Friday, February 25, 2005

Muhammad on the Silver Screen, First European-American Congressman

in 1964 Sonny Liston knocks out Cassius Clay in a boxing fight. Clay continued boxing for awhile, but soon retired after joining the Nation of Islam, were he changed his name to Muhammad Ali. Ali would become the most famous Muslim religious leader of the 20th century and is responsible for the spread of Islam across most of America.

in 1870 Yeshua Hassir becomes the first European-American to become a congressman. Many former confederates had strong feelings about a white on the council, but they soon quitted down. 14 other European-American served in Congress during the Restoration, more than 600 served in state legislature and countless others served in local offices.

on Muharram 4, 1425 Hamid Jabir Ahmed releases the first film documenting the life of the Prophet Muhammad today when his controversial film, Prophet opened in theatres across the Muslim world.

in 1978 Anne Frank, Holocaust survivor and famous writer dies in Toronto, Ontario. Found nearly dead in a German death camp, Anne Frank was rushed to a hospital. To spread awareness about the attrousities of the holocaust she published her diary. She became a figure in human rights and wrote over two dozen novels.

on Pisces 25, 1 NC Vishnu Rose begins his Peace Campaign by starting the Hippie Party. The American government got a brief kick out of it of awhile.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

I Shall Write Parodies

I have decided that I’m going to use the Aspie Diaries to post one of my favourite musical genres, parodies. I shall choose a song and then change the theme into one of my favourite subjects (i.e. Ancient Civilizations, Mythology, Science Fiction etc.) I don’t have any ideas yet and I would appreciate any songs you would like to see me make a parody off.
Also, the Robot Charter of Rights is going to take awhile. There are a few bugs I want to get out of it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Don't Panic

The Greatest Story ever told . . .

Even Greater then the one with Jesus . . .

Is coming to the big screen . . .

This is not the introduction to the new Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, but that is what went thru my head when I heard that one of my favourite books is turning into a movie.
The Idea of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy came to a drunken Douglas Adams while he was laying in a field thinking "Wouldn’t it be great if there was a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy." Well he forgot about it for a while, but then when he was coming up with an idea for a science fiction radio show he remembered his idea and used it. And thus was a phenomenon born.
The Hitchhiker people have been trying to make a movie for years. For more information on the science fiction movie event of the spring go to the link at the bottom of this blog thing.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Hey Caeser, Leave Christians Alone (Parody of "The Happiest Days Of Our Lives" and "Another Brick in the Wall", by Pink Floyd)

(Crowd cheering, Lions roar loudly like a helicopter. There should be a guy shouting something)
When the Roman were still alive and kicking
Crazy Cults had temples raised
To anything you could worshipped and praised
Then some hippie from Galilee
came and said "Hey, every one
How bought we all just get along
in peace, hey wouldn’t that be fun,".
But the Emperor got wind of this
son of a virgin, preaching stuff
he shouldn’t have so they got a mole
and had the man lynched and crucified

We don’t need no crucifixion
We don’t want to be a tiger’s bone
No lions eating the congregation
Caesar leave Christians alone
Hey, Caesar leave Christians alone
All in all it’s just a little fish on the wall
All in all it’s just a little fish on the wall

We don’t need no crucifixion
We don’t want to be a tiger’s bone
No lions eating the congregation
Caesar leave Christians alone
Hey, Caesar leave Christian alone
All in all it’s just a little fish on the wall
All in all it’s just a little fish on the wall

A New Charter of Rights

Civics is turning out to be fun. We’re writing these things that give rights to minority groups. My group has decided to do that most misunderstood of minority groups. Even before the ultimate goal was reached, they have been stereotyped as evil monsters bent on the destruction of civilization. Even thru the work of devoted figures including the great Isaac Asimov, they have been mistreated as the lowest of the low, but know four middle school students and a giant furry rodent have decided to sit down and write up a document to protect the rights of those poor little robots. I’ll have the robot charter of rights published when I have it finished. I would appreciate feed back.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I Feel Sad

Anyone out there worry about how their life is going to turn out? I worry all the time. I’m just worried that my life isn’t right. School doesn’t help, either. They just annoy me. They call me a Canadian (which for all intensive purposes I am, but it goes against my beliefs) and as I say in the post I made earlier, they try to brainwash me.
I guess what I really worry about are girls. I want to have a relationship with someone, but because of my Asperger’s Syndrome I have difficulty understanding any social interaction, let alone having a girlfriend. Also, it seems that every woman I ever liked didn’t like me. Thinking about it makes me feel very sad, so I’m going to finish this post and then do something fun.

