I've done it. I've finally done it. I have finished the Dark Tower series. It's been long and hard, and there's been all kinds of blood and weird stuff and a clinically insane monorail, but I have finished it by golly.
The ending is kind of anticlimatic, and the last book was by no means the happiest (but hey, this is Stephen King. He's not suppose to leave you with a nice fuzzy feeling at the end). I'm glad Roland got to his Tower and that he got to he top, but I'm not sure that I liked what he found up there. But as Stephen King said, endings are heartless. I wouldn't say that the ending itself is heartless, but it's a good ending none the less.
So I've finally finished it. I've read the entire series, including the novella about the vampiric nuns. That's it. There are no more stories about Roland and his Ka-Tet. I mean, there's still the connecting novels. Theres 'Salems Lot and Insomnia and Rose Madder and who knows what else, but I'll never hear anything from Roland or Jake or Eddue or Susan or Oy ever again. I'm going to miss them.
Well, just thought I'd write something about it.