Thursday, June 28, 2007

Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came

I've done it. I've finally done it. I have finished the Dark Tower series. It's been long and hard, and there's been all kinds of blood and weird stuff and a clinically insane monorail, but I have finished it by golly.
The ending is kind of anticlimatic, and the last book was by no means the happiest (but hey, this is Stephen King. He's not suppose to leave you with a nice fuzzy feeling at the end). I'm glad Roland got to his Tower and that he got to he top, but I'm not sure that I liked what he found up there. But as Stephen King said, endings are heartless. I wouldn't say that the ending itself is heartless, but it's a good ending none the less.
So I've finally finished it. I've read the entire series, including the novella about the vampiric nuns. That's it. There are no more stories about Roland and his Ka-Tet. I mean, there's still the connecting novels. Theres 'Salems Lot and Insomnia and Rose Madder and who knows what else, but I'll never hear anything from Roland or Jake or Eddue or Susan or Oy ever again. I'm going to miss them.
Well, just thought I'd write something about it.

BBC official Hawkwind documentary

Hey, I found this awhile back. I meant to put it up eventually, so now I did. Here's everything you wanted to know about Hawkwind

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I'M OUT!!!

Yeah! I'm out of school. Summer is here and I don't have to go to School, I can goof of all day. Huzzah!
So yeah, I'm out of school. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do with all this free time. I figure I could try blogging more. I've been thinking about making a post on every 5th, 7th, 19th and 23rd day of the month because they are my special numbers. Mom says I should try doing a blog post every 23 hours. I don't know if I can work that but it would stave of boredom.
And there is the novel. I plan on working really hard on my novel so I can get it done by the end of summer. I figure I can get at least three chapters of it done this week. That and I'm going to get started on the 1960's stories.
On the subject of the number 23, I'm working a thing in where the number 23 plays a role in each of the characters lives in some way. Here's what I've got so far.
  • David Howl only sold 23 copies of his first novel.
  • Jack Blackwright wakes up in the Soho district of London with a 23 year memory gap.
  • Oothoon was 23 years old when she left the Brides of Yazan.
Okay, that's all I've got so far. I also have the idea that some of the characters were born on the 23th of something.
I've also been wondering what else I should actually do. There are a lot of things I want to work in to this series. Here, I'll make a list.
  1. My Main Pantheon, this is going in as it is way to important to the plot
  2. Historic Feel of Haight-Ashbury in the 1960's, I'm probably going to have to find people for this or at least read a whole lot of books
  3. A Cast similar to that on Lost, Basically, a bunch of people from all walks of life who are drawn together by a similar force and end up creating a sort of tribe.
  4. Historical Figures, I want to work real people into the story line. So far all I got is that The Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin and the Jefferson Airplane are going to appear, a possible Beatles cameo, and Charles Manson seems to be turning into an antagonist. I'm also thinking Ken Kesey might turn out to be a major character. Oh, and the Black Panthers come in here somewhere.
  5. Fictional Characters, I've been thinking about working fictional characters into the universe. I already have an idea that Cthulhu, or at least something like Cthulhu, turns up. Actually, Steph knows that Cthulhu comes up. I also see Jerry Cornelius appearing somewhere in the story, mainly around the London stories. The problem is I don't know if Michael Moorcock would allow me to use Jerry Cornelius in a story. If not I'm probably going to have to come up with some alternate version, which would also be fun. Maybe I should do that instead. Forget I wrote this down.
  6. Metafiction, I've been really into this ever since I read Animal Man. There's an entire list of things and I would like to work as many of them in as possible.
  7. Some kind of important link to Mythania, Somehow the characters should be aware of Mythania, even if most of them never go there. I'm thinking that two of the characters end up discovering they share the same fantasy world and end up writing a novel, which could also work into the Metafiction element, making it a story-within-a-story.
Okay, that's all I can think off. So, time is running out on this computer,so I'm going to sign out now.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The first one is for Steph and Hans

A friend of the family showed me these funny videos. This first one is for Steph and Hans as they are living in Norway.

