Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Conservative Blues

Well, it looks like the Conservative party is still in power over here in Canada. As a general leftist I am very disapointed, because Stephen Harper is a conservative weasel who said we were getting out of Afghanistan, and then said we'd stay if assistance is needed, which it will. Also he's cutting funds for arts, which to me says "I don't care about you." To be honest, I don't know much more then that he's a weasel and a conservative and a politician. So I'm a bit bugged about that.
Alright, I just don't trust Conservatives. I don't trust anyone who goes to traditional ideas in politics, because I think that old ideas in politics. I really wanted the NDP to win, because I like the NDP. I like Jack Layton, and I really think he'd make a good Prime Minister. Also, Harper basically wants to turn Canada into another America, and I consider looking down on America, at least there politics, as being something fundamentally Canadian. Why do Canadians make such a big deal about burning down the White House in the war of 1812? Because deep down, we don't like the Americans. We'll never go to war with you, because we'd loose. The only way for Canada to win against the Americans were to start a guerilla army, go up North, wait to the Americans follow us and then when winter comes slowly pick them off while they freeze in the snow, waiting for resources to get through the cold winter. Back on subject, I really hope that Harper dosn't win in the next election, and that Canada gets ride of this Goddamn first-past-the-post system we have.


Anonymous said...

Sorry your political party didn't do so well. If it's any consolation, while we (Americans) don't dislike you Canadians, it's probably just because we think you're funny little creatures that eat strange things like French fries with cheese and gravy. On a brighter note, if that's all we think of you, we probably won't be trying to conquer you any time soon. (Sure, poutine is good, but not THAT good.)

Dylan said...

I was thinking that you'd just invade us for our oil fields.