Monday, December 31, 2007

God Tells Me To Read Proust

So I've been having this strange desire to read Proust for awhile and I've decided to attribute it to God. I understand that Proust is a good writer so I imagine if I read it and figure it out then I could gain Proust's skills for my own. I will probubly start reading Proust next year, because I bought an omnibus edition of his first three books.
On the note of books that will change your life, I have finally finished reading The Invisibles and I believe it is now safe to say that my work will be influenced by Grant Morrison because I am 50% sure that it expanded my mind in some way. I suppose this is a good thing because I was looking for a right of passage or an initiation into Literary Shamanism (which I think I may have invented so it's going to be even more hard).
I'm going to go now, just wanted to update you on the situation here. Have a hap, hap, happy new year.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Post-Christmas Social Hangover

I really do believe that I shall come to loath the Holidays. If it wasn't for the presents I'd throw the entire thing away, and because I am so hard to buy for I think I may just pull out of the entire thing. Plus an article in Adbusters made me feel guilty, I don't know where that will lead. Probably nowhere.
So, I'll go over the big list of what I got for Christmas. Here goes.
  • From Sprite I got a new note book and new pencils, kind of an obvious gift for me but I will be needing a new notebook soon and it is a damn fine notebook at that.
  • From Delila I got a copy of The Big Lebowski. (Oh Yeah!) That was one of my favorite gifts.
  • The Selected Poetry of Walt Whitman
  • The Selected Poetry of Lord Byron
  • A Worst-Case Scenario Daily Calendar
  • A Terry's Chocolate Orange (ate it)
  • Oriental Incense
  • Hemp chap stick and face wash
  • Donnie Darko on DVD (not director's cut however)
  • A Christmas Story on DVD
  • The Hunter's Lullaby, which is a CD by Raine Maida who was the guy from Our Lady Peace I think. I didn't ask for it but it's still pretty cool.
  • A Digital Camera
  • One of those hats that everyone in Fargo had on.
  • The New Hunter S. Thompson biography
  • A book of Ralph Steidman's art
  • A Dolphin thing to relax me
  • $50 Dollar Gift Certificate for the Book Vault which will probably go to Books 6 and 7 of the Invisibles

I may have forgotten some stuff, but that's basically what I got.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thoughts on Christmas and December 23, 2012

Well, I got what what I consider my first Christmas present. The bad thing is that one of them didn't work. My cousin got a database of songs from his Itunes so I could transfer it to my Ipod. It transfered, but I couldn't get at it for some reason. But, I did get the new biography of Hunter S. Thompson, which is cool.
So I was Christmas Shopping when I went into a store and talked to the people there a bit. For some reason, December 23 2012 came up. As my regular readers should know, that is the date that the world is expected to end. The people there however, said that it was going to be the date that something really good will happen that will change everything for the better. After thinking about it, I decided that they may have a point. Not only is it nicer to think this could be the dawning of the Age of Aquarius (Aquar-E-Uuuuus), if enough people believe it, then it may just come true. If not, then maybe we could start it ourselves.
Well, ether way we are not four year away from seeing if it will happen. So keep watching the skys.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Technically my last day of School

Well, tomorrow is basically my school's annual Christman and teacher-student hormonefest, so I'm skipping. And I can just go up to the teachers and say "I'm not going to school tomorrow because I don't want to go to an assembly and hockey game." So tomorrow it's officially the Holidays for Writer.
Sorry I havn't posted in awhile, but I've been really busy with my homework. I've been spending this week getting the rough draft for my essay done. It tends to get a bit new agey and mystical at times, so it might not win. But I still have confidence on getting a good mark.
On a more negative note, my laptop isn't working. The little button in the middle that's the mouse keeps going over to one corner and I have to fight it to get it back. This frustrates me because I really need to write my novel and all my information is on that. And even without that I have to write computer stuff down here or on paper. Paper I think I can do, but I'm running low and I need my laptop back soon so I can write on my favoured tool.
Well, I'm out of stuff to talk about. I'll write back to you guys soon.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Christmas List

  1. A Digital Camera
  2. The Big Lebowski DVD
  3. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier
  4. The Invisbles, Vol 6&7 (Kissing Mr. Quimper and The Invisible Kingdom), by Grant Morrison
  5. A Terry's Chocolate Orange
  6. Move Under Ground, by Nick Mamatas
  7. The First Third, by Neal Cassady
  8. Spiritual Fulfilment

And that's all I've got for now. I'll probubly come up with some more ideas later.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Cool picture of Grant Morrison what I found on his blog

This is Grant Morrison in a lotus position under the words "King Mob." As everyone should know, King Mob is a character in the Invisibles who looks identical to Grant Morrison.

I was reading Adbusters and I began to think...

Are we finally screwed?
More and more kids are becoming depressed and cutting themselves, global warming is slowly killing us. Our leaders are old farts trapped in mind frames that are only going to get us killed and the rich-poor gap is growing. There's going to be some sort of big revolution in the western world if this keeps up, like the one they had in France.
I think I found out why Communism dosn't work, every communist society was based on the idea of Revolution. It's right there in the Communist Manifesto. Violent revolution dosn't get you anywhere, I give the French and Soviet Revolutions as examples. When the Second American Revolution comes, and it will come soon unless someone changes something quick, then we can kiss our closely guarded Western Freedoms goodbye. The Terrorists are not our real enemies, we are. And we need to do something to stop this, or I need to find a woman who I can stand being around for the rest of my life, find a secure and isolated cave, learn how to farm and rebuild the human race.
Becoming a hermit may be my best chance. Humanity isn't smart enough to avoid a revolution, we're all to stupid. Maybe I could try educating the masses so that they'll do something, but I don't see myself as this generations Timothy Leary or whatever, and I think Terrence McKenna already has that role. I need to find a way that will allow me to do my part in making humans smarter. The only way I feel I can do this is by writing. Maybe if I write the right stuff I could make people. Maybe I could do what Grant Morrison did with the Invisibles and make a megasygil that will somehow effect how people think and maybe make the world a better place.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Be Seeing You Heather

I'm going to admit it. I watched America's Next Top Model.
There, gave you some time to think that over. Little out of character, I know. Well, I had to because one of my brethren was a contestent. I speak of course, of Heather Kuzmich. She's an Aspie, and she's the hottest girl in the compitition. Or was, because she was voted off. Something to do with not getting all the go sees finished, sort of models dropping out portfolios. She only got to one thing and was forty minutes late. So, she got voted off.
Now, I could go on about how it was unfair and I think I have a case. The majority of people in the world are neurotypicals, so things arn't designed for people like Heather and me. But I'm not because it seems a bit pointless. Life is absurd and it won't help becoming the voice of Autistic militancy.
What surprised me the most was how hard I took this. I was really concerned about Heather, probubly still am. I keep wondering what's going to happen to her now. I want her to fulfil her dream. For some reason I think she might do something for the Autism Confrence, since she is right up there as one of the big celebrities with Aspergers Syndrome with the lead singer of The Vines and the guy who invented Pokemon.
On another note, I have a crush on Heather. I feel a bit silly about it, but I think it was pretty logical. She's attractive, she's a nice person and she has Aspergers Syndrome. The Aspergers was probubly the clincher. You don't see alot of Aspies on TV, let alone ones that are also really, really nice women who I'd like to go out with. To any family members, don't worry I'm sure this is just a phase. I do not see me and Heather as being an item because there are to many things in the way. The age difference alone is a big factor.
So, that's all I can say. Heather, I wish you the best of luck wherever you might be. I know you can't read this, but hopefully on some magic Quantum Reality level it will effect your career in a positive way. Be seeing you.