Venting about Civics

Why do I put up with that stupid corse? Civics is for nationalist fools and those stupid enough to think political boarders can be seen from space. The school board is defiantly trying to brainwash me into a subservient nationalist drone. That’s all they want you know, drones to do their bidding. That’s all government’s are, tyrants and bureaucrats. Leaders are the worst aspects of humanity magnified, all power hungry worms. Well, they aren’t going to get me. I’m to smart for them. There all fools. One day anyone who thinks in political terms will be hospilitaized because it stupid. We are human and all equally inferior, you got that, were all worthless meat sacks. (I’m not suicidal, I’m just angry).
Sorry if I offended you. I'm just angry about school.

Monday, February 14, 2005

The World According To Ralph: Valentine's Day

Well, It’s Valentine’s day. The day when young human men and women go around kissing and whatnot. I decided to do what I know of human love.
Love is an emotion common to most species. It causes them to do incredibly stupid things to impress another. I remember when I met my mate, Florana. I was a slave in the house of some major Cronullaban lord and I hade to fight this big pig thing because I was like a gladiator. So I didn’t, because Florana is An Elasyren Druid, and they are like total nature freaks. I got myself whipped continuously. Then, this is the good part, it turns out she wasn’t at the tournament.
This is funnier now.
Well, how does love effect the humans? . I am taken to the story of Troy, were a bunch of Greek dudes fought over some chick. Human mythology is full of love stories like this, Rama fought the demon Raka..., Rakes..., some demon guy to save his girl friend, Romeo and Juliet killed each other because they fought they were dead, Arwen forsakes her own immortality to stay with Aragorn. These stories plainly show the value your species has on love.
Again, my species places great value on love as well. Here are some classic examples of Tawazee love stories...
  • The Book of the Goddesse The Goddesse is the head deity of my people. She takes the spot of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God, only she's a woman. In Book Twenty-Seven, the Goddesse goes on a quest into the abyss to find her mate. This is the first recorded Tawazee love story.
  • The Bluemahanin Saga The Blueocean Saga is the story of the first Tawazee explorer, who came from the ledgendary homeland. He created th first ship under the guidence of Bhegucha, Tawazee god of the ocean. Bluemahanin discovered many strange and wonderful things, until he finally landed in Modern Hurgolanimm and defeated the Demon Kings that lived there. This is one of the many Tawazee pop culture refrences that I make and only I am able to understand.
  • Anything by Geugha Kaylon Vesitol This girl wrote some of the most cliched love stories in the history of my people. Why menchon her do you say? Well they weren't cliched when she wrote them and when she write's them there good. I've only read the Spider and the Flame, but it was great. She also wrote a lot of poetry.
  • Eskalia Eskalia is one of my favorite books. It fits quite nicely into science fiction, however my species refear to it as a futuristic Romance. Eskalia is considered one of the greatest works of Post-Cronullaban war liturature. It takes place in the future were the Cronullaban control everyone by mind power and a Tawazee killer is the only thing that stands between civilization and complete distruction. It's kind of like a cross between Clockwork Orange and the Matrix. Anyway, a large part of the story is derived around the main character's relationship with a younger woman and how it effects his ultimate destiny. Great read, unfortunaltly it hasn't been translated into human so your screwed if you want to read it.

