Saturday, March 31, 2007

I made a new friend and then I wrote this

Good news, I met a new friend Thursday at my co-op at the Museum. As I don't know how she feels about having her name blabbed on my blog, she will have no other identity beyond that Chinese girl I met and became friends with at the co-op, or my new friend for short. We had a brief conversation about work and our lives and exchanged numbers and stuff like that. She has a face book account, which I have been hearing about a lot these days. We exchanged contact information and such. I don't know if we're actually friends yet, but it's nice to have the possibility of a friend, and this looks promising.
School is still frustrating. Things keep piling up, because I'm lazy and that's just how I am. Big mistake, I know, but I just don't care about a lot of things. I don't have the same drive as other people. Maybe it's because my priorities tend towards to my writing.
On the subject of writing, I have been working the idea for Mythania around in my head. Many of my long-time readers and friends would remember that Mythania is my personal Middle-Earth. Well, since I have been working on the Family 48 time line and the world of Naos and Helen, I have had little time to actually work on how Mythania works, even though I am fairly certain that it is more important then Family 48 or whatever I may come up with for Naos and Helen. Recently, I have been brain storming Mythania. One of the inspirations is the Forgotten Realms for Dungeons and Dragons. I want to write a big book about Mythania that's like my Forgotten Realms handbook, detailing all the natives, countries, gods and environments of Mythania. It would also have all the information that you'd get in other books, more detailed looks at the Gods, more detail on countries, stuff like that. For plot elements, I seem to be feeling I should do something like the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata is a major Indian epic that has enormous cultural import to India. Imagine if you combined the New Testament and Lord of the Rings into the same book and that would probably be the Western version of the Mahabharata. I haven't actually read the Mahabharata, but I have an idea of the story. I'm also working plot elements into a future novel, where two of the major characters talk about how the universe works right before the apocalypse. It's an allusion to the Bhagavard Gita, which Hindus consider a really important book. So, despite the fact I have yet to read this book, it is probably a big influence on my career. I really should find a copy at some point. I also plan on just using this as an inspiration for the plot.
I've also been thinking about using stuff about Naos and Helen in other works, while there still mortal and have the chance to make mistakes and be more interesting protagonists. The only thing is I'm not sure how to actually work that. I may write a sequel to The Last Dance Revolution, dealing with themes of Religious Extremism. The only problem is I'm not sure I want to write a sequel to the Last Dance Revolution any time soon. I may try writing one ten years from now, but I don't see it as something I really need to write. I'm also thinking I should do something about Naos and Helen in a world slightly different then there last one. I've been having this weird idea of Naos and Helen in something like Yellow Submarine. If I ever get into film making I may try that, but I think I'll just write it as a minor novel I can but into the Naos and Helen series. I've also thought of writing something were Naos and Helen are the antagonists, which I think would be interesting because I tend to caste them as Revolutionary Heroes or Gods. It would also be interesting to write something from the perspective of someone outside my own belief systems.
I'm wondering if Naos and Helen are becoming Mary Sue characters, If I'm caring way to much about them and leaving my other characters without as much detail. I've got at least Four novel ideas about them already, and they've worked there way into Family 48 and Mythania (though admittedly they do not take as much part in the Mythania Chronicles). I'm not sure if they are actually Mary Sue characters, since they don't meet all the criteria. For one thing they have flaws. Naos is an emotional hurricane with a few mental problems and can be a real jerk sometimes, again inspired by me. Helen while generally being more stable then Naos can be a real bitch sometimes. Also, I tend to drag them through a lot of stuff. In The Last Dance Revolution alone I drag them through hell and I'm going to do a lot more then that in Family 48. Still, they tend to come out on top, because I really like these characters. I want them to be happy and have a good life and have many fat children, but I do tend to beat up on them, at least in the stories I have planned for them. I've gotten this idea recently of Helen finding out about my existance and as I had just recently screwed her life up, she decides to try and kill me. I'm not sure how she's going to go about doing this, but I plan on working it into the end of the Saga of Family 48.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

What happened to me on the day of March 22, 2007. This Title sucks I know, but I don't care.

I had to get a co-op report in today. I basically had to do a thing about how my current job as a museaum archivist could become a proper career. Mom helped me out and I got most of it done. I need to do an interview with my employer or an employee of the local museaum and finish some stuff up about colleges. Mostly the interview, and I have to get to work on a feature article I have to write for Writer's Craft.
The bad thing about this is that I have no time to write my novel. I really care about this novel, and I think this whole Writer's Craft thing may be really good. I'm picking up more tips, a couple I admit Steph already told me, but I'd much rather be working on my novel and the Family 48 short stories I'm bouncing around. I'm finding school to be more and more of a burden to my writing career. I'm thinking that Saturday I'm going to pack up, go to Tango's, sit somewhere and just write out as much as I can get out. I want to get most of the Family 48 stories and The Last Dance Revolution finished by the time I'm half through university.
Well, I don't have anything else I feel the need to write here. I just felt the need to tell you guys how I feel. That and Steph was complaining earlier that I don't post as much as I used to, so I'm going to try and post more. I'll search news stories and stuff.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The March 2007 Blogthings

You True Love Will Maybe Find You

But it's going to be tough! You're not really around to find.
You really need to get yourself out there if you're expecting to find love.
Go somewhere (anywhere!) new from time to time.
Or if you're really shy - at least join a dating site.

