Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Ruric's last day in town

Today is the last day that my friend Ruric will be staying in town. I’m not sad, really. I’m a little bothered by it, because know all my friends will be gone. We plan on getting together some time, but it won’t be for soon.
Well, for the first bit we played Age of Wonders. Age of Wonders is a really fun strategy game based in a Fantasy universe with Elves and Dwarves and such. We were continuing a campaign we started because more then one person can play on it. I was the humans, which is sort of new for me, because I am usually the Elves. Ruric was the Azracs, which are basically a Middle-Eastern type species similar in appearance to humans. It was fun.
After that we played a game of Dungeons and Dragons. I was hoping to up Nai’Atha’s states so I can cross-class him with a bard, but I wasn’t able to. I did have fun playing it with Ruric and his older brother, and I am 200 XP away from levelling up, so it is still a mission accomplished.

Monday, June 27, 2005

They just like blowing things up

There’s a show in Canada called Mythbusters, I don’t know if it is in America. It’s basically these two guys who work in special effects who debunk myths like "Can you be decapitated by a fan?". The one about the fan I can understand, but they also did one about an ancient Chinese Astrologer who strapped a bunch of rockets to a chair to launch himself into space and got himself. So basically these two decided to see if that was true.
And yes, the chair blew up, but they didn’t stop there. They strapped even better rockets onto another chair and sent that off. They did something like that with the fan thing, but they made a lawnmower blade into a fan. It was ridiculous. These guys are just the product of parents giving their kids a chemistry sets. You have to see these guys.
Still, it’s a great show if you like things blowing without all the usual shooting and saying the f-word every other !#%@ minute, which for some reason I do. Makes you want to go out and buy a chemistry set.
The picture above is off these nuts. If you have seen them please tell me.
Look at them, don’t they look like the kinds of nuts who enjoy making big explosion.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

You know what really bugs me...

Has anyone out there seen those shows about high schools, and all the kids are all in there little groups. Football team, cheerleading squad, goths, guys who play obscure role playing games, well that really bugs me. I don’t believe that accurately represents high school life. See, at my high school there is no real social structure beyond the obvious. Principal as possibly non-existent dictator, Vice-Principal as the Darth Vader-esque tool of suppression, teachers as the mindless drones that spill out government censored sedatives for the masses and the legions of kids who couldn’t give a shit (dear God, I just swore on the Internet). Why do they portray the world that way? Probably is and I just never noticed, but I never noticed that any form of segregation in my environment. Anyway, for me school is nothing like what it is portrayed on television.
You know what else bothers me, the whole hype surrounding the Christian religion. Why can’t Christianity be a more toned down religion like Islam or Buddhism? There is just all this, I don’t know, aura of (I can’t find the right word) not good-ness of modern organized Christianity. See, I think the problem is that Christianity got caught up in politics. The Roman Catholic Church was a way for the Roman empire to hold on to power for a century. I don’t mean to insult any Catholics out there, God knows you guys are getting enough bad publicity from all the child molestation charges, true or not that’s some bad publicity. Anyway, I think that Christianity should take some lessons from one of the best religions in the world, Buddhism. I’m not saying that Buddhism is the only right religion, I’m just saying that as religions go Buddhism has had the best history. I mean, whoever heard of a Buddhist War? I think that Christianity should do a few social reforms and try getting back to basics.
Also, I saw this Christian news program that was talking about how they found undisputable proof that Jesus was actually the son of God. Well, ‘while back there was some big hype in the Hindu world. Seems like Ganesh was thirsty and decided that he felt like having himself a drink of milk. So when they put down the milk on the altar, it disappeared. Gasp. Could that be indisputable proof that Hinduism is true? Well, quite possibly, but don’t you hard-core God fearing Jesus freaks out there worry. Hinduism believe that you can worship God anyway you want because he/she is to complicated to be comprehended in one singular, universal form so its split up into all kinds of other little bits. So technically your still right, your just wrong. Again, I’m sorry about this, but when I start writing I get on a roll.
Finally, and I’m pretty sure that no one will be offended by this one, all this stuff going on in Africa. Whenever I hear about some starving kids in some country in Africa I don’t even know about, well I change the channel, but I have an excuse. I can’t take it. There are people with bugs crawling in every part of their bodies. And all this suppression going on in the world. I did a project on Iran, did you know that people of the Baha’i faith are being killed by some Shiite Muslim group and the government isn’t doing a thing about it, odds are half of the Islamic "Republic" of Iran are on that thing, and then there are all these child soldiers in practically every country. Writing this down I go into a state of mind that you norms can’t even begin to understand, I feel that we should take all these people who are hurting these other people and we should yell at them, and humiliate them, and treat them like they treat those people. I speak off the weed of humanity. The curse that we cannot escape from, the root of all human suffering. I speak of the Tribe. That snavelling beast in the back of all our minds. The creature makes men and women raise their heads in pride, and makes men kill men who are just like them. It is because of the Tribe, I believe, that humans cannot build the great civilizations that we strive for, that we cannot create a world were all are created equal because it is obvious to every hick knows that he’s better then that guy because he has the right-God, or the right-skin colour, or butters his bread on the bloody right side. Grow up, you stupid apes, grow up.
Sorry. This is how I feel, I guess I may have insulted some people. And I am Sorry. This is how I feel, and I can’t change that. And only a fool can say that I can.
Postscript: When I was going on about the Tribe, I was talking about humans in general and not narrowing out any group. I was worried I came out as some sort of anti-Muslim nut.

