I was walking to co-op today when I realized something. As many of you may know, there is a chance that the world will end around late December 2012. I was thinking about this when I realized that by that time I would be, alright, 23! Which as many of you should know is a really important number that appears in all kinds of really freaky places, for instance
- Psalm 23 is the most known part of the bible
- The Prophet Muhammad is said to have gotten the Qu'ran over a period of 23 years
- The human has 23 sex chromosones
- if you square 2 by 3 then you get 0.666, or something like that
So naturally, this freaks me out. I just thought I'd tell you guys this and hope that someone can explain what this means to me.
hmmm, I'll be 23 on August 23rd this year. haha Did you see the movie 23 with Jim Carrey? It was really good.
No, I just happened to have read something in a book I got on conspiracy theories, the number 23 has been in the attention of a lot of people before this, including William S. Burroughs and Robert Anton Wilson
Well, you know. People love to look for similarities between different events they can't readily explain. It's just one reason that people are superstitious about the number 13, for example.
Try breaking it down some more. At 11:23 at night (on a 24-hour clock, 11:23 PM is 23:23), do bad things often happen then? How about the 23rd of the month? Ever hear of horrible disasters involving 23 people? If you hold your breath for 23 seconds, while holding up two fingers on your left hand, and three on your right, and then spin in a counter-clockwise circle 23 times, do you think you'll be jinxed?
Okay, I'm exaggerating. The number symbolism thing is kinda interesting, but I wouldn't recommend worrying about it before it happens.
Besides, I do believe there's been a doomsday theory for every year that's come and gone through all time. So far so good. :P
(I'm curious though, what's the backing for this particular world's-end theory? Something with the Mayan calendar, perhaps?)
Yeah, it does have something to do with the Mayan Calander. And thanks for aleviating suspision, I still think this is a pretty wild coincidence.
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