School is going to be over soon. I want it over now. I feel tired and stetched out and I just want to sit down for a long time and read without worrying about homework. I have a killer book list this summer and with University just over the horizon I don't know if I'll have much chance for personal reading I'll get done.
What I need to do is get a big reading list and work on that. I just don't know if I can finish it in two months. There are some pretty long and so are some of the books. Also, the chances of me getting a job have increased for the summer. I don't want to go into to much detail, but it will affect my time to read.
I'm starting to wonder if the Last Dance Revolution may be dead or in need of a rest. I feel I need a distraction from it, or at least to give it a linear narrative. Maybe I'll do both. I'll come up with an idea to work on over the summer while redoing the Last Dance Revolution. I may need to completely overhall the plot.
In the meantime I may need to figure out what to write over the summer. Possibly I'll try writing the first Jack Blackwright novel. I'm thinking that for the first decade or so of my writing career I'm going to write stuff like that mostly. Stuff like Jack is going to be my meal ticket while I'm working on what I hope to be my important novels such as The Last Dance Revolution. So I may just write the first Jack Blackwright novel and then maybe a few stories. I'm still trying to get the hang of Jack's universe. Since I'm not using fully traditional fantasy subjects, or at least ones that are hidden or in roles that one would not usually expect them, it may be a hard sell. Also I'm going to have to do alot of reaserch on London during the 1960's. I guess a trip to the library will be needed. I figure that a few other stories will also be needed to get the world in any cohesive order. I'll probubly be working on the novel for awhile.
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