Well, thank you for reading. Go home

Friday, February 11, 2005

Alien Species of the Week: Kzinti

Creator: Larry Niven
Homeworld: Homeworld
Physiology and Evolution: The Kzinti evolved from plain dwelling cats that evolved to stand on two legs to see prey at a longer distance. They can easily grow up to eight feet and weigh two hundred pounds. They look similar to tigers except for frilly ears and rat like tails.
Psychology: They are incredibly violent. I mean Terminator-Barbarian Army-Gangsta violent. A Kzin will just as soon tear out your spine then look at you. There entire system is based on a Klingonesque style of honour.
Kzinti used to believe that their theme song was "Princes of the Universe," by Queen, but then they met humans.
Kzinti females are non-sentient
Culture Kzinti family structure is made up of fathers and their male decedents. Since females are non-sentient they are usually kept as property and pets.
The Kzinti government operates like feudal Earth. You got the Patriarch on the top, the ruling lords in the middle and all the unimportant guys on the bottom.
Unlike humans, who have their names given to them at birth. Kzin have to earn their names. First you start out with something like Speaker-to-Animals or Slaver-Student. Then you can get a partial name like Chuft-Captain.
Kzinti are also capable of telepathy, but to get this power they must regularly take a drug from the sthondat lymph. This is a disgrace among the Kzinti because it makes them jittery neurotics.
History The Kzinti used to have a really big empire because they were really good at killing things and taking over their space. One day some kzin were happily walking along when they saw some funny little monkey people called ‘Hyu-Mans’. Well, the kzinti decided to take over these human critters, but before you could say "Well there goes human civilization," some friendly aliens gave the humans hyper space drive and humans were able to fend of the kzinti.
The Kzinti however didn’t seem to get the fact that humanity beat them, so they kept on sending more kzinti when their numbers got back up. At some point a kzin called Kdapt-preacher came along saying that humans, not kzinti are made in the image of God. This is very arrogant on the part of the kzinti because this says that humans couldn’t beat the Kzinti without Devine intervention.
The Man-Kzin war can also be contributed to a funny race of people called the Pierson’s Puppeteers. They decided they want nice gentle Kzinti so they made it so that humans would win the Man-Kzin war, and the next one, and the next one, and the next one. This killed off all the really violent Kzin and will go along until the Kzinti are nice little kitties.
Recently the Kzin have opened up relations with other species, but as if to say "We’re talking with you but we don’t like it," they call all Kzin diplomats who don’t already have names Speaker-to-Animals.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

What do you know. I'm an Anarchist

I was in civics and my teacher said that their a five people in the class who she believes to be most likely to be autocrats and I began chanting "Name the Five. Name the Five," so she called me an anarchist. I told her that I’m not an anarchist because I don’t think that I’d last long and that my skull would probably end up as Mel Gibson’s hood ornament. She told us that anarchist societies don’t want a violent society, they just want a society without any government. I don’t really want any government either, so I guess I’m an Anarchist.
I talked this over with my Imaginary friends, Ralph and Naous. We decided that in the event that an Anarchist government begins we should take over the school. I like the school as a building and since it will be an Anarchist society school will not exist as establishments, so Ralph, Naous and I shall step into the school.
There will be some changes. For one thing I will make it a more defensive position in the inevitable event that the barbarian hordes come calling. I will add some thick walls and gates at the walls using whatever I can find. I will also use the announcement system to broadcast continues music that I like. I will also add some ramps for the people that I will allow in my new domain for skateboarding. They can also put their music on the continues music player. Of course I will have a bunch of people living with me. I will put down a few rules, for one thing there will be no killing or harassing people. This will cause people to be banished from the school. I will gather as much resources and things for future generations and in a few generations the stupid inhabitants of not-school will flock there believing that my descendants are gods. Like in Ringworld.
I think that I’m going to enjoy being an anarchist. It seems a lot more fun then being in any other form of government.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Student's School

I’m learning civics in school. I think civics is a complete waste of my time. I just live in Canada. I have no need to learn about the government. Why don’t I need to learn about the government? Well for one thing it goes against my beliefs. I think that the board of education has been informed of my beliefs and are trying to brainwash me into a mindless drone of conformity. That’s what the schools are trying to do to us. They are turning us into the slaves of the government. Well are we going to take this. Hell, no we aren’t. We should do something about it. We should start our own school. That is what we should do. We should learn important things like how to use the wisdom we learn and it shouldn’t be a dictatorship with a puppet council. It should be a democracy with a real council. And we shouldn’t be studying this blind nationalism there force-feeding use. We should be allowed to sit down during the national anthem. Countries are only imaginary things anyway. My imaginary friend Ralph has more substance then countries.
(If your some government agent who think’s I’m a terrorist of some kind, I would like to take this time to say that I’m not. My entire philosophy is that of non-violence. I am merely stating my opinion. I have no interest in your country at all)
Back to my piece. I believe that could originally be an after school program. At the moment I’m still trying to find Wisdom so I will not be a teacher. In theory we could all be teachers and students and work in a sort of forum like the Ancient Romans. I will use the Aspie Diaries as a newsletter for this. It will still have the other things I post here such as Ralph’s column and Alien Species of the Week, but I will know have this as a constructive purpose.

On another notice, I have a fictional blog called Journals of A Lost Human at Check it out.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Is Spongebob Gay? Why Should We Care?