And here is a little song about mennonite thrift stores. It is hilarious.

And because everyone loves making fun of Televangelists.

I don't know what's funnier. The dubbed in farting or the fact that he does this without the farting.

Practically out

Well, as you know I have been feeling very small and lonely. You'll be pleased to hear that I have exponetially increased my MSN contacts. Bad news is that nobody is on at the moment.
In the meanwhile, I'll be officially out of school by Friday afternoon. I just need to get my co-op project done, which it half is already. I am feeling very good about myself today. I plan on having a big celebration after getting out of school. I'm going to see if I can talk my mom into driving me to a used bookstore and seeing if I can't get myself the first book of the Illuminatus trilogy.
I just have to get my exam done in History and then I'm set. I'm not overly worried about it, because I feel I got it under control. Still, this isn't my best class. I'm going to have to look over the French Revolution and the reign of Napoleon.
I'm really enjoying Again, thanks to Dan for introducing me. I just found all these cool examples of tracks by genres. I'm going through surf rock at the moment. I'm liseaning to a really cool version of "Walking on the Moon," by somebody called getAmped. But then when I clicked on it to see who they were I lost track of the thing. Curses. So, isn't perfect.
I can't write anymore, I'm going to go hide in my room

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

So recently I've discovered the wonder of what is, thanks Dan. It's been really great. I've discovered this band called Aphrodite's Child, which is a Greek progressive rock band that did a concept album on the Book of Revelations in the 60's or early 70's.
So anyway, I'm working on a playlist. This playlist should have a bunch of songs on it and I'll be able to put it on my blog. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm so lonely

I've lost Loncrow's phonenumber. I don't now when I lost it, but it's lost and I've realized how lonely I actually am. I mean, both of my sisters have all these friends. Delila is going to some party today and Sprite has all kinds of friends who come over but I don't have anyone except for the people who read this blog. I mean, I really like you guys but I never meet you face to face and that bothers me alot.
I have some people in my hometown who could work as friends, but I have no idea how to actually go about making them friends. I want someone to hang out with, I want someone who I can go out and do stuff with. I want someone who I can talk too. It's driving me crazy. I mean, how hard can it be to actually make friends. I have so many likely candidates around it should be easy, but I just have no idea how to go about doing it. It's nuts.
Okay, talking about this makes me sad so I'm going to stop now.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Summer is coming up fast

I just turned on my new yahoo radio station. The song it started out with is "Cocaine" by Eric Clapton. It said it was suggested for me. I really like that it makes me feel special.
So, we've been watching a movie called Le Dernier Combat in Writer's Craft so we could write a review for it. I don't really like it that much because it made me fall asleep. They're was literally no dialouge except for two people saying "bonjour." The basic plot is that the world has collapsed and you have a guy wandering around. At some point he's trapped in an abandoned hospital with a doctor and a girl and outside is this guy who's going to kill them. For some reason nobody can talk and society has broken down. It's really weird. If you want to see it go ahead, but make sure you get alot of sleep before you do.
On another note, I found the coolest book at the Library. You know that book 1001 places you must see before you die? Well, I found one that's called 1001 Books you must read before you die. I was going to put up more of a post about it, but Delila needs to do some homework, so I have to get off. I'll get back you you guys on it as soon as possible.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Bunch of cool YouTube videos

Hey, So I was fiddling around on YouTube, when I saw a bunch of interesting things. I've decided to gather together a bunch of YouTube related things and put them up as a post. Her we have K-Os, live on Letterman.

And here's a treat. Michael Moore without his hat.

Turns out he's making a new movie about America's sucky health care system. This is a great trailer.

I've really meant to get into Hawkwind ever since I learned of there relation to Michael Moorcock. I got one of there albums, but I'm a little uncertain as to how it was made. It's called Masters of the Universe and the list of songs is a little off. I wonder if it's a bootleg or something sometimes.
Anyway, here's Hawkwind. If I had a band, it would probubly look alot like this and be called Gunslynger.

And that's all I've got. Bye.


