I got a book about the Beat Generation from the library today. You can see it in what I'm reading at the moment, but if your reading this in archives the book is called The Beat Hotel: Ginsberg, Burroughs and Corso in Paris, 1957-1963, by Barry Miles. It chronicles the Beat Hotel in Paris where a lot of important beat writers wrote some of there most important works. I'm also using this as the setting for most of the Jack Blackwright novels, since it seems like a better place, plus I can have Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs in them. I don't know if anyone has ever written a mystery novel that featured Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs. Someone may have done Burroughs, and I know he wrote a mystery novel with Jack Kerouac called "And the Hippos Where Boiled in there Tanks." But I don't know if they where in a mystery novel.
I've just read the first chapter, which explains the setting of the Beat Hotel and the area around it, Paris in the late fifties and I'm starting to feel very jealous. I'm sick of living in this small town. I want to move to the big city and be a real bohemian writer. Hanging out in coffee shops, going to hidden bookstores to find rare books on Rosicrucians and stuff, writing experimental novels and stuff like that. Alright, maybe I wouldn't write experimental novels, but I am thinking about toying around with multiple perspectives. I know that's been done but it's all I've got at the moment.
The thing that is bothering me is I don't have any idea where to find this kind of atmosphere or even how to hang on to it. I think I had that atmosphere for awhile, but not at the moment. Maybe it's just because it's summer and everything is so hectic. I'll have to check in on it later.
I don't even know if I could survive in a bohemian environment. According to the book I've got, the Beat Hotel was pretty run down, contained rats, the toliet was a hole in the floor and the only reason it was kept up was because the lady who ran it kept on good terms with the police. I'm probubly worrying to much. I'm sure I could find a place that had a toliet and insint infested withr rats and junkies. At least not so full of rats and junkies that they'll crawl into my bed.
Also, I'm hoping that living in an old apartement with a bunch of books will help unleash my productivity. My muse is no problem, but my productivity lags.