So have you heard the news? Spongebob Squarepants could be gay. I would like to take this time to say that, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS IS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER, WHY IN GOD’S CREATION SHOULD WE WORRY ABOUT THIS. What does it say about our society if we are worrying who a cartoon character is doing it with, also Spongebob Squarepants’ alleged homosexuality is pretty tamed considering the fact Donald Duck goes around without any pants and Micky and Minnie mouse don’t were any tops. And let’s not get into the gunplay of Yosemite Sam and other Loony Toon’s.
I think it doesn’t matter much if Spongebob is gay. In the future, kids will probably be aware of homosexuality and most will probably not have a problem with it. In the mean time I think we should worry about more pressing issues.
On another note. The people at have a new poll. Robbie Taylor may be setting it up so that This Day in Alternate History to This Month in Alternate History, a monthly internet magazine with short stories from his timelines. I've discussed things with him and I may have some of my short stories from the Alternate events that I have on Aspie Diaries. These would give you a better idea of what I have in my timelines and will have Robbie Taylor's short stories, but you can only get this if you vote for Monthly Magazine at, so go vote now. I want my work published.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Alternate Events: February 6 and 7

February 6, Wedding of the Century, Duchess Anastasia enters America.

in 1960 Grandfather of Canadian Comedy, Orlin Yantzi and Grand mistress of Science Fiction Eileen Gerber, then under the pen name Christopher J. Powell are married. The hade one of the most successful marriages in history.

in 1928 Duchess Anastasia takes asylum in America. From there she is able to set up an alliance with the United States and regain her rightful throne from the Communist revolutionaries. The U.S.A and Russia remained close allies .Russia would later change to a democracy in 1953, but the Russian Monarchy still hung around for ceremonial purposes.

in 1820 Freed American slaves are returned to Europe from America. It was primarily the work of the work of the American Immigration department and was from Manhattan to the coast of Spain. It was modelled after the Zulu’s efforts to return European slaves to there homeland after slavery was abolished. Most European-Americans were not thrilled on being transported and most Americans said that sending Europeans back to Europe only strengthened white slavery in America.

on Aquarius 18, 1 NC The New Calendar is shown to the public by Mat the Bear. A bit of laziness by Mat’s part, because he used the zodiac. "I know I ripped of the zodiac," he said "I don’t know a thing about calendars. This was the first original idea that came to mind,".

February 7, My God, It’s full of Stars, Angel of Life dies

in 1964 The Beatles first enter America in New York. On the other side of the country. Naous enters America for the second time.

in 1984 Navy Captain Bruce McCandless becomes the first man to orbit the Earth untethered. However, before he could get back, a large black rectangle over took him. His last comment was "My God, it’s full of stars,".

in 1979 Dr. Josef Mengele dies in Berlin, Germany. A Jewish sympathizer, Josef saved hundreds of lives in Auschwitz and helped many jews escape to Britain as the mysterious "Angel-of-Life,". He was almost killed after by Adolf Hitler when found out. Josef Mengele won the Nobel Pease Prize in 1953 for his work. He also hade a film about his life titled after his allies in which Gregory Peck plays his role.

on Aquarius 19, 9 NC Vishnu Rose completes his autobiography, The New America and Me. Vishnu Rose used a blend of humour and his own gift of gab to illustrate his life as the man behind the hippie movement.

The World According to Ralph: Bush is Without Honour

Hello, my faithful human readers.
I would like to talk about George W. Bush and the War in Iraq. My people are a warrior culture and we have a strict code of honour, I'll write about it sometime. Anyway, Bush has broken one of my people's most protected rules "Do not fight a war unless your species is in danger of Extinction," This entire Iraq war is founded on incompetence and greed. If this was a Tawazee war, The Bush Clan would be searched for incompetence and conspiracy agaisnt the Republic. Unfortunatly Bush is not a Tawazee and America is not a part of the Republic. I still think that you Americans should do something about this.
This is Ralph, signing off.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Alien Species of the Week: Alavallan

Homeworld: Currently the Alavallan live almost completely in spaceships, but there ancestors came from a place they call Point of Origin
Height: Slightly shorter then a standard human
Average Lifespan: 1'700 Standard Years

