Thursday, November 30, 2006

Essays, more on Litvenko and Tur-pope-in.

Well, havn't blogged in awhile. So I might as well start now. Since it's the last day of November 2006. This month will never come again people. Just my luck it's raining outside.
So, I am supposed to be working on my English essay, which is due tommorrow, but I'm blogging instead, as you can see. This seems to be how I write stuff. The essay is basically me talking about Individualism and the counter-culture using various sources. I'm using Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, by Ken Kesey, V for Vendetta, by Alan Moore, and the first three issues of Transmetropolitan. I've been working on it for weeks and I need a break. This dosn't look good for any future jobs, but I can't write that essay for much longer.
Let's talk about Alexander Litvenko for awhile. You remember that guy, claims to have been killed by the Kremlin. Well, it comes to my attention that this may be just one of those frauds. I don't know what to read, but Mr. Litvenko's Ghost. If your reading this and you faked this whole thing, then I'd like to curse your grave. I'm against oppresive regimes too, but you could at least blame them for things they've done, and not something you said they did. If you actually were poisoned by Putin, then good on you, but if you facked it, I am really disapointed. I wrote something that I thought was really touching man.
Next, Pope Benedict is in Turkey, trying to make up for saying that Muslims convert by the sword, something Christianity never did. Cough cough Conqistadors, cough cough, Crusades, cough cough. Sorry, about that. Damn seasonal allergies. Anyway, Pope Benny has been in really hot water ever since the whole ancient Byzantine text fiascoe and Muslims around the world are so pissed of about the Pope accusing Muslims of being violent that they've rioted, and killed a nun. Great idea by the way, prove your not being violent by attacking stuff. When you look at it really, the Pope's comments are a powder keg. He's the most powerful man on the planet, not just because he's the leader of the largest religious following on the planet, but because of a long history, he's also the leader of a religious group that has seriously pissed of alot of Muslims, especially fanatics like Bin-Laden, who are just looking for an excuse to kill everyone on the planet.
One last thing. Aparently one protestor at the Pope's gathering hade a sign saying "Haghia Sophia is Turkish and will remain Turkish." To him I say, who cares? Can't we all keep Hagia Sophia. Break down the useless political bounderies and unite in human brotherhood man. That's all.

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Son of The November Blogthings

Your Career Type: Artistic

You are expressive, original, and independent.
Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.
You would make an excellent:
Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor
Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer
Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer
Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor
The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary.

Your Sketchiness Factor

You are 29% Sketchy

table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>Your Life is 62% Perfect

Your life is pretty darn perfect. You don't have much to complain about.
Of course, your life is occasionally less than perfect. But you're usually too happy to notice.

And now here's something you'll really like...

Awhile ago, Steph made the post that you can go to via a link the title. I don't know how to express the thought I hade any other way then this.

Rocky the flying squirrel: And now, here's something you'll really like...
Me: Wah! Who the hell are you?
Rocky: I'm Rocky the flying squirrel.
Me: No seriously.
Rocky: Seriously.
Me: Well don't sneak up on me.
Rocky: I didn't.
Me: Did so.
Rocky: I didn't.
Me: did so.
Rocky: didn't
Me: did.
Rocky: didn't
Me: did.
(Naos walks in)
Naos: Hey, Writer. Who's this?
Me: Rocky the flying squirrel.
Naos: From the cartoon?
Me: I guess?
Naos: What's he doing here.
Rocky: I'm showing him something he'll really like.
Bullwinkle: Hey Rocky.
Me, Naos and Rocky: WAH!
Me: What the hell.
Rocky: Bullwinkle!
Naos: This means those Soviet stand ins are going to appear and they still want me for instigating the Freedonia incident, I'm out of here.
Ralph: And now here's something you'll really like.
Rocky: That's my line.

