In my mythos there are two major forces of Good, kind of inspired by the Hindu Gods Vishnu and Shiva. Like the Hindu Gods and William Blake's mythology, they are both contemplating male and female forces. Naos and Helen I got down, they're odviously equivalent to Shiva and Durga/Kali. Sophia I'm not so sure of. I'm guessing that her counterpart is going to have a name derived from some Greek word for love. I need to work on this more. I'm not sure how. I suppose reading various Gnostic texts would be a start, though I don't think my philosophy goes with the gnostics, since I don't reject the material world to the extent they did. In Gnosticism, Jesus Chirst was the counterpart of Sophia, so I suppose this character may be the most odvious Christ figure in my mythos, despite the fact nearly all my major Good Guy Deities have Christ-like attributes. (Naos' last name is Ben-David, a refrence to Jesus being of the House of David. Helen has stigmata wounds. Sophia has the whole unconditional love for creation thing).
I'm also trying to figure out how there various secret societies work out. In most cases I imagine they're the same secret society, but they both have there own things going and I'm sure they don't agree on some things. I know Sophia and her counterpart are behind the Rosicrucians and the Saint-Clairs, and probubly some Sufi Society. The kinds of people who make up Sophia's Following are ecstatic mystics and hippies.
The Naos and Helen secret society are based in part by a cult from Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol. I can't remember the exact name, but it was something like the Cult of the Nameless Book. It was really weird and surreal. I'm not saying that the Helenaos Secret Society is going to be really weird and surreal, but the structure will be the same, various organizations that have there own weirdness overlapping into a single organization. I already have three organizations, The Howller Family, The Pact of Lilith and the Furies. I'm also thinking that Little Steven's Underground Garage may be in there somewhere. Followers of Naos and Helen are more wild and untamed then followers of Sophia, The Howller Family being sorcerous tricksters and the Furies being creepy vampiresque buggers. The Pact of Lilith is probubly a bit of both parties, which is appropriate as they are a tantric order and I read or heard somewhere that tantra means "connection."
Well, that's all. G'night.
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