. I'm not sure how this would happen, but I think he may have a human version of himself somewhere out there in the multiverse. Maybe another that is a sort of druidic-nature spirit that takes the form of a rodent-man hybrid. Were these other Ralphs live is beyond me at this time, probubly on the alternate Earths. The Spirit Ralph might live on one of the overlaps with Faerie, and the human Ralph would defenetly live in the universe that tends to Sword-and-Sorcery (which also is inhabited by the Gods of William Blake's mythos. I'll get into that later).
I'm thinking maybe I should change Ralph's name, start calling him by his Mythanian name. Also, if I'm going to have him as a recurring element, then he'll have to be able to have recognizable traits. The name will be similar in most cases, and the elements of his rodent like nature would be evedient. His personality would be similar in most cases, taste for adventure, reckless yet intellegent, penchent for sword-fighting even in environments were no one fights with swords (He'd be living in a world full of lasers and he'd still have a standard iron sword as a weapon). I also see his religion as something coming up. Ralph worships all kinds of Gods, mainly The Tawaze Mother Goddess and Gharlan Goldenhair(who he eventually equates with Jesus), he also has mixed his traditional pagan worship with the teachings of Naos and has a great respect for Dana and Ka Lynn Apexet. Really, Ralph worships anything that goes with his values and he finds useful. I suppose this trait would be brought into the other versions. The odviously pagan Spirit Ralph practising a combination of Celtic paganism, Awakenism and Islam or something Monothiestic like that.
Well, I should be going soon. All this was written at my public library.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ponderings on Christianity or the Gay Marriage of Heaven and Hell

So awhile back I got the idea of what would happen if Satan wanted to get back into heaven. Not in charge of a great big army, but just go to Heaven and say "Alright, I'm sorry for the whole original sin thing. Can I come back know?" So that was the starting point for the story I will know relate to you.
So things are going well in Hell. The sinful are being torchered, innocents are being tempted, the Soul selling trade is at an all time high and things are looking really good for Hell. Unfortunatly, the Lord Satan has disapeared. This could easily launch into a search for Satan, while the Lords of Hell try to make sure that hell dosn't go to...well hell. Hell also has to keep Heaven from knowing this, because if this leaks up then there looking at a full scale heavenly invasion.
Satan in the meantime, has come to Earth to get his thoughts together. He's grown tired of this whole hell thing and for the first time in eons is wondering if he should repent. He spends a large amount of time in a dinner in New Mexico trying to figure out if he should try going back to Heaven, and if they'd actually let him in.
Meanwhile in Heaven, two former poets, John Milton and William Blake have gotten feed up with doing TPS reports. Blake, in an attempt to lossen up his puritan co-worker Milton, talks him into taking a buisness trip to Earth with the intension of getting Milton laid (by Blake at least) where they get into somekind of trouble. I see Milton and Blake having this Abbot and Costello thing about them, what with Milton being a staight lased Puritan and Blake being a radical. I also plan on using them as counter-points.
Also in Heaven, God the father is trying desperatly to keep the Trinity in whole. His son Jesus is becoming more and more against about the war with Hell, and is getting involved with the Ethereal Peace movement. The Holy Spirit is know help at all, and is spending most of her time hanging out in coffee shops discussing the beat generation with philosophy majors.
Meanwhile on Earth, a gay couple is trying desperatly to get officially married and have become the source keeping a gay community in somewhere in America, maybe Texas. What the public dosn't know is that this gay couple is actually a rouge angel and demon who fell in love and eloped to Earth. During this time they created a child, who believes that she's adopted and has no idea of her parents are actually an angel and a demon, and what this actually means about her.
Somehow, I don't know yet how, all these story lines merge into one (well they have to) and the complete change of the devine order.
Well, what do you think? How many copies do you think the religious right will burn? No, that is not my intention, I only want to write this story because I can think it is very interesting. Dan Brown has started of this whole Chirstian theorizing band wagon and quite frankly I think this book may just be better then the Da Vinci Code, just because I see alot of themes developing. First, Redemption. Can anyone be redemmed? Is there a level at which you can't be redemmed? In my defence, this is a basic Christian belief in my experience. Second, family issues. God the Father is having generational problems with God the Son (Jesus). God wants Jesus to carry on the family buisness when he's gone, or he would if he wasn't eternal, but he's nervous about Jesus and his strange ideas like actually making peace with hell. In the meantime the angel-demon gay couple are having parenting issues with there daughter. (This will mean I'll have to explore what kind of parenting issues in a gay couple. The birds and the bees talk would have a whole new demension for one thing). Thridly, I like the idea of John Milton and William Blake going on a road trip and bantering back and forth. The basic idea would be for them to argue different views about the nature of the universe and poetry. They'd also have conversations like this...
Milton: I'm driving.
Blake: No your not.
Milton: What are you talking about, I'm older then you.
Blake: Yeah, but your blind.
Milton: We're dead. That stopped mattering. Technically we're not even supposed to have physical bodies.
Blake: Yeah, well you'll need it with what your going to do.
Milton: I'm not having sex, Bill.
Blake: Oh loosen up John. Give me the keys.
Milton: No.
Blake: Give me the keys, John.
Milton: No.
Blake: Give'm John.
Milton: No
(Blake ressels the keys out of Milton's grasp)
Milton: Your driving.
Blake: I'm driving.