School and saying goodbye to a hero

Me and my dad hade a talk awhile ago about stuff. I've hade a bit of a bad day today because I was far too stressed out and I have no idea how to deal with it. I yelled at some kids who were fighting to stop and I yelled at my EA who was frustrating me because she was hanging over me all the time and telling me to do things and it's driving me crazy and I just cried and hade to go home.
Dad says that I need to learn a lot of things before I reach my ultimate goal of moving out of my house. He says that I need to learn how to pay more attention to my surroundings and manage my time better. This kind of scares me as I don't know how to do this. However, if I want to reach my goal of becoming independent then I'll have to learn how to do this. Also, this would make one heck of a memoir.
Awhile ago I talked about a Russian spy named Alexander Litvenko...
In recent news, a Russian spy has been poisoned recently in unknown cercumstances. It's a pretty interesting story. There's suspition that Purin, leader of Russia is behind this, because the spy, Alexander Litvinenko, has hade some difficulty with the whole Putin-having-his-opponents-killed-off-thing. The poison of choice is believed to be thallium, which looks like salt or sugar, disolves in water and has no odure, but it may be something else. I find this all very interesting. I hade little knowledge about what goes on in Russia. I imagine since there isn't a risk of the Russians dropping an atomic bomb on our heads we don't have much of a visible reason to worry about them. Still, this is kind of disturbing. If Putin's in the mood to knock of his opponents and risk to his regime, then we may soon see Communist Russia come back like a big atomic pheonix. Anyway, if your reading this Mr. Litvinenko, I'm roughting for youl. Keep sticking it to the man.
I am sorry to say that Alexander Litvinko died today in a British hospital. I give my condolences to Mr. Litvinko's family and freinds, if there reading this. Litvinko is a credit to the human species, and coming from me that is a very, very big compliment. May Alexander's legacy of brining up corruption in Putin's government live long after his death. I was going to give Mr. Litvinko an award for his effort, even if that effort would only be a mention on my blog. I hope that his family would approve.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Update on the school front

I have a stress test in health tommorrow. See, I've been learning about stress, which I have alot off, and how it negativly effects my health. That dosn't really help any in making me feel less stress. Either way, I am feeling optomistic about this test, even if I havn't done much in the way of studying as of yet. Maybe it's because I was successful in my presentation of Marxist Criticism in The Glass Menagerie. Show them a bit of The Matrix and read them a poem with the F-word in it and you got them eating out of your hand. Eew.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Dutch Are At It Again.

In the political world, The Dutch are at it again. First they make that rude comic about the Prophet Muhammad, and now the conservative government wants to bane burkas. Now, I havn't heard what the Muslim women have to say about this, but I get the distinct impression that this is not a good idea.
Listen, Dutch Prime Minister Jan Balkenende, you are walking on thin ice here. I know Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk says that banning burqas from streets, trains, schools, buses and courts of law will promote integration, but you are dealing with people who have been really pissed off by having the man who started their religion portrayed as a murderer. You don't want to give them another excuse to hate the Netherlands. What are you going to do next? Make pork mandatory?
I can't say I understand the issue, because the article on the CBC website is kind of boring and I couldn't get to another article. What I think is that we should let people were whatever they want. Aside from making muslims more pissed off at the Dutch government, this is an infringement of freedom. People should be able to wear whatever they feel like. At the risk of sounding like a paranoid television show host, if the Dutch ban burkas were will they stop? Will they ban T-shirts with Che Guevera because he is a disadent? Will they ban t-shirts because they promote hedonism? Will they make everyone in the Netherlands dress alike until nobody can tell anybody apart? I admit this may be my imagination flying, but the government shouldn't control what people wear. People should wear whatever they want.
Yeah, the women in question probubly don't have much of a choice. Which brings me to extremist Muslim clerics. Yeah, you guys didn't think I'd get to you. What's the deal hiding your women? I know that you have this whole thing about dressing modestly, but don't you think the burka is a bit pushing it. I'm not going to get into that whole arguement about how Muslim women don't need to wear the burka or the normal head-scarf, I don't see the point. I just don't see why women have to wear burkas.
Men don't have to wear burkas. Men can be just as attractive as women. Not that I like men that way, I'm just saying that men can be really attractive. That's why women are suppose to wear burka's right? Your afraid that someone will rape her because she's pretty? First, that's kind of a negative view point. Men don't think about sex all the time, I know I don't. And if people are thinking about sex all the time they should be looked after. Maybe show them a few shots of people with genetal herpes. The point is women should be able to walk around in public with there face showing.
In conclusion, The Dutch are the most to blame at the moment, but burkas are still a bit extreme. I'm not Muslim, so I can't really say if wearing a burka is ethical or not, unless it's summer then you have to take it of because it's to freaking hot. I can really give is a message to Dutch Muslim Women. What do you want to wear? You should have the right to wear whatever you want too? And if you want to wear a burka that's fine. You don't want to wear a burka that's fine too. You have the choice, unless off course that choice is being used by shovinist male pigs, or just shovinist male preists if they're Muslims. (I don't want to call you guys pigs because of the whole rule about pigs). Either way, you should be able to make your own choices and not be told what to wear by your government or your religion.
I hope that this has proved intersting and informative.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I'm not really sure how this post is going to come out. I suppose that I could just do another long rant about how I'm being flooded with homework and how English is driving me nuts and how I desire a freedom unknown to me at this time, but who want's to read that? Is this what my life amounts too? Me whining about my day at school? Sigh.
This should be about my musings. I should be writing stuff that's important here. Instead I just bitch about English class and how I feel that I am trapped in my current life and I don't know how to get out. I feel so small and useless thinking about this. Do any of you enjoy reading about how much I complain?
Things I should write about...
  1. Poems. I write poetry sometimes. I should put up some poems.
  2. Photography. I don't have a camera, but some pictures would be nice to have around the blog. I don't have any pictures of me with my Jacket of OK-ness and my new +2 Bandana of Roses.
  3. More political and cultural commentaries. This means that I should try and read more about politics. I can do that.
  4. Be more honest with people. There are some thing about me that you don't know. I'm not sure I want to go through and tell you today, but I figure I might have to tell you eventually. Might be beneficial.
  5. GET A SOCIAL LIFE! I need to spend more time with people. I need to learn more about people and I need to start making freinds. I got freinds at the moment but I want them to be better freinds.