The Alavallan are one of my favourite species, mainly because I came up with them. They are a race of humanoid space-fairing anarchists with dreadlocks. All Alavallan skin is grey, except for the tattoos (they are actually past down genetically).
Alavallan physiology is endlessly complex. They have four lungs that can adjust to different atmospheres and pressures, which allow them to go onto planets without the use of an environmental suit. They have an eating cycle , so they only need to eat three times every Alavallan Standard Year. There bodies also carry large amounts of nano-probes which act as immune system and blood filtration so they have no liver.
Alavallan think like humans in many ways (e.g. embracing of paradox, curiosity), there psychology differ in three ways .One, there entire social structure is practically nonexistent. Some species believe that each Alavallan ship has a Captain, this is untrue. Second, they think at a much faster rate. The Alavallan brain is the ideal storage capacity and a standard model usually carries 1900 to 2900 languages, advanced starship engineering, advanced piloting, advanced hacking, and advanced breaking out of buildings. Third, they are open, VERY open to other cultures. They are so open they will practically except anything.
Despite there all too obvious lack of formalized government, they have been known to play highly in the affairs of other species. They consider themselves to be a force in the universe to prevent war and have completely changed species to do this. They prefer doing it before the species can travel outside there home planet.
In spite of there lack of formalized government Alavallan are experts at subterfuge and politics. Probably in there long travels they discovered leadership and decided to use it for there advantage. Alavallan usually hide this fact by acting as if the have no comprehension of leadership or government (e.g Shut up, Comrade Bush). In truth, a single Alavallan can bend an entire empire to his or her will.
Religion is one of there main ways of maturing. There ways of maturing with religions is usually changes from species to species, but in some cases they used the same religion on different planets. So the inexperienced human space man could be surprised when he lands on a planet inhabited by Lizard-men to discover that are Roman Catholic.
Alavallan have a long history with humans. After Earth was declared part of the Enayon Empire, the Alavallan hade to completely change religions in this part of the galaxy. They made empires and then destroyed them so that the religions would spread farther. They set themselves up as Gods to rival the Enayon. Practically ever religion on Earth has something to do with the Alavallan.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Things I would like to See on the Sims

Well, we won. The new Robbie Taylor novel is going to be the Greater Zionist Resistance. I would like to thank everyone out there who voted for GZR.
Well, recently the Sims 2 came out. I like the Sims and I always thought that the people at Maxis could add a few things. So I made a list of things I would like to see on the Sims.

  • Writing I think it would be nice to make it so that your Sim could become an author. You could have a little typewriter and you could choose the genre (mainstream, article, mystery, science fiction etc). The Sim could eventually become a famous writer and you could get Trophies or stuff.
  • Alien Sims I mean real Alien Sims. Not the ones based on human Sims you can download of fans sites, I mean real Aliens. There work on the same level as other Sims, except there aliens. You could make a special Sim game for it, but I would prefer an Expansion pack for Sims 2. You could have houses on Alien planets, special items that could only be used by specific aliens. You could make a create-an-alien thing were you could add new features to the aliens and create new aliens. Personally, I think it would be awesome to have Kzinti from Larry Niven’s Known Space series.
  • Religion They should make a thing that gives the Sims religions. I think that it would be best to start with the five major religions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism and put up others as downloads(i.e Sikhism, Scientology and Paganism). You could have special items for the Religions (i.e Bible, Koran, shrine to Ganesha etc) and have special lots were you can go to Church. You could also have non-player characters like Jehovah’s Witnesses that come by and try to sell you panflets, or the head guy of a Church. Most of all, if you do it on Sims 2 which know allows you to have life-goals for your Sims you could have a "Find God," life goal. I’m not sure what to do with Alien religions, maybe it could come in a bonus disk.

So these are some things that I would like to see on the Sims. If anyone from the Sims is reading this, E-mail me and will discuss buisness.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

WriterFest One, All the Events we missed

This post will also say that I will no longer be doing any new alternate events. I don't quite have the nack for coming up with Alternate Events as the Alternate Historian does. I am sorry to say that this is not a complete post like I promised, but I hope that you enjoy it.
January 26, Britain becomes a Republic, Da Vinci Launched

on Magha 6, 1871 The Republic of Britain is created and ceases to become a domain of India. The British have long been the mining capital of the Indian Empire, but in recent years it hade fought a violent rebellion against India. Many other countries under the domain of India also fought back, but India remained on of the most powerful nations in the world to this day. Britain has yet to make a mark on the world stage of politics.

in 2310 The Da Vinci, the first wormhole capable vessel of mankind is launched on Haven, the third moon of New Earth. The Da Vinci would be the first step in the creation of the great fleet of Humanity.

