So I was reading an article in the Rolling Stone about this group of people called BattleCry. BattleCry is basically a right-wing Christian organization that wants to save teenagers such as myself from the evils of homosexuality, other cultures and stuff like that. I remembered coming to the library last week, looking through it and thinking this would be an interesting thing to look at in The Last Dance Revolution. The idea of making a Christian terrorist organization sounded like something I should do, and the idea of making BattleCry that christian organization sounded like a good idea.
This was before I even read the article. After I did read it, I believe that I may be all to likely.
BattleCry has a lot of violent imagery. The guy who runs it, Ron Luce, has a thing were they have a statue of a woman which they tear up. This is based on a biblical story where a guy tore up a concubine and sent the bits to the various tribes of Israel because he wanted to show them what would happen if they were ungodly. Scary enough, but Luce is saying that this is real. He believes that he is actually fighting a war. The sad thing is, is that he is using the same methods to destroy what he sees as evil as they are using, marketing schemes to get teenagers. It's freaking me out. Here's a link, I can't look at it right now because I'm at the library but the moment I get home I'm taking a look at it.
Ron Luce, if your reading this, you arn't getting me. I've read the article and I can tell you that I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot poll. I believe that you and your beliefs are wrong.
This was before I even read the article. After I did read it, I believe that I may be all to likely.
BattleCry has a lot of violent imagery. The guy who runs it, Ron Luce, has a thing were they have a statue of a woman which they tear up. This is based on a biblical story where a guy tore up a concubine and sent the bits to the various tribes of Israel because he wanted to show them what would happen if they were ungodly. Scary enough, but Luce is saying that this is real. He believes that he is actually fighting a war. The sad thing is, is that he is using the same methods to destroy what he sees as evil as they are using, marketing schemes to get teenagers. It's freaking me out. Here's a link, I can't look at it right now because I'm at the library but the moment I get home I'm taking a look at it.
Ron Luce, if your reading this, you arn't getting me. I've read the article and I can tell you that I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot poll. I believe that you and your beliefs are wrong.
Religious beliefs like that scare me. What ever happened to just living a good life, believing in God and helping your fellow human beings? Why all the restrictions. Some religions it's no dancing or bowling or any fun activity. Why? Why? Why? And to any who think they can recruit me.... think again.
have a nice weekend Writer!
Yeah, that is scary. I posted a few of my thoughts on that forum. Doesn't seem like too many people from that site find BattleCry anything but frightening.
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