I meant to make a post seven days ago, but I didn’t get around to it. Sorry, sorry.
Anyway, I’m doing fine know. I’m going to write this whole thing as a stream of consciousness and then go to be because it is really late. I went to get my passport for my Italy and Greece tour. It was rather dull, but then I went to the Chapters and got some new books. I got a Dungeons and Dragons magazine, and it is really interesting. I also got a book by Harry Turtledove and a collection of short stories by Neil Gaiman.
In about a week I’m going to see if my Dungeons and Dragons group can get started. I’m thinking about using the Dungeons and Dragons blog as a sort of a campaign diary, probably write some stuff from my characters perspective. I hope that the people I got will appreciate the story line I’m putting into this. There is going to be a very in-depth storyline, I’d like to go on a sort of side campaign to get some items for my own character, but I don’t think it would be fair to the other character. I have this whole other story line for my character. I’d go into it, but I think that I’ll wait until I get the blog up and running.
I may do something like this for all the campaigns I do, make like blog journals of it. I could see if I could get the other people to get in on this. I don’t know if they will, however. Personally, after I get this campaign done I’d like to do a game with another type of character (not a half-elf sorcerer/bard). I’m thinking maybe a Barbarian, I’ve got optional rules for a Barbarian that rides a horse in the magazine I got. I may also try a Wizard, Monk or Druid. I also plan on recreating the Nezumi Rouge character I hade as a sort of avatar for Ralph as soon as I can get my hands on a copy of Oriental Adventures.
Anyway, Christmas. I hade a really good Christmas. I got an MP3 player and I’m going to take it with me to Italy and Greece, so I don’t have to lug around a collection of CDs. I also got a thing called a Buddha Board. The deal with a Buddha Board is that you got this little box and you fill it with water and prop this board in the little slots on it and you paint stuff on it and watch it disappear. It is pretty cool and is based on some Zen concept. I didn’t get any books, but I got money to go to the Book Vault, which is a local bookstore and got the second volume of the Bone series, three comic books for the graphic novelization of Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere and the first three books of Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, which I have heard off. I also got a lot of clothes, a bar of chocolate that has been eaten, a page-a-day calendar, a reading light and some new incense sticks to burn. I like burning incense. It smells nice.
And that's all I have to say about that.