June 26, 2005,, 3 Tzec, 12 Chicchan by Mayan Long Count

Nothing much to do today, so I will make a post.
First, my eyes hurt. I don’t know if that is something you talk about on a blog, but I’m just writing the first things that come to mind, so there. I’m also sweaty from the heat. And I’m bored because there is zilch to do. Which is why I am blogging.
Second, I am considering writing a few novels. Mostly science fiction concepts, I’ll tell you guys on the process for them. Combining this with the Naous saga, which I really need to get working on, I think I’ll have my hands full this summer. My hopes are roughly completing one of the novels and possibly three to five more stories in the Naous saga.
Well, that’s all I feel like sharing now. Bye.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Homosexuality and Intersexuality in Mythania

I was on the website for Dungeons and Dragons when I found a forum on the Forgotten Realms. There was a section where they were talking about homosexuality in the Forgotten Realms. I found this interesting, for instance how would dwarves feel about homosexuality?. In the end, the people have decided that the Forgotten Realms are pretty excepting about homosexual relationships, since there are also relationships between all kinds of species. Come to think about it that doesn’t prove anything.
Anyway, I have decided to write a thing about homosexuality in my own fantasy universe of Mythania. Mythania is home to all kinds of cultures and they all have different views on homosexuality. In some cases it is considered the ultimate taboo, in some it is necessary for the priest caste. I will also deal with Intersexuality, which is a word that I have just made up. Below is a definition.
Intersexuality, 1.(noun) the preference of another sentient species. 2. The romantic and/or sexual relation between two beings of different species.

Okay, so here is what various Mythanian groupings feel about homosexuality and intersexuality.

Dylisanite, because of there genetic memories, Dylisanite are bisexual. Gender boundaries mean next to nothing to them. Dylisanite do not date, their entire breeding process is carefully monitored so that there population doesn’t experience any booms. This maximum will go up during wartime, but not by much. Marriage is rare in Dylisanite society, but not unheard off.
Dylisanite do have relationships with other species, but they rarely take them very seriously and prefer relationships with there own kind. This is because of the vast amounts of knowledge carried by each Dylisanite makes it hard for the Dylisanite to relate to other species. This is was a common theme in early Commonwealth literature, such as the classic Tragedy of G’Dki’Tel and Wodan.
Half-Dylisanite, a term for any hybrid of a Dylisanite are rare. There have been records of Talortreal, Draan, Cronullaban and Korling Half-Dylisanites. Alexander Buddhachrist, father of the Alexander Bloodline was a great lover of non-dylisanites and fathered over thirty children with non-dylisanites. Dylisanite hybrids have some of the powers of there dylisanite parents, but they are rarely as powerful.

