Sunday, May 28, 2006

how to end to end to end it...

Hello, you may be interested to now that I am writing this from my home computer, yeah. Things have revereted back to their normal state.
I've made arrangements with Rowiin, who you may remember is the guy I'm playing Dungeons and Dragons with now, and there is a chance that we will be able to play a game later today. I'm looking forward to it and have to figure out what we are going to do in this one. I'm thinking about playing of the fact that are characters are usually associated with evilness, and want to explore that theme as we go. I also have a bit of a problem as my character is a Paladin and isn't really allowed to associate much with people who are not lawful-good, but I figure that our charcaters will be forced together because of prejudices so that works out pretty nicely.
Anyway, I need to get my homwork done today. I have to finish up the last paragraph on my independent study and I have completely no idea what to right. I do not believe I have correctly done my reaserch or my hypothesis and I have to get it in by tommorrow. I really want to get this done because I really want to play some Dungeons and Dragons. I've been like this for most of the weekend. I asked my sister Dilila if she would like to play and she said no, and even caved in to ask my little sister Sprite if she wanted to play but apparently the stuff I play is to scary. If only I had a little brother who understood character development and fantasy who I could play D&D with. Ah well, can't choose your family.
Got to finish this stupid essay. Bye.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Highlights of the Three-Day Weekend and other success

Well, desipte a bit of an incident on monday this was a good three day weekend.
First, I was able to go to the best bookstore in the world, The Book Vault and bought myself a guide to the classic british comedy series Blackadder, a must see, the really long copy of Stephen King's The Stand, and a bunch of Magic: The Gathering cards. Relatives also came over that day and brought ice cream cake which we got to keep. We also watched volumes 3-5 of Samurai 7, an anime series based on the Japanese action movie The Seven Samurai, which inspired the western The Magnificent Seven, and lead to the Stephen King novel The Wolves of Calla, book five in the Dark Tower series. I found this out on the internet and ruined the surprise for myself. Anyway, they left us on quite of a cliff hanger at the end of volume 5 which I won't get into know because I would have to explain to much, but know I have to wait to find Volume 6. I suspect that there is also a volume 7 out there somewhere. Anyway, Samurai 7 is really, really cool and you should see it if you have the means.
Anyway, school work is chugging along nicely. I only have three days to get a fair knowledge of Impressionism in Art. Impressionism is very cool and concentrates alot on bright colours. I think I'll work that into my art. Impressionism is also based on painting things you see, which I'm not praticularly into since most of the stuff I draw is stuff I make up, and isn't very concerned on realistic portrayals, which I want to do to make my creatures more realistic.
In English we did some acting of Macbeth. The basic idea was that we were suppose to translate the lines of our characters into modern English and then act it out. I think I was pretty good at getting the emotions for my character right, and I'm considering a career in acting to go along with my writing.
And in case you were wondering, I was Macbeth. So I got some good emotional play. I was seeing ghosts and freaking out. I don't know if exactly how I would react to ghosts, I suppose that depends on the temperment of the ghost.
Anyway, that's all. Going to look at books know.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Three Day Weekend

Music Liseaning To: How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, U2
I have recently discovered something very important about how my emotions work. I seem to go through a long period of depression, followed by a long period of irrational happiness. This is something that I need to keep in mind.
Exams are coming up slowly. It's not really bothering me that much. I've seem to have entered a zen-like state of living in the moment. I don't think I have it quite to the degree I would like, because of interference in school but if I work on it hard enough I may be able to write some zen journal.
But enough of that, I have been informed of two conspiracies that must be told to the world.
First, the Illuminati are alive and well and infultrating the Vatican. I saw it on a documentary about Angels and Demons, that book by Dan Brown and it said that the Illuminati are infultrating the Vatican via the KGB to control the Catholic World. I don't know all the details, but I'm going to look up the Illuminati on Wikipedia. I wouldn't worry about it, since if the Illuminati are the big scary secret society I've heard of then they wouldn't let something major like this go down.
Second, Schools are conformity factories. They may hide it behind a Fundamentalist curtain, but it is really a way for Rich White Men (who are straight) to stay in power. I know because my teacher told me.
Students of the world, I emplore you. Question your teachers. Correct them when the purnonce the name of some Greek Playwright. Run naked through the streets. Think for yourselves. They can't get all of us, and remember, while your out fighting the revolution we'll be right behind you thinking what a sucker you are.
That last line was taken loosely from Duck Soup, my favorite Marx Brother's movie. I'm not sure how to describe the plot, but Mussolini hated it because he thought it was a personal insult (I don't think it was, but the Marx Brothers were thrilled to here it). Really don't worry about the plot. Plot is secondary in Marx Brother's films.
Still, I am serious about the whole questioning of your teachers. At least if you got any. Really, I think you should just question any authority. As far as I'm conserned that's what they are their for.
Well, that's about it. Bye bye. See you tommorrow. I've got to go read up on the Illuminati.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What's going on with Writer

