Saturday, October 28, 2006

I went to Toronto. I am back now.

So were was I for the last few days, well two of them were at the Autism Confrence in Toronto with my mom. Many people from all over the world came to celebrate Autism. It was a good time and I liseaned to many interesting people that helped me understand me and my autism. For one thing, alot of people who spoke said they have to take drugs, I don't have to do this. Personally, I don't see myself taking drugs at all. I also got to see Temple Grandin. We didn't talk, but I liseaned to her speak about being autistic and some of her theories on Autism and what the archeologists in the future will think of the cow-herding thingies she desighned are.
I also got a book called Urville, which is about a city made up by a guy named Gilles Trehin who has Aspergers. It has various pictures he drew of the cities buildings, as well as a time line of the city. It's pretty cool and I was able to get the last copy they hade (along with a button that says "I (heart) Urville"). My mom and I latter disussed that I could make something like Gilles Trehin's Urville book for Mythania, since my mom thinks Mythania is much more detailed. Personally, I think he did very good as he has desighned an entire city to some very good details. I suppose there are people who find Mythania interesting, so I may just see if Mythania can be published into a book. I also picked up a book about Neil Gaiman's Sandman, consisting of short stories by various other writers within the Sandman universe and a Michael Moorcock novel in which Elric fights the Nazis or something to that effect.
As many of my readers and freinds would know. I desire to go live in Toronto. I don't know were I came up with the idea, but I don't want to live in the place I stayed. It was all tall buisness buildings and folks in suits. I'd prefer a more artistic community. Anyways, moving to Toronto is still a long ways of if ever, since I'll be busy at university and trying to stop the apocalypse.
Also, I learned that down south in Yankeeland the traditional insulting of the opponents. Apparently there are these two people from opposite ends of the political spectrum who are insulting each other. I don't remember there names, which is good because they are both idiots. Everyone should forget there names because they are idiots and then they'd fell silly, which they should be doing anyway. All in all, if this is what Americans do during politics they shouldn't vote for anyone. I was thinking about starting my own party for the election, but it is based in my mythos so no one would get it. It was going to be something along the lines of "Vote Helen X. We'll get ride of corruption in the government by eleminating it," or "Vote for Helen X because everyone else is an idiot." or "Ask not what your country has done to you, but what you can do to your country. This November, vote for Helen X and put the mad dog down." I like the last one. Hope the CIA dosn't feel insulted. I'd apologize, but I'm not sure they can get me in Canada.
CIA, I don't want to harm your president. I think he's an idiot and that somebody should impeach him, and I believe that him and his supporters are all insane and should be institutionalized, as well as anyone else who takes this whole nation thing seriously, but I don't want to kill the moron. It's not polite to kill people, even if they are murderers. That's something a government would do.
Anyway, I'm going to go know. Need to figure out were I put my homework.

Friday, October 20, 2006

A letter to Kim Jong-Il

Dear Mr. Kim Jong-Il.
Hello. You don't know me, but I happen to hear your pretty keen on destroying western civilization. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of were we are going right now, but could you lean off the whole nuclear armeggedon thing? Nobody wants that. I don't know how you do things in Asia, but nuclear weapons just arn't cool. I realize you have a country to run, but maybe you should reconsider the whole concept of you know, killing everyone.
Besides, isn't it better for us to all get along? You seem to have a real difficulty with that. Maybe it's time for you to start being nicer to people. I know, America's being a really big jerk right know. There's been alot of name calling, what with you being called part of the Axis of Evil. And there's that new Behind Enemy Lines movie that uses thw whole Axis of Evil thing, but that's just propaganda. You know about propaganda right Mr. Jong-Il? Well, what I'm trying to say is maybe you should make the first move. Maybe send America a fruit basket. You'll find they arn't really bad people. There leader is just a dingbat.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is please don't kill us. I know your angry, but I'm sure this is nothing we can't solve with a nice sit down. Call me.