Yeah, I've have 400 posts on this thing. Most excellent.
So, I'm half finished the first half of my history essay, so in true fashion I am not doing any real work on it until tomorrow. In the meantime, I plan on getting some writting done, if only for what I have designated novel number two, which is basically just a bunch of interconnected short stories. It's all part of the Family 48 thing that Steph knows about. I'm not going to go into to much detail because I see it as a thing like Lost, where half the fun in watching it (reading it in this case) is trying to figure out what is going on. Don't worry, it will end with a good idea of what is going on.
Ah, that's all I can think off. Hell of a 400th post.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The June 2007 blogthings

You Are a Good Friend Because You're Accepting
No matter what a friend says or does, you try your best to understand it.And your friends feel like they can tell you anything. You don't judge.
You know that friendship is a journey - with a lot of ups and downs.If you and a friend grow apart, you get over it quickly... and leave the potential for future friendship open.
You tend to have many friends from many walks of life. Anyone you meet is could become a friend.In fact, you are especially interested in people who are a little different than you. Seeing life from another perspective is something you cherish.
Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else with their secrets
You really can't be friends with: Dogmatic, stubborn people
Your friendship quote: "Love is blind, but friendship closes its eyes."

Your Love Life is Like Annie Hall
"A relationship, I think, is like a shark. You know? It has to constantly move forward or it dies."
You believe that love (if you even believe in love!) is a very complicated thing.Maybe love is pain. Or maybe it's all a big therapy session. You're still figuring it out.
Your love style: Brainy and a bit neurotic
Your Hollywood Ending Will Be: Realistic and reflective

You Are 12% A Child of the 90s
The 90s aren't a time you remember too well.Either you missed most of those years, or you were on some pretty good drugs!

I was in elementry school.

You Are Destined to Be Thin
Even if you aren't thin right now, you have great habits that will ensure you're thin for most of your life.You have a great relationship with food and eating. Don't change a thing.

Your Inner Gender is Male
You are rational, matter of fact, and quite dominant.You like to get things done, without any emotional messiness.You truly don't understand most women. And you definitely feel more comfortable around men.No doubt about it. You're a guy - at least on the inside.

Summer is coming. The light at the end of the tunnel.

Hey, you may have noticed I redid the blog. I felt like redoing it so I did it. I'd ask you how you like it, but I like it this way so why argue.
So, Summer is coming slowly and in the mean time I have two major projects to finish. First there's a history essay and then I need to do a co-op thing where I write a book report on a book on museums and write a thing about technology in the workplace. I'm really not in the mood for School at all. My mind already thinks it's Summer and just wants to goof off.
Work on my novel has also been postponed because all of the school work is getting in the way. This really bugs me, but I plan on working really hard on it over the summer. I hope that I can finish it over the summer too. If I get ten pages a day done I think I can manage it, also I plan on working on a few short stories and seeing if I can't send those out.
Okay, just thought I'd do some writing. Now I have to go work Israel into my essay, shouldn't be to hard.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Does anyone other then me actually read 8 bit theatre?

Hey, I was just trying to get the link up for 8 bit theatre, which seems to have died during the transfer of formats. I was wondering if any of you guys actually read it.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Movies and such

In Writer's craft we are learning about writing film reviews and as such are watching movies. The first movie was a thing called Cube, which is a science fiction like movie about a bunch of people who are stuck in a weird cube maze thing. It's really weird and has a kind of avaunt-garde feel to it. Were also going to watch Dead Man, which I have already seen and thought was very cool.
Also, I just watched El Mariachi at home, which was also pretty cool. I was able to get it for free at the Giant Squid because the last movie I got there was pretty scratched up. They're a great store. It was pretty cool that Robert Rodriguez could make made it on only $7000. It has kind of inspired me to try and do my own movie on that kind of budget. Mind you, I have no idea were to get that kind of money, or even what I should do. I don't want to do a traditional action flick like that because it just dosn't seem like something I'd do. I'll have to think about it. I have an idea for a movie that could work as an action film but also work on just being a cool movie to see. Anyway, I'm tired so I'm going to end this post now.