You Are Not Destined to Rule the World

You are destined for something else...
Like inventing a new type of cupcake.
You just don't have the stomach for brutality.
But watch out - because many people do!

Your Uncommon Name Is:

Donte Sid Reder

What Your Dreams Mean...

Your dreams seem to show that you're a bit disturbed... but nothing serious.
You may have a problem you're trying to work out in your sleep.
Your dreams indicate that you have very conflicted feelings.
You have a very vivid imagination and a rich creative mind.

You Are 72% Sexy

Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High
You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room.
You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing.

You are a PC

You're practical, thrifty, and able to do almost anything.
Appearances and trends aren't important to you. You just like to get the job done.

You Are 35% Misanthropic

You're a little misanthropic - but who isn't? Your reactions to other people are pretty normal.
You enjoy being friendly with people you encounter, but if you're having a rough day, watch out!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Where the Aspies Roam

Just came from the Giant Squid. Didn't get any new movies, just needed to get out of the house. It's how I deal with my little sisters screaming. I can't take well, screaming. I need to get out of the house and take a walk. I took a walk downtown. I'm at the library at the moment. Not sure this is necessarily the best place for me to be, what with March Break ending and everything. What I need to do is hide in my room for the rest of the day. Sort of a meditation thing.
Incidentally, Steph, if your reading this I want to talk with you. Nothing really important I just want to run some stuff by you. I feel the need to do stuff like that because I respect you. I tried to reach you but your were preoccupied. If we can get together on MSN sometime that would be great.
Hm, I don't really have anything to talk about. That's sad because this was going to be one of those great big posts. Ah, well.
March Break is really what this was all about when I think of it. Did I have a good March Break? Well, I'm not sure. It was satisfactory, but to much actual nothing. What I want is more socialization. I need more friends to hang out with. Oh, Loncrow did come over and we had a good game of D20 Modern. I can't wait until he can come again. Still, there were some things I didn't get to do. I didn't get to go out to see any movies, and there was some social interaction with another Aspie we never got around to doing this week. Will probably meet him again at a latter date.
Anyway, I'm going to continue to fiddle around on this computer for awhile and then go home. I should probably work on adjusting my emotional level to calm and serene.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

March Break is almost over (whimper)

So, March break is slowly coming to an end. This makes me sad because I don't want to go back to school. I've got myself into a nice relaxed mood where I hang out in coffee shops and write my novel. I don't want to go back to the stressful environment of the klingon penal asteroid.
March Break was a pretty good time however. I got myself a new jacket, which is the kind of jacket I picture Naos wearing, except his has a patch for the band "Gunslynger" which hasn't been formed yet. I call it the jacket of Naos and it gives me +4 on all will saves against stress and a +5 armour bonus against all Lawful or Evil attacks. I also got myself some new books. As I have already said, I have the first volume of The Invisibles, and I have also picked up some new used books. Two Michael Moorcock books. The Warlord of the Air and The Jewel In The Skull, as well as a book of William Blake's poetry. I also tried to look for William S. Burrough's Naked Lunch, but I couldn't find it.
I also checked out Wilfred Laurier University. Wilfred Laurier is a really cool university that I am going to try really hard to go too as it is small, has a good program for people with Aspergers such as myself, and has alot of cool stuff I'd like to take. Not as many studies on Middle-Eastern and Asian civilizations as I'd like, but the Medeval Studies looked like fun. There's also a film studies class and I'm interested in making movies since I've been watching so many recently. I've seen, let's see, Kill Bill Volumes 1&2, both really good. Chasing Amy, which I will know say is Kevin Smith's best movie and Tank Girl, which was interesting. It's based on a series of independent comics. I'm not in the mood to go into further detail on it.
This computer is being stupid and won't let me edit anything. So I'm going to stop writing on it. May all it's children grow up to be Conservatives.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Loncrow and The Invisibles. Hm, that might make a good band name