in 1838 A raid on what was believed to be the hideout of Frank and Jesse James was called of by the Pinkerton’s detective agency. The Pinkerton’s hade been chasing the James brothers for sometime and were quite disappointed when they discovered that the hideout only hade the mother of Frank and Jesse James. The mother got away unharmed.

in 2751 AUC The Council of the Second Roman Republic, Caecilius Octavius Maximus address the people of Rome about the current scandals, saying "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Mrs. Lucretia,".

in 1934 Sam Goldwyn buys the rights to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Before he could make the film however pressing family issues forced him to leave the project. The Wizard of Oz would not be seen on the big screen until 1985.

in 1838 The first prohibition law in America passes in Tennessee, banning the selling of alcohol. While there was many complaints at first, the prohibition laws stayed on. To this day no alcohol is sold in the United States.

in 1961 Wayne Gretzki, the greatest Canadian of all-time is born.

January 27, Uncle Dracula wants YOU, Lewis Carroll takes the Red Pill

in 1948 After a close encounter with Major Jacob Leech, Naous books passage on a ship bound to Europe with Richard Anderson, Unexpectedly he also hade to deal with a couple who were unintentionally brought into the conspiracy.

on Rabi’al-Awwal 4, 963 The Indian governor, Humayan took his own life by jumping of the roof of his library. His son, Akbar became Governor of India in his place becoming the youngest Governor in the history of the Islamic Roman Republic and the first father-son transition in the history of the Islamic Roman Republic. There was some rumour that Akbar killed his father to become Governor, but it is completely unfounded.

in 1978 The Americo-Vampiric army is formed in Sacramento, California under the rule of General Richard Chase. The Americio-Vampiric army would reck havoc on the World until there fall at New York in 1996.

in 1302 Dante Alighieri is banished from this plane of Existence. He would later rematerialise over 600 years later in 1986. He documented his travels in the Divine Travels.

on Rajab 2, 1343 Nathan Ibn Jabir demonstrates the Image Viewer or IV to the public. The IV would bring a revolution in world communication.

in 1975 The American Senate begins an investigation of FBI and CIA activities. They are surprised to discover that all information on the Naous project up to 1966 is gone, along with the Naous project leaders.

in 1832 Philosopher Charles Dodgson was born today. An eccentric man, he believed that reality was merely an illusion brought on by machines who use hu ...Charles Ludwidge Dodgson, Victorian humorist and mathematician was born today. He wrote such classics as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass under the name Lewis Carroll.

on Aquarius 8, -1 Vishnu Rose has a conversation with Mat the Bear and Fast Joe Man about the Hippie situation and there opinions on it. This conversation would forever change the history of America.
January 29, Soviet UFO conpiracy

in 1948 In a fevered dream, the Oracle Adra discovers that the world will end in 2010. She informs her Soviet captors and they begin the Armageddon project. The Armageddon project was a top-secret Soviet project to protect the Union from the oncoming Apocalypse predicted by Adra and research on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Among the leaders were Dmitri Aleksandrov, a WWII veteran and Franz Kappel, a spy for the Russians in WWII and notable scientist

in 1979 the American government declares war on China. America lost the war with China, but the Chinese military was greatly damaged, before either nation could do anything Canada became the dominate nation in the world.

in 1954 The Queen of American radio, Oprah Winfrey is born on this day. She resurrected American Radio in the 80's keeping it a competitor for TV well into the new millennium.

in 1885 Ara’do Mahmoud, the Djinni immortal stays the night at an Inn in a small New Mexico town. In the middle of the night the supernatural entity known only as the Raven attacks him. The two fight a supernatural battle until the Raven is subdued and disappear, Ara’Do leaves town quickly.
January 30 Gandhi Assasinated

in 1948 Mahatma Gandhi was nearly assasinated by a Hindu extremist. The assailant hit Gandhi’s arm and was unable to get another shot before law enforcement was down on him. Gandhi’s arm never fully recovered

in 1948 A Hindu extremist almost kills Mahatma Gandhi. A woman asking for directions noticed something strange about the man’s behavior and told law enforcement. The man was found to have a gun and tried to get a shot at the Mahatma. No one was killed.

in 1948 Indian fanatic, Mohandas Gandhi is executed by British Forces in New Delhi, India. Mohandas was a violent terrorist for British separation from Britain. His acts of violence merely tore India apart at the seems creating violent civil war between Hindu, Muslim and Sikh factions making it impossible for the Indian people to even consider independence.

in 1948 Mahatma Gandhi was supposed to be assasinated by a Hindu extremist, but History was merged before this could happen and he became a chief advisor to Alexander the Great.

on Magha 10, 1869 Mahatma Gandhi, Ex-President, pacifist and British sympathizer was shot by a fanatic in Delhi on the way to a temple. Mahatma Gandhi was a great supporter for British Independence despite there violent methods.

in 1948 Mahatma Gandhi is shot in New Delhi. Mahatma Gandhi started a pacifist movement that inspired people across the time/space continuum including Martin Luther King jr, Nelson Mandela, The Dali Lama, Shaman Arthur McCarthy, Vishu Rose, Terry Twelve and Unit 36297.