This is a bunch of stuff I heard on my yahoo radio. I'm using this as a list so I'll remember to get them. You can look into it for yourself

  • Tomorrow, (album Tomorrow. Song: Three Jolly Little Dwarves). Very psychedelic feel, along with a folkish element. Weird, must get.
  • Athletes (album: Tourist, Song: Wires) Judged this awhile ago. Has a depressed kind of sound with a bit of majesty. I can see how it is good. There are some jumps but I don't know if there intentional. Should check this out.
  • The Coasters, (album: 50 Coastin' Classics. Song: Charlie Brown) This is a good song. Catchy, has this good trumpet thing going. The lyrics are good and simple and the song isn't heavy. It's a nice light fun song.
  • The Rutles, just out of curiousity. There a parody of The Beatles by Eric Idle of Monty Python fame.

I want to be a writer. This damn blogging system won't let me end this as a paragraph so we got a run on paragraph or whatever you call this. Kind of like in lines of Alan Ginsberg's poetry. I got the complete collection of his poetic works at the public library. It's pretty good, but I have some difficulty understanding most of it. I have that problem with poetry.

I'm reading The Glass Menagerie in English. Well, I have read it more or less three times over. What with my feelings of overwhelmingness and lack of control oaround my own life I feel a certain kinship with the character Tom. Tom has to support his family by working at a job he hates and has every detail of his life closely monitered by his mother, Amanda. The only liberation he can find is going to the movies night after night, and drinking alcohol. I'm not an alcoholic or have to support my family, but I feel that I am in more or less the place Tom is in. We both have little control over our lives. God I am so goth today.

In recent news, a Russian spy has been poisoned recently in unknown cercumstances. It's a pretty interesting story. There's suspition that Purin, leader of Russia is behind this, because the spy, Alexander Litvinenko, has hade some difficulty with the whole Putin-having-his-opponents-killed-off-thing. The poison of choice is believed to be thallium, which looks like salt or sugar, disolves in water and has no odure, but it may be something else. I find this all very interesting. I hade little knowledge about what goes on in Russia. I imagine since there isn't a risk of the Russians dropping an atomic bomb on our heads we don't have much of a visible reason to worry about them. Still, this is kind of disturbing. If Putin's in the mood to knock of his opponents and risk to his regime, then we may soon see Communist Russia come back like a big atomic pheonix. Anyway, if your reading this Mr. Litvinenko, I'm roughting for youl. Keep sticking it to the man.

This is Writer. Signing out.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Trip to Toronto

Yesterday I went to an Animation Institute I forgot the name of in Toronto. It was fun and I got to make an animated short with these two kids from my school I usually don't hang out with. We made this guy who was originally going to be Ralph, but he became this creature I rename Carson. He goes a break dance and then walks away.
The real fun part was seeing all the cool stores. Some guys I usually hang out with at school showed me this clothing store called Blackmarket, which sells Vinatage clothing and stuff like that. I got a bandanna which I am wearing know and a bunch of new buttons. Buttons are my thing at the moment, I have a good collection of them. We also went to the Silver Snail were I picked up issues 5 and 6 of The Eternals by Neil Gaiman and a thing called Devi from Virgin Comics. I may have made a link there but I can't remember. I'll do it for this post anyway.
Anyway, one of the interesting bits of my trip was a woman walked up to me and asked me were she could find THC. I thought she was talking to my freind, who said that we didn't. I didn't find this strange, but I did tell them that I was sorry we didn't know. Then my freind turned to me and said "She was talking to you. She wanted to know were she could find some marijuana." I found this endlessly amusing. Apparently, THC is the stuff in marijuana that makes you high.
Mom is very happy that I could go to Toronto on my own, since she was worried that I wouldn't be able to do that. This is good for me also, since I plan on living in Toronto at some point. I also found a place that sells groceries down town so that would be place for me to get food.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I want to go to the movies

