Monday, December 18, 2006

Greetings True Believers!

So awhile back, a bunch of kids at my school got together for a Writer's Club I started awhile back and probubly forgot to tell you people. We came up with a basic idea for a post-apocalyptic waste-land, nothing I feel I can make a novel out off. However, the idea of having a series of graphic novels sounds interesting.
I have worked out the idea for a superhero universe I suppose I can run it by the guys in Writer's Club. At the moment I have only three characters. The Untouchable I brought up in an earlier comic, but I have an idea for two others. One is an ancient Ethiopian warrior forced into life as a supernatural assassin and is brought to our time period. I call this fella the Pariah. The third character is a weird psychedelic kind-off guy who goes by the name Mithra. Is he a sorceror? A super-scientist? An angel? A god? A demon? An alien? All of the above? We don't know but he sure is weird. I don't really see these guys as part of a superhero team. The Pariah is a loner by nature and Mithra is just to weird for a team. Maybe the kids in my group have some ideas for a superhero thing.
Another idea I have for a few series in my urban-fantasy world. (I need to give it a new name, calling it urban-fantasy is to limiting for it's scope). As I said in an earlier thing, I was going to do a thing about the second coming of Christ which reads like a cross between Easy Rider and the New Testament. I also figure I should try doing something with Ar'Ehdo, since I can do alot of stuff with a guy who's older then the human race. I figure I can do something during the middle-ages, figure out what he was up to between his conversion to Islam and the 60's, Maybe a bit about his role in the fall of Atlantis. More on the other Immortals (The Wandering Jew, Monkey, Rebecca Magdaline), see more about them because beyond Rebecca Magdaline I don't have much of a grasp on them. The only thing I don't know is what the hell would Ar'Ehdo be doing all this time? He can't just be sitting in a coffee shop in Jerusalem all this time (For one thing they don't have coffee yet). He has to be doing something cool, I just don't know what yet. The thing on Jesus I think I got, it's basically a cut and paste job. A bit from Easy Rider, a bit from the New Testament, put in a little of my own stuff (Hey look! It's Ralph), little bit on Christian history, maybe a bit of Life of Brian and Dogma as refrences. (Jesus saying these are his two favorite movies. Least favoirite movies are anything by Cecil B. Demile and Waterworld).
So, that's about it. Bye bye.


ZZZZZZZ said...

graphic novels are cool. I have some superman, batman, Sailor Moon and CSI. Yeah, I'm a dork... it's ok. I've made peace with that. ;o)

Dylan said...

I'm more of an Authority man myself. I don't know if you heard of them. They was alot of controversy about them because of their frequent breaking of the Comics Code, with it's graphic violence and portraying Bush as a coward (They edited that up).