Thursday, October 04, 2007

Homework and lots of it

Well, it's my last day to get the stupid epistomology-Creationism vs. Evolution-David Hume essay done. I have to tidy it up and work in a few quotes so as to show I was using sources. I'm tired of the entire thing and can't wait until it's over.
On another note, I need to get two pieces of artwork done by the end of October or else I won't get a good mark in art class, that and I have no idea what to do next. I think the method is going to be a sketch type thing, no painting like "Extinction." Probably something about the species of Mythania.
On another note, oh what was I going to say? Ah, I lost it. Damn. Anyway. That's all I've got.


Steph said...

Do you still put your art on the Deviant art site? (Or whatever it's called...)

Dylan said...
