Thursday, October 09, 2008

Upcoming Thanksgiving Weekend and Ralph's Health

Today I will be heading home for Thanksgiving Weekend. Besides eating loads of food that will make me full and sleepy, I'll also be doing my English essay on Dubliners. I've got a pretty good idea of where that will be going. I look forward to being in my old room, on my comfortable tempurpedic mattress. Even with the padding I on my bed now I miss my tempurpedic.
I'm worried about physical Ralph. I don't know if you know this, but I have a physical Ralph that I have with me, which is a hand puppet I've had since I was five. That's about thirteen years, pretty old for a hand puppet. He's not doing very well. Bits of his fur or felt are falling off and he's starting to smell funny. I'd put him through the wash, but I don't know if he'd survive. I highly doubt it. I wonder if there is a way to make him better, you know, strengthen his steams and get his eyes back in. I don't know enough about sewing or anything like that. I might even sew up his back since I don't really use him as a puppet anymore, dosn't fit my hand anymore anyways.
Physical Ralph was made by a company called Folkmanis Inc. I'm looking at there website and I can't seem to find Ralph's kind of puppet anywhere. I also can't seem to find any information regarding the Ralph design. I guess that means he's something of an antique. That dosn't comfort me much.
Is there such a place you can go to get your favorite stuffed animal checked up? I'm looking for one at the moment. I found one place, called Chasey's Teddy Bear Repair, but I'm not sure where it is. Maybe if I ask around downtown I can find someone, but I'm worried they'll be shifty. Maybe I can search around my hometown. One of my sisters went to a sewing group, so maybe I could find someone there.
Ralph is stable at the moment.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you could take Ralph to Build A Bear and see if they could help him out. They have one in Masonville mall in London. Washing Ralph might be fine - he may be more resiliant than you think.

Dylan said...

Thank you stranger.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't know who that first guy was, but I once had someone like Ralph and some guys broke into my apartment and peed on him. And my guy really pulled the whole room together. What do you think? Signed, the Dude.

Dylan said...

That's terrible, I hope it didn't go to bad after that.