Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Post-Christmas Social Hangover

I really do believe that I shall come to loath the Holidays. If it wasn't for the presents I'd throw the entire thing away, and because I am so hard to buy for I think I may just pull out of the entire thing. Plus an article in Adbusters made me feel guilty, I don't know where that will lead. Probably nowhere.
So, I'll go over the big list of what I got for Christmas. Here goes.
  • From Sprite I got a new note book and new pencils, kind of an obvious gift for me but I will be needing a new notebook soon and it is a damn fine notebook at that.
  • From Delila I got a copy of The Big Lebowski. (Oh Yeah!) That was one of my favorite gifts.
  • The Selected Poetry of Walt Whitman
  • The Selected Poetry of Lord Byron
  • A Worst-Case Scenario Daily Calendar
  • A Terry's Chocolate Orange (ate it)
  • Oriental Incense
  • Hemp chap stick and face wash
  • Donnie Darko on DVD (not director's cut however)
  • A Christmas Story on DVD
  • The Hunter's Lullaby, which is a CD by Raine Maida who was the guy from Our Lady Peace I think. I didn't ask for it but it's still pretty cool.
  • A Digital Camera
  • One of those hats that everyone in Fargo had on.
  • The New Hunter S. Thompson biography
  • A book of Ralph Steidman's art
  • A Dolphin thing to relax me
  • $50 Dollar Gift Certificate for the Book Vault which will probably go to Books 6 and 7 of the Invisibles

I may have forgotten some stuff, but that's basically what I got.


Steph said...

Sounds like a damn good turnout to me. Congrats! :)

Dylan said...

Thanks. I'm proud of it too.