Friday, June 08, 2007

Bunch of cool YouTube videos

Hey, So I was fiddling around on YouTube, when I saw a bunch of interesting things. I've decided to gather together a bunch of YouTube related things and put them up as a post. Her we have K-Os, live on Letterman.

And here's a treat. Michael Moore without his hat.

Turns out he's making a new movie about America's sucky health care system. This is a great trailer.

I've really meant to get into Hawkwind ever since I learned of there relation to Michael Moorcock. I got one of there albums, but I'm a little uncertain as to how it was made. It's called Masters of the Universe and the list of songs is a little off. I wonder if it's a bootleg or something sometimes.
Anyway, here's Hawkwind. If I had a band, it would probubly look alot like this and be called Gunslynger.

And that's all I've got. Bye.


ZZZZZZZ said...

You Tube is fun. Did you see the one that was a spoof of David Blaine? OMG it was funny as hell!

Dylan said...

I have no idea who David Blaine is.

Anonymous said...

dear shiela,

im an aspie too (plus nonverbal learning disability and bipolar). I like animae do you?