Why does school chafe at me so much? Why do I have to go threw this agonizing process every day of my adolescents. I feel overwhelmed and cloistered and it's driving me nuts. What is that line in Monkey Buisness "I want adventure, I want excitement, I want to ha-cha-cha" something to that effect. Anyway, things seem to pile up on top of me. English, mainly. I seem to get tired by Resource and then I'm all cranky in English. My EA dosn't help much, she's all "Did you do your work. YOu didn't do your work? We'll your screwed." Yes, I'm lazy and I have a poor memory but for the most part I just don't care. That's probubly the problem with my memory, I just don't care.
Anyway, we've been working on a post-modernist story in groups. I joined a group with a bunch of crazy RPG freaks. We did a story about an anti-hero known as Bimp the Bog Imp. Bimp works in an office building and has recently broken up with his girl freind Bodyknock the Gnome, who is seeing Izbin the gnome know. He is betrayed by his only freind, a dead fish and is fired from his job for destroying half the building. In the end he commits suicide. I wrote all his notes. They wear all purposly misspelt.
Lastly, I joined a forum of Michael Moorcock fans. It is called Moorcock's Miscellany. I go under the name of The Mythanian. Here's a link. Know if you excuse me House is on.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The November Blogthings

You Are 48% Politically Radical

You've got some radical viewpoints, but you aren't completely nuts. You're more of a visionary than a radical.

Your Summer Love Type is Go With the Flow

A great summer love may be in the cards for you ... or not.
You'll have a fantastic time this summer, taking what comes.
What you want is flexible - what you'll get is up in the air.
No matter what, you'll have fun - and maybe a few flings!

Your Movie Buff Quotient: 26%

You're a very typical movie goer. You like movies, but you are by no means a movie buff.
You've seen many of the biggest blockbusters, but you haven't really started digging in to the classics.

Your Expression Number is 5

A total multi-tasker, you have a wide variety of talents.
You're very versatile and able to change at a drop of a hat.
A free spirit, you crave change and adventure.
Clever and quick witted, you can convince anyone of anything.
You can do anything you desire... though this sometimes gets you in trouble!
Very popular, you're always thinking up new ways to entertain and amuse your friends.
Your restless and impatient attitude means you don't stay with projects for long.
You tend to be erratic and scattered - it's hard for you to focus.
You often find yourself in a state of flux with constantly changing interests.

You Are 4% Republican

If you have anything in common with the Republican party, it's by sheer chance.
You're a staunch liberal, and nothing is going to change that!

You Are 68% Democrat

You have a good deal of donkey running through your blood, and you're proud to be liberal.
You don't fit every Democrat stereotype, but you definitely belong in the Democrat party.

You Should Have Voted For Kerry

Though You'd Rather Vote for Michael Moore

Friday, November 10, 2006

My birthday is today.

Hey, anybody ever get that spam mail that advertises genital enlargement pills? You ever get insulted by that. I mean, I don't care about that, but you think someone would sue them for that kind of stuff. Can you sue people for that?
Anyway, back to real news. It's my birthday, huzzah. Hade to go to a Remembrance Day ceremony and I discovered something about myself. I can't comprehend the concept behind Remembrence Day. When people think of Remembrence Day, they remember all the people who died so we can be "free". When I think about Remembrence Day, I think of how stupid everyone is and how this whole Remembrence Day thing is just an excuse to continue fighting people. Sure, I'm glad that Hitler didn't win, but we could have easily saved the trouble of that by not screwing the Germans over. If we didn't screw the Germans over then we wouldn't have to deal with the Nazies and Hitler would be some painter who died in a slum somewhere in Munich or something. Anyway, I hade to leave because I just couldn't take it. I just can't except that this war can have any good reprecussions beyond some good music.
Anyway, I hade a big cry. Mom and Dad know what I'm talking about. One were I hade to go to the health room and my eyes were all red. I havn't head one of those in awhile. Then I walked around the place with my EA and we got some doughnuts from the staff room, which was fun because I don't get stuff like that usually. My EA made me eat a second half because she's worried I'd get skinny or something to that effect. She also said that I don't stress her, because no matter how bad I get it's not her fault. It's my parent's fault.
Anyway, birthday presents. This is what I got from my family.
  • Fragile Things, by Neil Gaiman
  • a new backpack
  • Three-Dragon Ante, a card game for Dungeons and Dragons.
  • A shirt
  • Five new buttons
  • Sprite made a cute picture of me saying "D&D is the coolest"
  • My EA gave me 40 pencils and a giant Mr. Big chocolate bar.