I'm a little unsure about making a post right know, but I figure that I should post anyway because I don't want to loose concentration on the blog. I have to many friends on this to loose it now.
Speaking of friends, Loncrow is coming over today for D20 Modern, and possibly PlayStation 2 and a movie or two. I'm a little anxious because he said he'd be hear right now. I'm thinking I should call him. Mom and Dad say I should wait awhile though. Still nervous, Loncrow is my closest real friend and I don't get to see him much. I am really sure that Loncrow and me are part of some kind of ka-tet. A ka-tet, for those of you who are not familiar with The Dark Tower series, is a group of people tied together by the bonds of destiny (or ka, if you prefer). When I told this to Loncrow last time he was here, he didn't take it that seriously, but he did admit we are on the same wavelength more or less.
I picked up Volume One of Grant Morrison's The Invisibles yesterday. It was interesting and has given me a lot to think about. For one thing, I am pretty sure I have come up with the same thing. The basic premise to the Invisibles, is that a secret conspiracy of occultist-fashion conscious anarchists have been fighting a secret war against another secret conspiracy based on order and repression. That's basically my urban fantasy thing, only mine has a pantheon, which I admit is basically a mix of various Hindu, Gnostic and Pre-Islamic Arabian deities along with the various gods of H.P. Lovecraft's and William Blake's mythologies, all worked into some New Age weirdness. I'm thinking I should write a letter to Grant Morrison to see what he thinks of the universe I created that may or may not be the same one he made.
Anyway, more on the Invisibles. Not something to be read lightly, it's a social commentary more then anything. It has all the good weirdness of Doom Patrol and Animal Man, and seems to have this disconserting factor I've been piking up. When I read the Animal Man comics awhile back I felt kind of awkward reading them towards the end. I get that feeling from reading the Invisibles and this is only the first eight issues. It may have something to do with the allusions to the Marquis De Sade. For all it's weirdness, I have to admit that Grant Morrison does have a point when he says that society has brought alot of negativity to human beings. We are living in a really screwed up world, and we can probubly blame this on the people running the world, and us for being stupid enough to follow them. Also, the ultimate goal of the Invisibles is one I can sympathize with, creating a utopia where everyone is happy. Think about it, the utopia of a religious fundamentalist would be different then mine.
Okay, enough blabering, I'm going to finish this post now. There it's done.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Mmmm, that's good alien life form

Hey, just found this article on Neil Gaiman's blog. You have to read this. I'd post more but I must swiftly go to the library.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Looking forward to March Break. March Break will have nothing to do with this post.

So, I'm working in a co-op as part of my school. The workplace in question is a local museaum with a bunch of pioneer and Victorian stuff. Basically, I entered in a bunch of stuff onto a computer database. Yesterday I did doilies and tablecloths. It's kind of boring, but they give me a lot of free time. My parents are giving me a hard time about it by asking me stupid questions like how many artifacts I put into the database per day, which I don't pay attention to. I suppose I shouldn't complain, because they're giving me a lift until the weather becomes more tollerable.
Speaking of the weather, it's hell outside. The sidewalks are covered with ice and the town council isn't doing a thing about it. I nearly tripped on my way to the library today, (which is were I am now). It's annoting, That and snow is going down everywhere. I think it may be having an effect on my emotions, as I have been feeling kind of depressed lately. I'd like to take a vacation to a nice tropical place, that would be great.
The novel is coming along slowly. I can't seem to get it just the way I want. At the moment I'm concentrating on the first bit were Naos and Helen are trying to make a new life for themselves in the Desert, but don't do it because they have to complete the rest of the novel. Along with this I plan on writing in the first year or so of Naos and Helen's relationship. Helen is beginning to take on some Aspergers traits as I write this. I have this one seane where Naos gives Helen some flowers, and Helen just thinks "What are these for?" I suppose it's only write for Helen to have social difficulties, as she wasn't intended to have anything like a real social life by her creators, so I imagine she should have some similarities to Aspergers Syndrome.
Anyway, I heard a thing on Neil Gaiman's blog about a library that came under attack by the Religious Right, because there children were watching internet porn on the library internet. Naturally, this lead to the American Inquistion searching the library and finding all kinds of stuff on safe-sex and homosexuality. Naturally, the Religious Right wanted the Library shut down. I think the Library is shut down, but there are several problems here. Number One, I hate the Religious Right. I believe that you guys are going to kill us all and I seriously believe that if Jesus was to come down from heaven on his holy-Harley (refrence to my mythology, Jesus is a biker in it), the Religios Right would be the first people he'd complain about. Number Two, there your kids. If don't want them to watch internet porn then watch them, or at least not get so worked up about them. Was it not Khalil Gibran who said "You can give them your love but not there thoughts, they have there own thoughts." I'm pretty sure he said something to that effect. I know that porn isn't the best thing to be into, but you can't control people's thoughts. Number Three, and this has nothing about the library, this is just part of my tirade against the Religious Right, which is all this paragraph is really, me bitching about the religious right. Keep religion out of your politics. Jesus dosn't support any wars, especially not a war that is all about greed and prestige. If I had anything to say about it, you'd all go to hell for that, and I don't even believe in that kind of afterlife. I would create hell just for you guys to suffer in. Not sure what I'd do, probubly make you lisean to hippie music for all eternity. However, I cannot do this, because A) I'm not God (no matter how good a God I would make) and B) If I was God, then I'd have to love all my creations equally I'd probubly just send a bunch of Prophets or something among you which you would eventually kill.
Kay, I have nineteen minutes to look at stuff on this internet computer. Don't worry, it won't be porn.