Well, I find it amusing.
I think many people are picking up a sort of humourous quality, and the approach I'm taking on this is similar to Kevin Smith's Dogma. I admit that Dogma is probubly one of my inspirations for this story, and I am probubly going to dedicate the book to him. If possible I'd like him to do the introduction and possibly get permision to use that thing at the beginning of Dogma. The thing about saving one's own ass. Some Religious Right preacher guy to do it just for laughs. He probubly wouldn't do it, but it would be hilarious if he would, wouldn't it? I may just write something like that. Could be part of the advertising, If you hated the Da Vinci Code, then you probubly wouldn't like this book much either. I may even add a parody of Dan Brown in the novel and do a whole theme about books that the Religious Right would hate. It would be an interesting demension to add.
So anyway, that's the idea for my story. Please comment on what you think.

Non-kosher school blog

Hey, I just want you to get aload of the stuff I have to write in here. This is for health class.
2) We are trying to let the class know how important vitality is. Also trying to
show that your job and community involvement work to make you a better person,
physically, mentally and emotionally. How you feel about yourself and your
community makes you a good advocate. It is important to promote this to teens as
they are looking to the future. Starting good habits early will make for a
happier, healthier life. VITALITY.

This is just my opinion, but this sucks. I'm thinking that a big part of education is learning how to come up with bullscrock like this for good marks. I'm in yuppie-book camp!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Thing on disapointment and Game Mastering which turned into a bunch of questions on SELLING OUT!

So I've spent most of my day waiting for this show I want to watch to come on and I'm starting to think it isn't. I've also tried doing some yoga because my right shoulder is aching. Unfortunatly I don't have the flexibility nor the equipment to actually do it. It's annoying. I'm feeling a large level of stress.
Of course, the annoying bit of me I want to drop into the docks with concrete golashes is telling me I should do my homework. God, I hate that little voice inside my head. Yes, I admit I probubly should, but I just don't feel like doing it. School is reaching a very stressful area what with exams coming up and generally when something stresses me I don't want to do it anymore. Unfortunatly School just seems to forse itself on me. It's annoying and I am not in the frame of mind for doing anything about it because then I start saying things that could get me arrested and then my EA is all "Writer, stop it," and that only sets me of more because I hate people trying to control me. It's annoying and it makes me angry.
So, for lake of anything better to do I'm trying to organize the next bit in the campaign me and Loncrow are doing. I'm finding it kind of hard, since I have to basically come up with a story with minimal character involvement. I've got the basic idea, but because of the fact I'm using my own mythology I need to do write up's for many of the creatures, and rewrite several of the creatures in the mythology. For instance in standard D&D and possibly D20 rules an archon is Lawful Good, while in my own mythology an archon tends toward lawful evil. Thankfully I've got the basic idea behing the monsters featured in this adventure. Maybe I could eventually sell this as a campaign setting. Something like Heaven-vs-Hell/Conspiracy-Theory/Multiple-Dimensional/Epic Fantasy/Urban Fantasy style.
I suppose writing up things for Role-Playing Games wouldn't be so bad. It could help pay the bills at least, but would this bring me to an area I don't want to go to in my career? Would I get trapped writing this kind of thing for the rest of my life? Not that this wouldn't neccesarily be a bad thing, but would anyone take me seriously in the kind of identity I want to take if I am an employee for Wizards of The Coast. Probubly not, but I still think many of the worlds I've created would make great role-playing games. I'm just worried if this would qualify as selling out.
Is selling out even important today? Can I sell out and still be taken seriously? Or is it that nothing is taken seriously today and therefore selling out no longer has any meaning? Is it even possible to not sell out? Am I destined one day to sell out because it is the way of the universe? This is all very confusing for me. Maybe I'm just worrying about something. Maybe I should get of my lazy ass and start writing the answers for the stupid health thing.
Anyway, on the game, I still need to get Loncrow over so we can do the game. I'd contact him on my new MSN, but for some reason I can't get ahold of him on it. Maybe I should call him up sometime and say "Hay, Loncrow. Get on MSN we need to talk."
This is making me way to Melencholy. I'm going to stop writing now. If any of you have any ideas, then please comment. I am in desperate need of spiritual guidence.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Januray Blogthings

