I'm going to admit it. I watched America's Next Top Model.
There, gave you some time to think that over. Little out of character, I know. Well, I had to because one of my brethren was a contestent. I speak of course, of
Heather Kuzmich. She's an Aspie, and she's the hottest girl in the compitition. Or was, because she was voted off. Something to do with not getting all the go sees finished, sort of models dropping out portfolios. She only got to one thing and was forty minutes late. So, she got voted off.
Now, I could go on about how it was unfair and I think I have a case. The majority of people in the world are neurotypicals, so things arn't designed for people like Heather and me. But I'm not because it seems a bit pointless. Life is absurd and it won't help becoming the voice of Autistic militancy.
What surprised me the most was how hard I took this. I was really concerned about Heather, probubly still am. I keep wondering what's going to happen to her now. I want her to fulfil her dream. For some reason I think she might do something for the Autism Confrence, since she is right up there as one of the big celebrities with Aspergers Syndrome with the lead singer of The Vines and the guy who invented Pokemon.
On another note, I have a crush on Heather. I feel a bit silly about it, but I think it was pretty logical. She's attractive, she's a nice person and she has Aspergers Syndrome. The Aspergers was probubly the clincher. You don't see alot of Aspies on TV, let alone ones that are also really, really nice women who I'd like to go out with. To any family members, don't worry I'm sure this is just a phase. I do not see me and Heather as being an item because there are to many things in the way. The age difference alone is a big factor.
So, that's all I can say. Heather, I wish you the best of luck wherever you might be. I know you can't read this, but hopefully on some magic Quantum Reality level it will effect your career in a positive way. Be seeing you.