My sister makes me feel sad

Well, I am a working man. My job is to underline important documents for a very important non-government place, but I can't tell you what else. Condididencial. The pay is pretty good, and beside the tedium I have no complaints.
I don't really know what else to say besides that. I could probubly go on about how I feel lonely and how I long for real human contact. My sister isn't really helping. Not the really little perky one, the larger negative one. She's good at that. She seems to get joy from making the lives of others miserable. She's like a postitive energy vampire. This is probubly part of the effect, me complaining how much of a rhymes-with-witch she is, but she really makes me feel bad. She's always calling me Emo, which she uses as a slur.
Anyway, one a more postitive note I am know on Book Five of the Dark Tower series. The Tower grows ever closer.

Monday, October 16, 2006

How sinful I am and other tests

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.
You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.

Your Sloth Quotient: 50%

You're definitely lazier than the average person, but you're able to live a somewhat normal life.
All your life needs is a little more effort and variety, and you might see that doing hard things is actually fun!

Your Wrath Quotient: 22%

Sometimes you get really angry, but nothing out of the norm.
While you may wish someone harm, it's pretty unlikely that you'd actually do anything about it.

Your 1950s Name is:

Monty Howard

Your Lust Quotient: 42%

You are definitely a lustful person, but you do a good job of hiding it.
Your friends would be surprised to know that your secretly very wild!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wednesday and Today

Little update on recent events.
First, yesterday during second period art, their was a firedrill. Usually, the only thing sinister about this is a slight annouance to my schedule, but this one had an unusally mysterious as me and my fellow classmates sat outside for nearly an hour and the police were called out. There were many theories, such as drugs or a bomb, but I didn't get any answers. I thought it may have been a vast conspiracy, but that's just me.
Today, I saw the Glass Menagerie as a class project. It was an interesting play. I may go on about it some time, but at the moment my little sister wants acsess to this computer. See you later.

Soundtrack to the upcoming nuclear apocolypse

Looking on the website for Rolling Stones magazine and I found this. It's a list of songs to play at the upcoming nuclear apocalypse hosted by Kim Jong-il. Here it is.
“Atomic Punk,” Van Halen
“Fuck Armageddon . . . This Is Hell,” Bad Religion
“Goin’ to California,” Led Zeppelin
“Fire and Rain,” James Taylor
“It’s the End Of The World (As We Know It),” R.E.M.
And you can help too, just click here freeing me of any further responsibility. I'm thinking of adding Louie, Louie.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Canadian Thanksgiving

