Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I promissed myself that I'd get to 600 posts by the end of this month and by golly I plan on keeping that promise.
Education is kicking in and I'm not sure that I've got myself in proper gear. I just took a test in Philosophy and I'm pretty sure I didn't do that good. While it is still my first year I'm not going to decide that University isn't right for me just yet. Since a staight job isn't what I'm looking for I don't think dropping out of University will be my best chance, at least not yet when my body of work is around three short stories, four or five poems and the half-written first draft of a novel. Once I get my novel done and read as much as I can from the magnificent collection that is the Dana Porter Library, then I'll consider dropping out. Since there is quite a collection at Dana Porter and the speed of progress is going at the speed of human right's progress in China then I'm probubly going to graduate around that time.
In my extra corricular activities, I am working on developing what I am referring to as "The Salon." Basically me and two other people I mentioned, who I am also not going to name because I don't have there consent, will be meeting together to start a Salon. What this is, I do not yet now, but it connects to my Beat Generation Fantasies in some way. What will be a new look at art and the world is what I'm hoping for, or failing that at least getting as many artistic minds together as possible. Were were all going to meet is up for grabs at the moment.
I've been considering writing an Art Manifesto for sometime. This is a problem for me because,
  1. I haven't yet worked out my theory of Art
  2. Once I write "rules" for my Art then I am at risk of becoming stale.

The idea of becoming an "experimental" writer is a bit interesting, but I'm probubly not an experimental writer. I may experiment with genre and narrative form, but I doubt that makes me an experimental writer. I am going to play with narrative (multiple narrators, fictional biography, combining novel and TV serial styles), but these have already been done. I'm also not sure I want to be a Postmodernist, because as I have written before, Postmodernism needs to be replaced with something before it grows stale, if it hasn't already.

Recently I watched a documentary about Alan Moore, one of my favorite living writers. In it, he mentioned the Alchemical maxim or doctrine of SOLVE ET COAGULA, which means to take apart and then put back together. Alan Moore linked SOLVE, the taking apart of, with Deconstructionism and Postmodernism, and replied that COAGULA, putting it back together and said that he believes people should be doing that more. This could be the replacement to Postmodernism, this Coagula. I should try this, but the problem is I'm not really sure that I know where all the pieces have gone, or what I should build in the place of what's been Deconstructed. Maybe I should deconstruct my own literature and then put it back together again.

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