Saturday, October 28, 2006

I went to Toronto. I am back now.

So were was I for the last few days, well two of them were at the Autism Confrence in Toronto with my mom. Many people from all over the world came to celebrate Autism. It was a good time and I liseaned to many interesting people that helped me understand me and my autism. For one thing, alot of people who spoke said they have to take drugs, I don't have to do this. Personally, I don't see myself taking drugs at all. I also got to see Temple Grandin. We didn't talk, but I liseaned to her speak about being autistic and some of her theories on Autism and what the archeologists in the future will think of the cow-herding thingies she desighned are.
I also got a book called Urville, which is about a city made up by a guy named Gilles Trehin who has Aspergers. It has various pictures he drew of the cities buildings, as well as a time line of the city. It's pretty cool and I was able to get the last copy they hade (along with a button that says "I (heart) Urville"). My mom and I latter disussed that I could make something like Gilles Trehin's Urville book for Mythania, since my mom thinks Mythania is much more detailed. Personally, I think he did very good as he has desighned an entire city to some very good details. I suppose there are people who find Mythania interesting, so I may just see if Mythania can be published into a book. I also picked up a book about Neil Gaiman's Sandman, consisting of short stories by various other writers within the Sandman universe and a Michael Moorcock novel in which Elric fights the Nazis or something to that effect.
As many of my readers and freinds would know. I desire to go live in Toronto. I don't know were I came up with the idea, but I don't want to live in the place I stayed. It was all tall buisness buildings and folks in suits. I'd prefer a more artistic community. Anyways, moving to Toronto is still a long ways of if ever, since I'll be busy at university and trying to stop the apocalypse.
Also, I learned that down south in Yankeeland the traditional insulting of the opponents. Apparently there are these two people from opposite ends of the political spectrum who are insulting each other. I don't remember there names, which is good because they are both idiots. Everyone should forget there names because they are idiots and then they'd fell silly, which they should be doing anyway. All in all, if this is what Americans do during politics they shouldn't vote for anyone. I was thinking about starting my own party for the election, but it is based in my mythos so no one would get it. It was going to be something along the lines of "Vote Helen X. We'll get ride of corruption in the government by eleminating it," or "Vote for Helen X because everyone else is an idiot." or "Ask not what your country has done to you, but what you can do to your country. This November, vote for Helen X and put the mad dog down." I like the last one. Hope the CIA dosn't feel insulted. I'd apologize, but I'm not sure they can get me in Canada.
CIA, I don't want to harm your president. I think he's an idiot and that somebody should impeach him, and I believe that him and his supporters are all insane and should be institutionalized, as well as anyone else who takes this whole nation thing seriously, but I don't want to kill the moron. It's not polite to kill people, even if they are murderers. That's something a government would do.
Anyway, I'm going to go know. Need to figure out were I put my homework.


Dylan said...

Um. I'm not American? I can't impeach Bush. And how did you get my address

Dylan said...
