To all available Trekkies (or Trekkers, Star Trek fans) guess what episode this is from. There is no prize and I can't confirm it, but do it anyway.
Anyway, The summer blahs have finally set in. There is a chance of Dungeons and Dragons this week, but I am at a lose to figure out how spend the intervening time. I tried painting, but I can't seem to get the sketch the way I want it. I'm feeling like doing something with Naos. Oh, right, my first painting is up. It is of Ralph exploring an ancient ruin, probably some Pre-Draan Talortreal ruins. At least that is what I'm going to say. I'm the only one who will understand, but I'll say it anyway.
Maybe I should do a painting of some various Mythanian species, like in my Forgotten Realms book, with them all standing. Maybe two for each gender (three for draan). It won't explain cultural detail, but it will show them what they look like at least. Hm, would this include cultural differences. Should I draw a Tarkesh and a Hand Cronullaban? Maybe I'll separate sketches for various countries. Anyway, Tarkesh and The Hand are very close so they should have a similar fashion, especially they were both a part of the former Anoran Empire.
I've lost you? Haven't I.
Well, I'm at the library, even though I could easily write this at home. The library just seems to be a better environment for me to get this down. Beats me why I'm doing it here. It's not a private place. Maybe their's just a less emotionally attached environment for me.
Back to the Painting and doing it as a line-up of Mythanian races, I don't think I could easily do it with the three boards I have on me. I have at the very least twenty sentient species inhabiting it and I keep trying to come up with more. Maybe I should just paint some random Mythanian inhabitants, I was thinking of doing something with The Sisters of the White Lady, a religious sect of the Singer Cult. Maybe I should just go home and type stuff up on Mythania, I was hoping to get all the information on it out by next fall. I just need to get it all down.
Last, I am reading The first books of the Masks of God. It's a non-fiction series about the evolution of Myth, written by Joseph Campbell. It was given to me by one of my aunts and I haven't really gotten around to reading it until today.
Okay, I have just one more thing to talk about. I'm really worried about all this talk of WWIII. Why can't everybody just get along and leave each other alone. It's like all the world leaders in the world don't care about the people who are following them. Why do humans feel the need to follow someone, even if that someone is a religious fanatic, you can interpret that as either Bush or the leader of Hezbala, sorry if I misspelt that. No, you know what, I don't care how to spell your stupid cabal of death-dealers. And I don't have any respect for your administration Bush. I don't care if you believe that this whole thing is the fricking rapture, if this is your rapture then screw it. You can go up with St. Whatshisname, who said that the richeaous will all enjoy seeing the damned be tourchered over margarettas and I'll stay down here in the flames, because if that's Heaven then you can keep it. I'd rather stay in Hell if that's Heaven.
So to put it bluntly, everyone in charge of the world is insane. Authority has shown that it is a flawed insitution. ANARCHY NOW!!! See you at the Revolution, unless there's a nuclear war. Then we'll all join up in the Boulder Free Zone and start a new society.