Yeah, you heard me. Science is going to destroy us all. Look what I found on Stumbleupon. Yeah, that's right. The top five ways science can kill us all, and recreating the Big Bang is not even the top one. A lot of this has to do with something called the Large Hadron Collider, which is supposed to bang together dangerous particles or something. I'm not really up on all the sciency details. Apparently scientists have made this thing somewhere in Switzerland and plan on turning it on in mid-November this year. First off, after reading all this I am now going to say that I am afraid for my life and the life of my loved ones if this thing goes off and recreates the Big Bang or opens a wormhole to the future or something like that.
And that's not even the scariest thing. Number One way science will kill us all is nanotechnology, which in the wrong hands can create an army of desructo-bots that will devour all organic matter in there path. What really scares me is that my campus is working on a place that will build nanobots. This makes me feel uncomfortable, by which it means it scares me shitless. I am seriously considering making a sign and marching in front of were the building is being made and starting a protest on the grounds that this building could lead to the destruction of all life on earth.
Well, I need to get some cold water and calm down. Figure out a way to calm down. I can't link to the wikipedia article on the Large Hadron Collider. Look it up on wikipedia.
OMG! That site is right! It seems there is a 50/50 chance of total earth destruction!!
Loving the picture :D
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