Well, Rowiin came for Dungeons and Dragons yesterday. We are both working two characters each, since I wrote one up a character since we spend so much time in the wildreness. This is our adventuring party so far.
- Kulder Palecastle, Lawful-Good Half-Orc Paladin(level 2) and Cleric(level 1) of Tyr, I'm pretty sure that Kulder is the leader of the party since he lead the expidition to Bored Kobold Dungeon. He was brought up in your standard orc tribe, but converted to the faith of Tyr because of the cleric Talis Stormriver. Talis has unfortuantly been murdered by the cleric of his former tribe and Kulder's mission is to extract retribution and regain his possision as leader of the orc tribe, hopefully leading them away from the faith of the Orc God Gruumsh and to the faith of Tyr.
- Rowiin, Chaotic Good Drow Rouge (level 2) Rowiin is a drow rouge who Kulder hired to pick locks in Bored Kobold Dungeon. He seems to have slight kleptomania and is a follower of (hope I spell this right) Eilastrea (didn't), who is the goddess of good alighned drow.
- Marek, Lawful Neutral Fire Genasii Monk (level 2) Rowiin's other character, Marek is a quite and withdrawn individual from far and exotic Calimshan. I don't really know what else to say about him except he's the only person in the group with an abbility modifier that goes into the negatives (his charisma if your wondering. That isn't really important to a monk if your wondering).
- Relander, Chaotic Neutral Moon Elf Ranger (level 2) and Elf Paragon (level 1), Relander is my new character. I created him because we needed somebody who knew how to live in the wilderness. The idea behind him was to be a sort of Clint Eastwood Man-with-no-name personality which may have something to do with my Dark Tower obsession and the fact that The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is an awesome movie. I'm not going to talk much about his past, but I do plan on cross-classing him with a wizard and then giving him the Arcane Archer Prestige class. May take awhile since I would like him to have 5 levels in Ranger, 5 in Wizard, 3 in Elf Paragon and then 10 in Arcane Archer. This will take alot of time, I realize but really I don't care how many levels of Arcane Archer I get as long as I have it. Still, I think Relander may become one of my major characters. At the end, I'm changing his alignment to Chaotic Good.
- Fang, an orc we picked up in an attack. He's really just a minor NPC at the moment, but Kulder is trying to convert him. I plan on him becoming a follower of Kulder when he reaches level 6 and gets the leadership feat.
Well, what happened in the campaign you ask? Well, Kulder went to Dundragon Castle, a village near Bored Kobold Dungeon, which they were exploring last time. At Dundragon Castle they met Talis, a cleric who finansed the expedition to the Dungeon. Unfortunatly, Talis was murdered by a group of orcs and Kudler and Rowiin were framed because the locals don't trust half-orcs and drow. An anonymous stranger helped them escape through a secret passageway. Once they were outside, Rowiin went back into Dundragon Castle and recruted Marek and Relander.
Once they came back, they went back into Bored Kobold Dungeon were they found some journals written in Dwarven (Bored Kobold Dungeon was originally a Dwarven city). The dwarven journals spoke mysteriously of the Kobold invasion and refrences to something called Zeltorzane. After exploring a bit of the dungeon, they found the former leader of the dwarves who lived here, who was turned into a Lich to entertain Kurtuluk the Mad, the leader of the Kobolds. After destroying the lifesource of this lichs as a mersy killing, they found and armoury and every one got new weapons (except for Marek, who got a belt of giants strength).
Relander brought up two important points. 1) if Kurtuluk could turn the dwarf cheiftan into a lich, then why wouldn't he turn himself into a lich and 2) he knows that orcs under Krayk, an Orc Cleric of Gruumsh, hade Talis assasinated. Kulder reveals his ties to Krayk's tribe (he is hereditary leader) and retribution against Krayk.
Because the heroes can't go back to Dundragon Castle, they go to Moonvale, a community of elven and Good-alighned drow that lives in the forest. Relander is on good terms with the leader, a female drow cleric of that good drow goddess I told you about, and a member of the Harpers. (The Harpers are a secret society who's goals are to protect culture and good things). The heroes ask her if she knows anything about Zeltorzane, but she refuses to answer anything. Relander also talks with her alone on a personal matter that remains a mystery to the rest of the group.
After this our heros made an attack on an orc post. They were able to take one captive named Fang. Fang informed them that they were in relations with a Kobold Lich operating out of Bored Kobold Dungeon. This Kobold Lich (Presumably Kurtuluk the Mad). Kulder takes Fang with him, much to the arguement of Relander who dosn't trust him.
After this our heroes go back to Moonvale, regroup and make another expedition to Bored Kobold Dungeon. Relander discovers that Zeltorzane was a Red Dragon that helped the Kobolds invade the dwarven city. There is also information that Kurtuluk was a member of the Cult of the Dragon (a secret society bent on bringing about the reign of Undead Dragons) and may have turned Zeltorzane into an undead lich. The heros find a small bunker for what appears to belong to a Cult of the Dragon shelter. Strangely, a statue of an undead dragon has a pile of holy symbols of nearly every god in the Forgotten Realms and a symbol of the Cult of the Dragon.
Rowiin had to leave then, we will learn more next sitting. Except me because I'm the Dungeon master and already know what will happen.
In other news, I am finished my Independent Study and don't have to redo my Gender Roles assignment that I didn't do right. Exams are coming up quickly and I wait with anticipation for it all to be over. I hope summer can come soon so I can have a better degree of freedom, which I will spend here at the Library.
Well, that's about it. Keep Grovin'