My EA gave me 40 pencils, two erasers and a really big Mr. Big bar.

Anyway, as you all know my good freind Loncrow will be coming today. He dosn't know it's my birthday, but quite franklty after not seeing him for a year tops, his presence will be enough (and that new D&D campaign setting his brother made and Soulcaliber III. Soulcaliber III is wikied awesome. I'm making Elric). Anyway, that's it. Bye for know.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Not back on till Bloody March!

It's not back on until March. They are taking Lost of the air and it won't be back on till March and it's at a good place. Character's lives hang in the balance. The head Other may die in an hour and I won't here anything until next year. I am so ticked off. God.
And to add to my excitement my birthday is coming up in two days. As I said, Loncrow will be over. For dinner I told Mom I want perogies. Loncrow will come and there will be D&D and Soulcaliber III (Rhyme not intened). I also made a list of things I wanted. I don't have it on me, so I'll write a breif list.
  • A button making machine, not a girly one that you get at the local toy shop.
  • Book of Exalted Deads, a Dungeons and Dragons source book for playing good characters. Mom said she's not getting it because she dosn't want to get me D&D stuff.
  • Oriental Adventures, a Dunegons and Dragons book with rules for playing in an Asian setting. I want access for the Samurai class for a Mythania RPG I'm working on for personal use. Again, not going to get it.
  • Galactic Civilizations II, a computer strategy game because I'm sick of playing Sims 2.
  • V for Vendetta, I cannot stress this enough, THE BOOK NOT THE MOVIE. I hate the mobie. V is much more better in the book. They humanized him way to much in the movie.
  • The Blues Brothers, I love this movie. Anyone who dosn't love this movie should have their brain examined. It's hilarious.
  • The Second or Third Season of Star Trek the Original Series, 'Nuff said.
  • The First Two Volumes of Transmetropolitan, Just read the first issue on the internet. Spider Jerusalem is so cool. I wouldn't want to emulate him but he's a great character. Read the comic by clicking here. I warn you it is not for young readers. It's from Vertigo.
  • Born to Run, a CD by Bruce Springsteen. Great album
  • The complete series of Firefly and the movie, Serenity. Great series. Fox should never have cancelled it. Bush, by the way, since you control Fox and everything I blame you. May you go to the Special Hell.

That's all I can think off. Oh, and the first two seasons of Lost would be good. Note to self, find out the name of fans of Lost.

Friday, November 03, 2006

But no one suspects that beneath his mild-mannered exterior, Writer is truly...somebody else?

I need a secret identity. I just realized this today. I need a persona in which I can pass unbenounced among my peers and the tyranny of the school board so I can blow of steam. I don't know how I'm going to do this, but I need to figure out somekind of method.
Before I go on I might as well say why I need a secret identity. Well, I was frustrated today in English. Me and some other guys have to write a postmodernist story in a certain way. I find this annoying and restricting and it just dosn't feel right. I openly compared it to giving birth to the Anti-christ. (One of the kids said not to worry about it, he already did). My EA took me to the side and bugged me about doing the rules. That and I have a stack of homework. I need a way of blowing of steam and a freedom from the suffocation surrounding me in society.
Anyway, that's it. And I am aware that this blog thing is in itself a secret identity, but to many people know it's me.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Post-Halloween PA day

First, I didn't tell anyone this but I watch and love Lost. It is one of the coolest television shows in existance, and last week I guessed the twist. See, the plot of Lost is that there's this plane crash between America and Austrailia and a bunch of people are stranded on this island with a bunch of people they call "The Others", not to menchion a French Lady and a bunch of polar bears, and a big ass black horse.
Well, I guessed the twist. See, I came up with the idea that there are two islands and the Others live on one, and the guys we see the most live on the other. And I was RIGHT! See, there's this whole thing about dualities, so I figured that there was another island and I was RIGHT! However, that's as far as I can go. I don't know why Desmond can predict the future know, except it has something to do with the Hatch.
Anyway, know we vear away from Lost to tell you my big annoucement. Loncrow's coming, yeah. I don't know if he reads my blog, but I hope he isn't intimidated by that. It's just so great to have a freind over. You may remember Loncrow, he's a freind of mine who I lost contact with. He's coming over on the 10th, which happens to be my birthday so that's great. We're going to play Dunegons and Dragons and knowing Loncrow Playstation.
Anyway, yesterday was Halloween. I didn't go out of dress up or anything. I would have licked to dress up, but I didn't get around to making a costume. I'll probubly do it tommorrow. Anyway, that's all I care to speak of today. Bye Bye.