You Are Bold And Brave

But daring? Not usually?
You tend to like to make calculated risks.
So while you may not be base jumping any time soon...
You are up for whatever's new and (a little) exciting!

The thing I liked about this test was the first question. It was "You’re on a business trip in Las Vegas." That reminded me of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. They didn’t have the answer "Go on a drug binge with my Samoan attorney," however.

Your Mind is PG-13 Rated

Your mind is definitely a little dirty. You're naughty, but not trashy.
You don't shy away from a dirty joke, and you're clearly not a prude.

You Passed High School with an C

You have the brains of a high school graduate... at least!

Ugh, this dosn’t look to good.

Your Quirk Factor: 79%

You're so quirky, it's hard for you to tell the difference between quirky and normal.
No doubt about it, there's little about you that's "normal" or "average."

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Angelina Jolie as the Virgin Mary?

Stupid blogger shut down for maintanence and all the work I did on this is done.
Okay, for those who havn't heard, artist named Kate Kretz painted this picture of Angelina Jolie in a Virgin Mary like possision. The article I found on MSN says she's suppose to be depicted as the Virgin Mary, but I don't think so. For one thing the picture dosn't have her in a hijab or whatever you call it. I've seen pictures of the Virgin Mary and they all have her wearing that hijab type thingie. I blame this to be shameless internet spin jockies (God, I hope that's the right term), who are out to confuse me and other aspies.
So, that's my only real complaint. I am a believer that art should be unsensored, I happen to like this picture, and while I seperate myself from the celebrity worship as much as possible I happen to believe that Angelina Jolie is hot. That is minimal to my interest in her. That and I saw an interview for her and she seems to care about people, I'll give her that. My only real problem is people comparing the picture to the Virgin Mary.
It's not a religious problem, I'm not even sure that the Virgin Mary was a Virgin, and even if she was when the whole Jesus thing came along she couldn't have stayed one for all her life. I mean she was married, it had to come up some time. It's just that the picture dosn't mark her out as the Virgin Mary. The only thing remotly Virgin Mary-esque about her was the fact she had a baby and was on a bunch of clouds. Come on Media Spin Jockies, keep things straight. Don't confuse me.
Sorry, this is just eating at me. I'm going to bugging my parents about this over supper. So in conclusion, picture gets a cool-, as it will soon be forgotten by many. I must know leave this computer because my little sister wants to play on Webkinz and this is the good computer,

Monday, January 08, 2007

Whinning and Blogthings

It snowed today, and for some reason I feel sad. It could be my Seasonal Affective Disorder setting in. I suppose it's good that it's good that I'm not Steph in Norway, because there's probubly lot's of snow there. I suppose my dream European girlfreind would be in Italy or Spain or someplace warm. Then I'd move to her place and write my novel and become really famous.
Maybe I should move away to a warmer climate. I just don't want to leave Canada, for while I despise having to stand up for the National Anthem and having to go along with something I believe is just a mass delusion, I do get free health care. Ah, I feel melencholy. That and exams are coming up too. I want out. (slap)
There I slapped myself. I'm going to get myself happy somehow know. I think I may go to the Book Vault. Here's some blogthings.

