Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, it's finally here. Post 600. It's been little over four years since I started this blog and my how far I've come. Here I am in University, a published short story that has meet with high praise (though only through people I know), and already I have a small circle of friends. Yep, things are looking good for Dylan.
Other then that, things are getting pretty heated. I have two tests this week, one in Religious Studies and one in English. The date of a Religious Studies test is as of yet unanoced because that's how my current RS teacher roles, but I'm pretty sure that today is the next test. After that I have a free week which will be spent mostly with reading Plato's "The Republic," which will be followed by a test on Tuesday about what we learned. I'm hoping to do much better on this test then the last Philosophy test I took. I got a 9.5 out of 21 on that one. Not pretty good, but I've been screwing around and winter isn't my good season. Mind you, I could just have been screwing around and overplaying this whole winter thing.
Other then that things are looking good. I have alot of confidence in the next tests. I'm feeling much more confident now that I've got a note taker in most classes. I have yet to get that done in Religious Studies mind you, but I think we're really close on that. Besides, Philosophy is the one I'm really worried about. It looks to be my hardest class this term, mostly because I'm not as interested in it as say Religions of the East, or 20th century English Literature 1945-present. I'm glad that I took the Philosophy and Religions of the East course mind you, because at the moment I'm seeing a few comparisons between Buddhism and Plato's The Republics, especially Plato's Metaphor of the Cave. I don't know if I'll take any more philosophy classes after this. Maybe the one on Existentalism and the one on Philosophy in literature, but other then that I'm going to stick with good old Religious Studies and Literature.
And to finish, please note the completely legitimate waking hour of 7:16 PM.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 600 posts. Please note that I have read all of them.

Hang in there. Reading week is in sight. Don't forget that you were also going to start your English essay ....

Used book store - here we come!!!

Yo Yo Daddy wants to watch movie after movie after movie this week-end.

Scout says hi.

Dylan said...

Mom, thank you for the comment and please never say "yo" again.