Sunday, December 31, 2006

We can't stop here! This is bat country!

I am officially never doing drugs in my life. I watched Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas last night. I'd put it among some of the best movies I've seen in my life, but it's also one of the scarriest. Some bits were down right freaky, especially seanes with alot of drug use.
For people who don't know what Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas is I give you the following explination. Once upon a time after the Love Generation bit the dust at Altamont, a journalist named Rahoul Duke and his attorney, Dr. Gonzo are sent to Las Vegas to cover a motorcycle race. They decide to load up on as many drugs as they can and drive out to Las Vegas in a red convertable. The trip soon degenerates into drug-fulled craziness, with some really weird effects. It's based of the book by Hunter S. Thompson, by the same name.
So, in short, this film is one of the things that have made me decide never to do drugs. As I have pointed out, I am already in the place were you go when you take drugs. I talk to invisible three-foot mice and a grey-skinned alien rock-star/guru/buddha thingie and I have poor motor skills. Also, from watching the movie I learned that when you are on drugs you generally have poor social skills. Quite frankly, I don't need the help.
On another note, I havn't heard anything from Megan and I'm kind of worried. Megan's that artist girl with Aspergers from the US. She hasn't commented much and the link to her blog is gone. It's kind of freaking me out. Megan, if your reading this please respond.
Okay, that's all. I'll try to make a post about New Years in the near future.


ZZZZZZZ said...

My boyfriend made me watch that movie and the only reason I agreed was because Johnny Depp was in it. I didn't really like it... or I just didn't get it I don't know. The whole movie was one big acid trip. I have never done drugs, nor will I ever, but I must agree with you that movie was scary! I did like the part where he was swinging at the bats with the fly swatter. That was funny as hell. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Dylan said...

Happy New Year to you to Shelia.