Your 80s Theme Song Is:

In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel

Your Hippie Dude Name Is:

Scorpio - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:
You're red hot passion makes anyone you date feel extremely wanted
Loyalty, to the point of doing anything to protect your lover
You are mysterious and charismatic - and you easily draw people in
Your negative traits:
You tend to be paranoid and think that the worst is going on with your lover
You turn cold and mean at the first sign of conflict in relationship
You sometimes become obsessed with dates - so much so that you develop jealousy early on
Your ideal partner:
Someone who will take the time to win you over. Not an easy task!
Is able to keep up with your carnal appetite... lots of stamina needed.
Reassures you of their love and loyalty on a daily basis.
Your dating style:
Intense. You prefer to stay in with take out and conversation - so that no one else is distracting you and your date.
Your seduction style:
Hot. New partners have trouble believing that your libido is for real.
You have incredible sexual intuition - you always know what your lover craves
A bit bossy. You know what you want, and you certainly aren't afraid to ask for it.
Tips for the future:
Don't be so secretive with your love - they want you the way you are
Let go of your jealousy. Your partner has chosen *you*
Spend more time alone, doing things you love. It will help you be less obsessive.
Best color to attract mate: Dark red
Best day for a date: Tuesday

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Writer's Soliloque (This is a refrence to Hamlet. We're studying it in English. I can relate to him)

Loncrow came over yesterday. We had fun. I showed him the Giant Squid and we got the movies Donnie Darko and Kung Fu Hustle. We never did get around to watching Kung Fu Hustle, but we did see Donnie Darko. It was the director's cut so it was around 4 hours. It is a freaking weird movie. I'm not really sure how to explain it, but there's an evil bipeadel bunny rabbit named Frank.
We also began playing a game of D20 Modern set in the world of my mythos. It's in our universe set during the 1980's, known as the Decade of Hell by many of the beings in it. Loncrow says he likes it alot, but I need to get the adventures all set out before I actually get around to doing it. I'm working our next adventure. I'm going to do something with the dominent faction in New York, as well as make an ellaboration on a being known as The Tyrant of Heaven.
Anyway, tomorrow I will go back to the prison of School. I'm starting to look at my life in rather literary terms, kind of like Blake or Moorcock battle between law and chaos. On the one hand, I desire freedom, I feel called to be some sort of bohemian counter-culture prose-poet living in Kensington Market or something. On the other hand, I feel the need for order, even though I find the order harmful to my soul. I don't even know if I need this order.
I tried to reorganize my library. It's three shelves full of books that I picked up at Chapters, used book stores, library sales and the various gifts I got this Christmas. I still have copies sitting on the floor. I need to get them out of the way. I'm running out of room. What's more there are more things coming. I went to the Book Vault awhile back and saw a bunch of interesting reads. There's the rest of Transmetropolitan and The Authority for instance. And then there's other series I'd like to pick up, John Constantine, Hellblazer and Sandman and The Invisibles and that thing with Stan Lee writing for DC looked interesting. And I've been thinking about starting to collect vinyl. I don't have the room. My shelves are overflowing as it is. I can't get a bigger room because there all taken.
I need to get out of here fast. But I'm don't have anywhere to go. Steph got out from her trap, but I can't even if I hade a girlfreind in Europe. I don't know the rules of society, I don't have the knowledge. My class dosn't include Knowledge(social rules) and I'm forbidden from cross-classing. I don't have that inherrient trait. I don't have the colour code for emotions. I'm trapped in my own world of Southern-Ontario, living nomadically from place to place. Shuttling myself from home to school to the library to The Book Vault to The Giant Squid.
My mom says I'm going to be okay and so is my soul. I'm not really worried about my soul at this juncture. My sanity maybe. Maybe I'm not looking for my mother's pitty. Maybe I'm just looking for a bigger room that I can't get here. Maybe it's getting time for me to leave the nest.
Oh, and I'm on MSN now.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Hey, Happy New Year. I'm sorry, but without snow I'm just not in the holiday spirit. I don't know how to explain it or anything. I'm just crazy. (Hello, this is Writer's Mom - he is not crazy - he just does not know how to package holidays without snow - now that it has happened he will be fine if it ever happens again.)
What the frell was that? My mom just walked in her and I don't know, grafittized my post, really weird. This is going to get comments though, huzah.
Well, how did New Year's go. For some reason Little Steven's Underground Garage for some reason so I'm catching it on the internet. I also watched some movies. They were Mallrats and The Great Yokai War. Both of these were good movies. Mallrats is probubly my favorite Kevin Smith movie, since I find trying to figure out the character's motavations. That and Stan Lee is in it. The Great Yokai War is a really cool Japanese movie that may well have been something I would watch over and over again as a child. It's about a little boy who finds a bunch of wicked cool Japanese spirit things and ends up saving the world from this really angry demon guy. It's verging on a cliche, but it's well made.
Lastly, I found this really cool article on Neil Gaiman's blog, you got to read this.
It's really interesting and may just inspire some of the writers reading this. I know I'm going to work on bits of it.
Well, have a great 2007.