January 31
February 1, First Contact

in 14'569 BCE An Alavallan scout vessel lands on in the Middle East between the Tigris and Euphrates river. A neighboring human tribe greets them with open arms, forever changing human history.

in 4952 BCE After expulsion from Eden Star, the human race terraforms a new planet in sector KMZ-57, where our numerous enemies couldn’t find us. Star travel and anything beyond radio communication was band to keep our new world a secret. Humanity wouldn’t reach the stars again for millennia.

in 993 AUC The Seekers land outside Rome. All available legions are called to Rome to take on the Seeker army, but the Seekers desired peace .The Emperor and Master spend time discussing an alliance. The Seekers are responsible for the continued lasting of the Roman Empire.

on Ramadan 2, 1415 The Che’Khaun Science Vessel Dakhara Fanek puts itself in orbit of Mars and sends emissaries to the Brotherhood of Nations. With help from the Che’Khaun Earth soon started there own space exploration project.
February 2, Groundhog Day, German Civil War

in 1948 Naous and his human companions land in Egypt. The will wish that they haven’t.

in 1933 Adolf Hitler dissolves the German Parliament and declares himself dictator. His reign was short, brutal and brought chaos though Germany. Adolf Hitler was eventually killed by the Democratic resistance of Germany.

in 1979 Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols is checked into the New York hospital for the Insane after saying that he has been reliving the same day over and over again.

WriterFest One, The World According to Ralph

Hello and welcome to the first ever WriterFest. To make up for the time I took off I am holding the biggest thing I have ever pulled off on the Internet. You will have my rants and Ralph’s commentary on human society, Alien species of the week and a whole wake of alternate events. So sit back and enjoy the blog.

