So, I'm staying at the University for the weekend. It's been a pretty eventful week, what with Mid-terms and papers and everything. I would have posted sooner, but I was distracted.
First, that Word Study in Bible is finished. I don't really think I did as good as I could have on it, but I really do not want to go through the pain of doing it again. There was shouting and stress levels at red. Seriously. I'm not sure why exactly, it could be that I don't really understand the concept of redemption, what it means to me and relating that to the Biblical Hebrew term.
Mid-terms also came up this week, so far I've only done mid-terms in Film, which was a twenty-minute test of multiple choice questions. I also missed the film that night, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, which I got at Generation X last night to watch. It was pretty good, and I'm probubly going to walk all the way back to return it, unless I can find someone to give me a lift, which I doubt. The thing is that I saw it so I'm not behind.
Also, it's been a good day for books. I have gotten two new books, one Nova Express, by William S. Burroughs, the other The Bizarro Starter Kit. I read the first few strories in the Bizarro Starter Kit, which are written by a guy called D. Harlan Wilson, who apparently comes from the "bowels of Michigan."
Well, other then that and that it was Pride Week at University there's nothing much to tell you. Since I am getting involved in the Ally Program this affected me a bit, because I went to a training program. I'm thinking about joining, which basically means I'm the first step in a support group for any members of the Queer community that want to talk to someone about anything that is bothering them, like stress issues. I'm not really going to deal with this alot, but I will be telling them who to call, since GLOW would have to be really desperate to make me the front line in there support system. I also went to a bonfire last night, where I think I may have meet the anti-me. From what I was able to pick up his main interests where partying and he claimed to be physically disgusted by the library here, which gives me "Aspiegasms." There was general consensous that if we were to comeinto physical contact we would most likely cancel each other out.
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