Dear Republicans,
First off, I understand your pain. If McCain won I would be in the same mood you are, and I really understand that this praticular letter is addressed in a select group of Rebublicans.
It has come to my attention that some Republicans are thinking of moving to Canada since Obama one. Now, I don't know if this is true or not, but if this is and any of you are reading my blog. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING STUPID! If you are seriously thinking about moving to Canada to escape Obama then you are seriously messed up in the head. We have a conservative government, and are still more liberal then you are with Obama, and what's more Canadians don't want you. Sure, we'll be polite, but we'll do it in such a way that makes you feel slightly uncomfortable.
Second, your Republicans. You don't become expatriots. Your entire nature is that your government can do no wrong, why else would you realect Bush. Expatriots are created by people trying to get away from the oppressive laws that you inforce upon them. And do you know what kind of people become expatriots?
Drug addicts...
and Communist Sympathizers.
Heck, sometimes it's a combination of all those elements.
So in Conclusion, your stuck with Obama Republicans. Canada is not were you can go and you don't have the neccesary mahones to become expatriots. As conservatives, it's neccessary for you to be family-oriented, Church-goers who give us actual artists something to rebel against. You wouldn't enjoy becoming an expatriot either.
That really made me laugh. You are quite right that party members subscribe to the "can do no wrong" philosophy.
Thanks, to be honest I'm not really sure about the truth of this statement, but if I am then hopefully this will disuade them. I plan on becoming an expatriot at some point and if all the good expatriot colonies are taken up by Republicans then I don't know what I'll do.
I was going to rake the writer over the coals for his butchering of the english language. The misspelled words (your instead of you're, etc.) make the article laughable. But then I saw that Dylan can't be more than 14 years old. Honestly, what can he know about life in these United States? Carry on young man. By the way, I love Obama and couldn't be happier.
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