I finished Anthem. It was a really short book, but I found it good. It's basically an idea book that preaches against collectivism, and I got that bit really clearly.
Anyway, I'm trugging along thru school to the best of my abbilities. I have to translate a scene from Macbeth into plan English and I've got to get Broken Ground all wrapped up before I go into full swing on my independent study. The good thing about today was that we got to read for a bit of First Period. I read The Waste Lands, which is the third book in the Dark Tower Series. This is a stream of conciousness post by the way. I'm writting this all out as one big paragraph.
You know what, screw the whole big paragraph thing.
I'm liseaning to Rush on my Mp3 player. The song I am liseaning to is 2112, of the album of the same name. It's a short rock opera type thing about a guy who discovers a guitar and takes it before the council of his people, who reject it because they are a totalitarian society. The writer gives credit to Ayn Rand for helping him come up with the idea and elements of the story are similar to Anthem. I have thought of making this into a Flash Cartoon, but it is a really long song.
I'm currently on borrowed time on this computer. The guy who was using it got of early so I'm getting some extra time. Apparently his is almost up.
Let's see, what else can I say?
Well, I'm working on some pictures of the species of Mythania, my constructed world that I have not gone into any great detail upon. I'll see if I can get them on here for all you guys to look at via the internet at my school. I'll be working on something about the Impressionist period though, so it may be awhile. I promise you that they will be up by the end of school (for me)

Monday, May 15, 2006

What I did for Mother's Day.

I'm writing this at my town's public library. It is getting incresingly hard to conect to the internet from my home so I figured that I should use the computers here at the library. This will mean that I won't be able to get pictures up, but I may find a way around this.
So yesterday was Mother's Day. I had to go to two mother's day things. The first was for my mother's parents and we went to a hotel resturaunt in Waterloo to have Brunch. I kind of embarrased my family by lying down in on the table. I didn't climb onto the table, I just had to recline which I wasn't able to do in those terribly uncomfortable chairs. Dad says that I have to realize that "It's not about me,". I felt sorry when I realized that I was making people feel bad (At least that was the vibe I got from dad) and I think that I need to downsize my ego. I understand that there is a Hindu practice for that, and as a bonus you gain enlightenment or something. I think that I'm going to have to look into this.
Afrer thus their was a breif period of time at home, where I read some of Broken Ground. I'm going to have to read more of that today at home. This took an hour of my time and then I was off to my father's parents.
Being at my father's parents house was okay. There's something about my father's side of the family that I like, I don't know why. Anyway, I had to do the dishes afterwards and my dad got some pictures that he did of Neil Young when he was around my age. There pretty cool. Counicidently, I'm liseaning to Neil Young on my Mp3 player.
(I'ved said that I have an Mp3 player, right? My mom and dad got me one for Christmas)
Anyway, there is nothing much else to say except that somebody shot a polar bear/grizzly hybrid somewhere in Nunavut or something. Whether this new hybrid is breed for it's skills in magic is so far uncertain. That is an allusion for people who have not seen Napolean Dynamite. Steph, I'm looking at you.
I'm hungry.
I also picked up a book while I was hear called Anthem, by Ayn Rand. I've heard alot about this Ayn Rand person and I figured I should read her work, since I don't read enough works by women. I don't really read anything by women. If anyone has any suggestions for me that will be welcomed.
Okay, that's it just let me get a link for the Grizlar Bear.
Done, see yeah. Hope this new arrangement works.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mother's Day is Tomorrow (I don't give you grief for your titles)

I cannot say that I have enjoyed school this past week. I have been forced to redo that gender roles research that I found very frustrating and I had a breakdown in the middle of English because of it. I also have to read this book called Broken Ground, which is about these soldiers from World War One who are put in this really bad piece of land and try to live as farmers. I don’t like it that much, so it’s probably good I need to finish it in the next two weeks.
In the mean time I’m trying to keep my spirits up. I just made a trip to the public library were I picked up The Essential Ellison(which is a bunch of short stories by a guy called Harlan Ellison, I’m not very familiar with his work) and some stuff by Michael Moorcock, who I fell I should read more of. I also got a whole wack of CDS, including the one for the musical Spamalot, based on Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
That’s all that has really happened to me, except my EA let me borrow her Tarot Cards. They are the Rider-Waite deck. I like tarot cards mainly because they were in a bit of The Gunslinger (Book 1 in The Dark Tower series) and they play a prominent role in Alan Moore’s Promethea, which is one of his best works. If anyone has a chance to read this do it. It is a great series and the artwork is fantastic.
Okay, that’s all.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Could America soon become facist?