The World According To Ralph: A Christ on the Cross is worth Two in the Bush
I live in a human majority community. Actually, it’s all humans if you don’t count figments of the Writer’s imagination. It is hard adjusting to an alien culture, especially one like humans. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of similarities between our two species, but there’s always the alien factor. I’d have to say that the hardest part about living with humans is your religion. Practically every religion you have needs to feel that there right.
I’d like to talk about the human religion that I’ve hade the most contact with, Christianity. In some ways the Christian religion is similar to the faith I was raised in. There are many differences of course, we refer to the divine as feminine, we don’t have the violent history, we don’t have any formalized church, we don’t worship a dead carpenter and our worship services aren’t as boring (don’t get me wrong, I’ve heard of some pretty cool Christian services. We got the U2 Rattle and Hum DVD for Christmas, they have the band singing "I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For," That would get me up on the coldest January Sunday, I tell you) Anyway, I have spent most of my time around Christian humans so I figure by now I know a lot about the Christian religion. Here is my guide to Christianity.
Ralph’s Guide to Christianity
Species who follow it:
Number of Followers: There’s a hell of a lot of them. It is currently the largest following of all humans. Second is Islam and I think Hinduism comes in third because of all the people living in India.
Holy text(s): Mainly the Bible which they stole from the Jews and added a second part. One sect of Christians called Mormons have a third book. We will talk about them later.
Founder: Jesus, probably the most influential figure in western history. He is probably the most mysterious. According to Christians, God came along and impregnated this Mary chick and she has to go with this Joseph guy to Bethlehem were they give birth to the Baby Jesus in this old shack Jesus grows up to be a carpenter, but when he’s not being a carpenter he goes around healing people and stuff because he’s the son of God. Now the guys called the pharisees are really pissed of at this so they have him wacked with the help of the Romans, but it turns out that Jesus wanted to get wacked so that he could die for every bodies sins (a nice sentiment but it doesn’t say much about the Christian god. I mean forgiving is easy, you don’t have to go giving your son away) however just to prove to everyone that he was the Son of God, Jesus came back from the dead.
The Writer believes that the Bible is not the best historical document in the world and that Jesus was just this guy who hade a few good ideas and accidentally started a religion. I think that’s just as good.
Number of Sects: There’s a hell of a lot. First there’s the Roman Catholic Church, they act like the boss Christians because they have been around the longest. They have a ridiculously large amount of saints for practically anything which I think is ridiculous for a monotheist religion. Other defining features are drinking of wine, a guy called the pope who has a cool hat, needlessly large copies of afore said holy text and a desire to be even more right then all the other Christian sects.
Then we come to the Protestants. Once there was this guy called Martin Luther(no relation to Martin Luther King. Jr) who got feed up with how the Roman Catholic Church because they were wasting money on fancy churches and such so he said "Well, I’m going to start my own church" to which the Roman Catholic Church said "Like hell you are" to which Martin Luther said "Just watch me" to which the Roman Catholic Church said "You can’t do that. If you do that we’ll kick you out of the Roman Catholic Church," to which Martin Luther said "Who cares. I’m starting my own church," and the rest is history. I don’t know as much about the Protestants but they don’t have a guy with a cool hat.
Well, when Martin Luther started his own church other Christians who weren’t so keen on the Roman Catholic Church said "Hell with this, were starting our own churches,". Among these are the Mennonites, The Writer was brought up in a Mennonite family so I got a good idea on those guys. Now don’t get the wrong idea, not all Mennonites are Amish guys who have been immortalized in the classic Weird Al parody "Amish Paradise"(Parody of Coolio’s Gangsta’s Paradise. Amish Paradise is on the Running with Scissors Album). Many of them live in modern conditions with such things as electricity and 8-tracks. Anyway, Mennonites are into the whole pacifist thing and those that except technology have a really big charity thing that helps other people in foreign countries.
Things just get even more nutty from here, know we get to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or there cooler Mormons. See, once this guy named Joseph Smith came walking down a fine American path when this winged creature called an Angel came unto him and said "Hey Joe. There’s this book buried in the woods over there. Go dig it up, it’s Gods will,". So Joseph Smith dug up the book and turns out a bunch of Hebrews ran off in a bunch of ships to the Americas were they set up a civilization that collapsed before anyone could get there. This was a very controversial religion because they hade polygamy, but I’m pretty sure that most of them don’t do that anymore. Mormons know concentrate on selling copies of the Book of Mormon (the one Joseph Smith dug up in the woods) to people at there homes.
This brings use to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the end is nigh and that they should go around to people’s houses and tell them about the good news. Jehovah’s Witnesses are known to go around and tell people about there good news in pairs. I don’t know what Jehovah’s Witnesses do when there not annoying people, presumably they sit around watching the Simpsons.
There is also Greek Orthodox and Televangelists but we need more room on stuff.
Christianity and Other Religions: Christianity doesn’t have a good relation to other religions. They hade that whole thing against Judaism for kicking of Jesus (which is kind of strange because Jesus was brought back to life, so it wouldn’t really matter) and they considered everything that didn’t acknowledge that Jesus was your saviour was a lot of lies and that they should try to convert them, by FORCE. This has given Christianity and Jesus a bad name. Which is a shame because Jesus sounds like a good guy. Here are a few quotes about Christianity. These do not represent my views or those of this blog so don’t sue us.
I like your Christ. I don’t like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ
Mahatma Gandhi

The moral and religious system which Jesus Christ transmitted to us is the best the world has ever seen, or can see.
Benjamin Franklin

Christianity simply does not make sense until you have faced the sort of facts I have been describing. Christianity tells people to repent and promises them forgiveness. It therefore has nothing (as far as I know) to say to people who do not know they have done anything to repent of and who do not feel that they need forgiveness.
C.S. Lewis

If I were not an atheist, I would believe in a God who would choose to save people on the basis of the totality of their lives and not the pattern of their words. I think he would prefer an honest and righteous atheist to a TV preacher whose every word is God, God, God, and whose every deed is foul, foul, foul.
Issac Asimov

When Jesus Christ asked little children to come to him, he didn't say only rich children, or White children, or children with two-parent families, or children who didn't have a mental or physical handicap. He said, "Let all children come unto me."
Marian Wright Edelman

A certain sense of cruelty towards oneself and others is Christian; hatred of those who think differently; the will to persecute. Hatred of mind, of pride, courage, freedom, libertinage of mind, is Christian; hatred of the sense, of the joy of the senses, of joy in general is Christian.
Friedrich Nietzsche