Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Two days until Christmas Vacation, also includes upcoming plans and a review of Clerks

So, awhile back I wrote about the unknown territory that is sex and women. My mom has gotten ahold of this and this scared her or something. We had a breif discussion and now we arn't going to talk about it until it comes up next.
Anyway, we are approaching the beginning of the Chirstmas holidays. For your normal kid, you would have about three more days, but since the only thing happening is an assembly(which I hate) and the annual school class devision tournament (teacher/student hockey game, which I also hate), I will be givin the right to skip the entire day. The only problem is what am I going to do with all my free-time. I'm probubly going to go to my grandma's unless anything interesting turns up. I don't think I should stay home because I see no real point. I also don't see myself hanging around downtown all day. The idea of leaving town for Toronto or something is out of the question, as I don't have any means of transportation, nore do I have any back up for a trip to a big city. So, it's looking like a trip to Grandma's.
I'm not sure I want to go to Grandma's that much. There's not really alot to do except hang around with my baby cousin and maybe read a book or something. I could also watch TV, which I can do at home. I suppose that if I don't come up with something better I'll go there anyway.
In other news, I have officially seen the movie Clerks. It's a pretty funny movie about a day in the life of two guys named Dante and Randal who work as clerks, hense the title. The characters are pretty interesting, if not the best examples of humanity. Dante is trapped into his existance for fear of bringing instability to his life, Randal is odviously a sociopath who insults anyone who comes into the video store he works at (when he works there, for most of the film he hangs out with Dante, ignoring his duties). There isn't really a plot as such, as it is really a day when alot of bad, yet amusing things happen to the people. Also, Jay and Silent Bob are in it. They spend most of the movie outside the building being Jay and Silent Bob.
That's it. I'm going know because I don't know what else to write. Pay attention to my DeviantArt account for I will be posting new art, hopefully by Thursday. If not, well I'll figure something out.


ZZZZZZZ said...

I love Clerks and Clerks 2. You must now see and review Clerks 2! It is awesome. My favorite Kevin smith characters are Jay and Silent Bob and I love most all of Kevin Smiths movies.

Dylan said...

I'll get right on that.