In the political world, The Dutch are at it again. First they make that rude comic about the Prophet Muhammad, and now the conservative government wants to bane burkas. Now, I havn't heard what the Muslim women have to say about this, but I get the distinct impression that this is not a good idea.
Listen, Dutch Prime Minister Jan Balkenende, you are walking on thin ice here. I know Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk says that banning burqas from streets, trains, schools, buses and courts of law will promote integration, but you are dealing with people who have been really pissed off by having the man who started their religion portrayed as a murderer. You don't want to give them another excuse to hate the Netherlands. What are you going to do next? Make pork mandatory?
I can't say I understand the issue, because the article on the CBC website is kind of boring and I couldn't get to another article. What I think is that we should let people were whatever they want. Aside from making muslims more pissed off at the Dutch government, this is an infringement of freedom. People should be able to wear whatever they feel like. At the risk of sounding like a paranoid television show host, if the Dutch ban burkas were will they stop? Will they ban T-shirts with Che Guevera because he is a disadent? Will they ban t-shirts because they promote hedonism? Will they make everyone in the Netherlands dress alike until nobody can tell anybody apart? I admit this may be my imagination flying, but the government shouldn't control what people wear. People should wear whatever they want.
Yeah, the women in question probubly don't have much of a choice. Which brings me to extremist Muslim clerics. Yeah, you guys didn't think I'd get to you. What's the deal hiding your women? I know that you have this whole thing about dressing modestly, but don't you think the burka is a bit pushing it. I'm not going to get into that whole arguement about how Muslim women don't need to wear the burka or the normal head-scarf, I don't see the point. I just don't see why women have to wear burkas.
Men don't have to wear burkas. Men can be just as attractive as women. Not that I like men that way, I'm just saying that men can be really attractive. That's why women are suppose to wear burka's right? Your afraid that someone will rape her because she's pretty? First, that's kind of a negative view point. Men don't think about sex all the time, I know I don't. And if people are thinking about sex all the time they should be looked after. Maybe show them a few shots of people with genetal herpes. The point is women should be able to walk around in public with there face showing.
In conclusion, The Dutch are the most to blame at the moment, but burkas are still a bit extreme. I'm not Muslim, so I can't really say if wearing a burka is ethical or not, unless it's summer then you have to take it of because it's to freaking hot. I can really give is a message to Dutch Muslim Women. What do you want to wear? You should have the right to wear whatever you want too? And if you want to wear a burka that's fine. You don't want to wear a burka that's fine too. You have the choice, unless off course that choice is being used by shovinist male pigs, or just shovinist male preists if they're Muslims. (I don't want to call you guys pigs because of the whole rule about pigs). Either way, you should be able to make your own choices and not be told what to wear by your government or your religion.
I hope that this has proved intersting and informative.
1 comment:
well, I'm dutch. And strangly I do agree with what your saying. the worst thing is, though, that Rita verdonk is practically loved for what she says. they're strange, those people in the government. Anyway, I think you're awesome and that your arguments fit.
p.s. it's jan-peter balkenende. sorry, can't help it.
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