I'm making this post at my public library. I just read this article in the magazine "Adbusters" about how America is becoming facist and it really scarred me. Here are some of the signs that America is becoming facist according to the article.
  • loyalty and strong sense of duty to group, which overrides universal or individual rights. You also use the term "the subordination of the individual to it;" which I think means complete obedience to the dicatator your under.
  • Believing that your group is a victim, which justifies doing really bad things to them, sort of like how the Nazi's were mean to the Jews because they thought the Jews were stealing their money.
  • fear of foreign ideas and ideas that go against their belief system.
  • need for a comftorble homoginized society, this can be any were between consent or violent methods.
  • believing that the leader's instincts are better the leader's reason.
  • Viewing the weak with contempt, assosiating feminity with weakness and glorifying masculinity.
  • viewing enemies as vermin and identifying with nation's enemies.
  • leaving immigrants, gay men and lesbians, and liberals out of important things and not letting them do things that they (the rich white straight guys) enjoy doing.
This article also goes on to say that it is very lickly that America can become a facist nation in the future. I find this very freightning because I don't think I can live under a facist nation, since I'm very left-wing in my views and would probubly be sent to a concentration camp and be killed and everything I ever write will be burned. I know anything with Naos in it will be very anti-establishment and Mythania has a very pro-homosexual religion (you'd have to be when your gods are a same-sex couple). I know I live in Canada and not America, but Canada seems to be following America's political views (we have a concervative government and are in the middle of our own war that I don't think is a good idea), and if Canada does break away from America's shadow we could always end up being Poland to America's Nazi Germany.
I'm scared humanity. I'm scared shitless. I don't want to die in a concentration camp and I don't want to see people die in concentration camps. Seeing people suffer makes me feel sad, unless of course I'm doing it in which case I don't notice. I just want people to stop fighting. Dear God, stop the fighting.
Sorry, I'm just going to finsih this article. Here are things that havn't happened yet among the American government, but we should all keep an eye on and try to stop.
  • The agenda is not revolutionary. If it was really facist it would be saying that they are doing some sort of revolution.
  • America is starting to become a one-party system, but it is not a dictator ship. If Bush calls to become President for Life, we know we're in trouble.
  • It dosn't rely on bullying people, yet.
  • American democracy has not yet reached the stage of chaos needed for facism to really take route and fester.
I hope that everyone is getting my message, especially someone important and I sure hope that we won't need V.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Probubly the longest time I had gone without blogging

Alright, I’ve put this of to long.
First, I feel swamped with school work. I’m reading an incredibly boring book called Broken Ground about a bunch of soldiers from WWI who have to live on a really bad piece of land with their families. I don’t like this novel at all, and I can’t wait to get the stupid thing over with. I also have difficulty keeping all the characters straight. This isn’t my kind of novel.
I also have to do an independent study. I chose to do how teenagers create subcultures to rebel against adults and give their lives meaning. I plan on doing studies into subcultures such as Goth and Punk which I can do quite easily as there are a few at my school. I also plan on doing some studies of counter-culture in the 50's and 60's, since I have some information on that. The project is very frustrating.
Last, I’m studying Macbeth and that is okay since I don’t have anything against Shakespeare (or Sir Francis Bacon, just in case). There is also a painting I’m doing for Art, but that’s not homework.
On the subject of Art, my parents want me to do paintings of my sisters because of a self-portrait I did. The portrait has a Psychedelic feel to it and I plan on getting around to it as soon as I get the boards ready and primed.
I think my little sister wants to get on the computer I’m using so she can play The Sims. She seems to be making annoying noises to bug me off. I’m wearing my MP3 player though. Of course, knowing her she’s probably just doing it for no reason.
What I really would like to do is do some reading and some writing. I picked up some new books at my school library and I’d like to read them some time today. In case your wondering they are an anthology of Australian Science Fiction and a bunch of stories from the Cthulhu Mythos by August Derleth who took over writing the Mythos after Lovecraft died.
Besides that nothing much has happened. I did a test on Neoclassism and Romantism in Art, which I think I got but other then that I’ve just been sitting around the house feeling depressed and hammering out the details for my fantasy world. I’ve been really keen on doing that.
Well, I’ll get back to you guys some time.
Oh, and exams are coming up again.