While all you Yanks were out celebrating Colombus day, we Canadians got to eat turkey and stuffing. Alright, the only confirmed American reader is Steph. But Megan might be from the United States as well. Not that there is anything wrong with being an American. Americans are great people. Some of my best freinds are Americans.
Anyway, I got a nice three day weekend which envolved watching two movies. First, Lucky Number Sleven. It's basically something about prganized crime I thought would be amusing. It was okay, but I'm going to stick with science fiction and fantasy. That movie had some examples of a real bad side of humanity. The twists in the movie were pretty good though.
Second, X-men 3. I've heard some bad things about this movie, can't think of any mind you, but so help me God I loved this movie. It went into a places that you just can't go into in the comic books, i.e. kill of some of the main characters. You just can't do that in a francize this long. That's why I like comic books without the standard heroes, it's more surprising. Anyway, I loved this movie and I felt a sort of relation considering the mutant cure theme which I felt was similar to a cure for Autism in a few places. Hell, change the words around and you got the arguement right there.
And now, the Thanksgiving dinners. First one was at my Dad's parents. It was a pretty good dinner. Dad's mom delivers again. I remember talking about something with Dad's sister, what was it now? Ah, I can't remember. But I did get started on The Vanishing Tower by Michael Moorcock. I'm on five books. Currently taking president are One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, by Ken Kesey and Wizard and Glass, by Stephen King (book IV in the Dark Tower Series). I'm also slowly working my way through The Two Towers and The Masks of God by Joseph Campbell. The Masks of God is a series documenting the development of human mythology. It was leant to me by one of my aunts.
The second one was more of a lunch. We went to my mom's brother's house. The stuffing was a little unusual, as the vegetables visible, it was still good. I bugged my mom's brother with alot of questions along the lines of "Do you have contact with any alien life forms?" and "Do you know anything about Rosslyn Chapel?" and "Do you know anything about a computer made in the 1940's by a secret cabal of superhumans to map the multiverse?" because he's a freemason. The only yes I got out of him was that he has been to other demensions, but that's only because he's a banker. We also watched a bit of Spaceballs, but the television got all screwy and I got bored with the movie rather quick.
Anyway, today in Health we played a game called Ultimate Chicken. It's like football only you chase a chicken and their's no physical contact. I won the winning goal and became Master of Chickens, which I emideatly told everyone I ran into, including a bunch of kids going to the science room who I heard say "Who was that? Why is he Master of Chickens? What does he mean by that?"
In Art I am working on a comic strip using plasticine figures. I made a plasticine Naos, a plasticine Ralph and a plasticine bunny I made in tribute to Matt Groening's Life in Hell. The plot I ripped of from a Frank Zappa song. It also includes refrences to the Dark Tower series and possibly the comic strip Krazy Kat.
And in English I get to read a Stephen King story. Huzzah.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Day off School

Today closes a major chapter in my life. I no longer need to get my back checked out at an out-of-town hospital. My curvy spine isn't going to get any curvier and I'm not in any serious pain. Looks like the sun is shining down upon me. However, now I won't be able to get time of school to go to used book stores and such.
Speaking of used book stores, I went to City Lights today and picked up some new books. The books were an Elric novel and a thing on the Samurai from the collection of some guy who had alot of similar tastes to me. Lots of paranormal, mythological and religious works. I also picked up Fly by Night, by Rush and a Greatest Hits thing by the Grateful Dead. I also ended up in a record store with my dad and picked up a CD from a band called Hawkwind. Hawkwind is a progressive rock band that Michael Moorcock worked with. It's kind of weird.
In other news, I may be getting a job at the Festival Theatre. I suppose that's a dead give away to which city I live in, but I'm still not telling you were. I don't know exactly what it entails, but I get my own office and I think I help with safety. Here's hoping they allow casual dress!
And that's it. Bye-bye.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Lunchtime blogthings then running

Your Taste in Music:

Classic Rock: High Influence
90's Alternative: Medium Influence
90's Pop: Medium Influence
Progressive Rock: Medium Influence
Punk: Medium Influence

You Are As Cool As They Come

Rational and relaxed, no one could accuse you of being dramatic.
You roll with the punches, and nothing ever gets you too worked up.
You are able to maintain perspective and see the big picture.
And even if you're emotional inside, you don't let it show.
You're great at keeping it together, and you're rewarded for that.
People see you as an ideal friend, employee, and partner.

You Are 12% Capitalist, 88% Socialist

You see a lot of injustice in the world, and you'd like to see it fixed.
As far as you're concerned, all the wrong people have the power.
You're strongly in favor of the redistribution of wealth - and more protection for the average person.

You Belong in New Zealand

Good on ya, mate
You're the best looking one of the bunch
Though you're often forgotten...
You're quite proud of who you are

Blog things I post, then run, bye

You Should Try Roller Skiing

A little more dangerous than snow skiing
But who cares when you can ski to the grocery store?

You Are Impressionism

You think the world is quite beautiful, especially if you look at it in new and interesting ways.
You tend to focus on color and movement in art.
For you, seeing the big picture is much more important than recording every little detail.
You can find inspiration anywhere... especially from nature.

You've Experienced 8% of Life

You have the life experience of a young teenager - which means there's a lot of life in front of you.
And if you are past your teen years, you probably have some catching up to do!