For most of the morning I was overcome with a big feeling of aloneness and since my mom started asking about it know it's started to settle in a bit. Basically, I think I can attribute it to this dream I have but I didn't really say anything about. To finally get it out, I will speak of it know.
The Dream I hade Last NightI can't remember all the details, but I was at this big outdoor thing that was like a museaum and there was a family of black people who I think were from a small tribe in Africa or something and they lived their in a rectangular pit. I was with a bunch of other people and we played or talked with them. I was afraid to fall into the pit however. Then I remember that I was with a bunch of people and we were having fun or something.
Then I saw that the African tribe family had built a much larger pit for themselves with some sort of water system, but the mother looked very depressed.
I keep on thinking that one of the people I was with was Larry Underwood from The Stand. He looked exactly like I would think Larry Underwood would look like. I also remember one of the characters was mentally challenged, so I could have been with the cast of The Stand. The tribe we saw could be a refrence to the end of the expanded edition. I won't give it away in fear of ruining it for someone.
Then I saw one of the charcters (I think it was Larry Underwood) trying to talk to the other people from the group in a school environment, but none of them felt like talking or were busy.
There. That is the dream, at least all I can remember. I think my dream may have hade something to do with a subconcious fear of being alone. I believe that Larry Underwood in the last part of the dream represented me, because I related to him most in the novel. The fact that no one was talking to him could mean that I am subconciously afraid that I will not be able to see me freinds when I go back to school.
Anyway, to deal with this I went to a local coffee shop to do some writing. I got a brownie, a cookie, a glass of water and two Jones sodas. I wrote a bit of a novel and a bit of a short story. My dad is putting a desk together in my room. I just thought I should update on this. Bye.