Good news, I met a new friend Thursday at my co-op at the Museum. As I don't know how she feels about having her name blabbed on my blog, she will have no other identity beyond that Chinese girl I met and became friends with at the co-op, or my new friend for short. We had a brief conversation about work and our lives and exchanged numbers and stuff like that. She has a face book account, which I have been hearing about a lot these days. We exchanged contact information and such. I don't know if we're actually friends yet, but it's nice to have the possibility of a friend, and this looks promising.
School is still frustrating. Things keep piling up, because I'm lazy and that's just how I am. Big mistake, I know, but I just don't care about a lot of things. I don't have the same drive as other people. Maybe it's because my priorities tend towards to my writing.
On the subject of writing, I have been working the idea for Mythania around in my head. Many of my long-time readers and friends would remember that Mythania is my personal Middle-Earth. Well, since I have been working on the Family 48 time line and the world of Naos and Helen, I have had little time to actually work on how Mythania works, even though I am fairly certain that it is more important then Family 48 or whatever I may come up with for Naos and Helen. Recently, I have been brain storming Mythania. One of the inspirations is the Forgotten Realms for Dungeons and Dragons. I want to write a big book about Mythania that's like my Forgotten Realms handbook, detailing all the natives, countries, gods and environments of Mythania. It would also have all the information that you'd get in other books, more detailed looks at the Gods, more detail on countries, stuff like that. For plot elements, I seem to be feeling I should do something like the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata is a major Indian epic that has enormous cultural import to India. Imagine if you combined the New Testament and Lord of the Rings into the same book and that would probably be the Western version of the Mahabharata. I haven't actually read the Mahabharata, but I have an idea of the story. I'm also working plot elements into a future novel, where two of the major characters talk about how the universe works right before the apocalypse. It's an allusion to the Bhagavard Gita, which Hindus consider a really important book. So, despite the fact I have yet to read this book, it is probably a big influence on my career. I really should find a copy at some point. I also plan on just using this as an inspiration for the plot.
I've also been thinking about using stuff about Naos and Helen in other works, while there still mortal and have the chance to make mistakes and be more interesting protagonists. The only thing is I'm not sure how to actually work that. I may write a sequel to The Last Dance Revolution, dealing with themes of Religious Extremism. The only problem is I'm not sure I want to write a sequel to the Last Dance Revolution any time soon. I may try writing one ten years from now, but I don't see it as something I really need to write. I'm also thinking I should do something about Naos and Helen in a world slightly different then there last one. I've been having this weird idea of Naos and Helen in something like Yellow Submarine. If I ever get into film making I may try that, but I think I'll just write it as a minor novel I can but into the Naos and Helen series. I've also thought of writing something were Naos and Helen are the antagonists, which I think would be interesting because I tend to caste them as Revolutionary Heroes or Gods. It would also be interesting to write something from the perspective of someone outside my own belief systems.
I'm wondering if Naos and Helen are becoming Mary Sue characters, If I'm caring way to much about them and leaving my other characters without as much detail. I've got at least Four novel ideas about them already, and they've worked there way into Family 48 and Mythania (though admittedly they do not take as much part in the Mythania Chronicles). I'm not sure if they are actually Mary Sue characters, since they don't meet all the criteria. For one thing they have flaws. Naos is an emotional hurricane with a few mental problems and can be a real jerk sometimes, again inspired by me. Helen while generally being more stable then Naos can be a real bitch sometimes. Also, I tend to drag them through a lot of stuff. In The Last Dance Revolution alone I drag them through hell and I'm going to do a lot more then that in Family 48. Still, they tend to come out on top, because I really like these characters. I want them to be happy and have a good life and have many fat children, but I do tend to beat up on them, at least in the stories I have planned for them. I've gotten this idea recently of Helen finding out about my existance and as I had just recently screwed her life up, she decides to try and kill me. I'm not sure how she's going to go about doing this, but I plan on working it into the end of the Saga of Family 48.
School is still frustrating. Things keep piling up, because I'm lazy and that's just how I am. Big mistake, I know, but I just don't care about a lot of things. I don't have the same drive as other people. Maybe it's because my priorities tend towards to my writing.
On the subject of writing, I have been working the idea for Mythania around in my head. Many of my long-time readers and friends would remember that Mythania is my personal Middle-Earth. Well, since I have been working on the Family 48 time line and the world of Naos and Helen, I have had little time to actually work on how Mythania works, even though I am fairly certain that it is more important then Family 48 or whatever I may come up with for Naos and Helen. Recently, I have been brain storming Mythania. One of the inspirations is the Forgotten Realms for Dungeons and Dragons. I want to write a big book about Mythania that's like my Forgotten Realms handbook, detailing all the natives, countries, gods and environments of Mythania. It would also have all the information that you'd get in other books, more detailed looks at the Gods, more detail on countries, stuff like that. For plot elements, I seem to be feeling I should do something like the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata is a major Indian epic that has enormous cultural import to India. Imagine if you combined the New Testament and Lord of the Rings into the same book and that would probably be the Western version of the Mahabharata. I haven't actually read the Mahabharata, but I have an idea of the story. I'm also working plot elements into a future novel, where two of the major characters talk about how the universe works right before the apocalypse. It's an allusion to the Bhagavard Gita, which Hindus consider a really important book. So, despite the fact I have yet to read this book, it is probably a big influence on my career. I really should find a copy at some point. I also plan on just using this as an inspiration for the plot.
I've also been thinking about using stuff about Naos and Helen in other works, while there still mortal and have the chance to make mistakes and be more interesting protagonists. The only thing is I'm not sure how to actually work that. I may write a sequel to The Last Dance Revolution, dealing with themes of Religious Extremism. The only problem is I'm not sure I want to write a sequel to the Last Dance Revolution any time soon. I may try writing one ten years from now, but I don't see it as something I really need to write. I'm also thinking I should do something about Naos and Helen in a world slightly different then there last one. I've been having this weird idea of Naos and Helen in something like Yellow Submarine. If I ever get into film making I may try that, but I think I'll just write it as a minor novel I can but into the Naos and Helen series. I've also thought of writing something were Naos and Helen are the antagonists, which I think would be interesting because I tend to caste them as Revolutionary Heroes or Gods. It would also be interesting to write something from the perspective of someone outside my own belief systems.
I'm wondering if Naos and Helen are becoming Mary Sue characters, If I'm caring way to much about them and leaving my other characters without as much detail. I've got at least Four novel ideas about them already, and they've worked there way into Family 48 and Mythania (though admittedly they do not take as much part in the Mythania Chronicles). I'm not sure if they are actually Mary Sue characters, since they don't meet all the criteria. For one thing they have flaws. Naos is an emotional hurricane with a few mental problems and can be a real jerk sometimes, again inspired by me. Helen while generally being more stable then Naos can be a real bitch sometimes. Also, I tend to drag them through a lot of stuff. In The Last Dance Revolution alone I drag them through hell and I'm going to do a lot more then that in Family 48. Still, they tend to come out on top, because I really like these characters. I want them to be happy and have a good life and have many fat children, but I do tend to beat up on them, at least in the stories I have planned for them. I've gotten this idea recently of Helen finding out about my existance and as I had just recently screwed her life up, she decides to try and kill me. I'm not sure how she's going to go about doing this, but I plan on working it into the end of the Saga of Family 48.
Wow. I am so glad that you met a new friend! I have missed reading your blog! I have been lacking in mine too... but I do have a couple new posts if you want to swing by! Take care.
Thanks for the reply Shelia. You take care too.
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