Draan, The draan, being known as the most enlightened of all species, are excepting of all species and almost anything. The draan are capable of homosexuality, but it is even more complex because of the draan third gender. While most draan are either male or female, there is a separate gender combining both male and female characteristics. This third gender is highly respected among the draan and are the closest thing they have to priests.
Intersexuality is common among draan, but they are picky about partners with other species. Because the draan are completely devoted to peace, they find most other species barbaric. They have been known to make exceptions among some for the member of that species being less violent then other members. On no conditions would a draan ever have romantic relations with a soldier.

Perxesism, Perxes is considered one of the most influential religious figures in the history of Mythania. Rarely does one man start a religious following of his magnitude. Not only did Perxes start a vast religion with hundreds of different sects, movements and schools. Perxesist beliefs on homosexuality and intersexuality differ. Amoran Perxesism is against homosexuality and intersexuality, and basically anything sexual at all. However, Amoran Perxesism is not the most common form of Perxesism. Most Perxesist sects are open to homosexuality. This can be defined that they believe God is both male and female. In the end, most Perxesist sects are all right with same-sex and different-species relationships, with Amoran Perxesism as an exception.

Riusism, the faith of genetic memory has different views of homosexuality and intersexuality in there ranks. Making there way to the top of the list against homosexuality and intersexuality, not only among Riusism, but Mythanian religion in general are the Zaiokyn. The Zaiokyn are the greatest examples of a religious movement bent to the will of madmen into something decrepit and corrupt. Zaiokyn believe that the teachings of Rius are meant for the Traidon people only and that all other species should be whipped out. Homosexuality is also against Zaiokyn beliefs because it goes against genetic memory. It should be said that Zaiokyn are not a majority in the world of Riusism and only makes up 5% and is constantly going down.
Mainstream Riusism has nothing against homosexuality itself. They accept gay men and lesbians as part of the community and do not harass them about it. If the individual had children before coming out, it is even the better because it guarantees them eternal life in genetic memory. Since the science of creating a child with the genetic material of two beings of the same gender has been discovered, Mainstream Riusism has no problems with them.
Intersexuality is considered respectable in Mainstream Riusism because of the ultimate goal of Riusism is to create a unified species. Because of this Riusists are some of the most open Intersexualists in Mythania.

Tawazee and Elayren, Tawazee and Elayren are liberal in their views of homosexuality. Despite their common ancestry, the Tawazee and Elayren differ in homosexuality, being the Tawazee have the second smallest percentage of homosexuals and at 6%, and Elayren have the highest percentage of homosexuals at 19%. Bisexuality is unheard off in both species.
Intersexual relationships are common among the Tawazee and Elayren, but only among themselves, being they find "Mainlanders," unattractive. Intersexual relationships among Tawazee and Elayren are usually a Tawazee male and an Elayren female. Tawazee-Elayren hybrids are often outsiders in the societies of both the Matriarchal Elayren and the Patriarchal Tawazee. These outsiders usually join the Explorer’s Guild. Despite their outcaste status, the Tawazee-Elayren hybrids are highly romanticized in both societies.

Dvekti, While the ultra-right wing Zaiokyn are on the end of the expectance of homosexuality, there is no doubt that the Daina/Kaylynn cult is on the far left, being the only religion that doesn’t only embrace homosexuality, but makes it a necessity in there clergy. This is because Daina and Kaylynn, Co-Founders of the Dvekti Goddess Cult are lesbians. While no one is sure what a gay fertility Goddess represents, it remains a necessity for the clergy of the Dvekti Goddess Cult to be homosexual, or at least act the part.
Note of Interest: Only female dvekti are allowed in the clergy, but this does not prevent males from joining. Stay with me on this. For a male to be initiated into the Dvekti clergy, he must be castrated, have his tail spikes cut off and injected with female hormones. The male initiate is then at a half-way point between male and female. There faces still betray their masculine past, but they are more relaxed and feminine.
Intersexuality is unheard of among Dvekti.

Well, that’s it. I do not know how to end this, hope you found it interesting.

Oh, if you want to see the inspiration for my latest post, click here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Well, today was my last day of grade 10, not including exams. To celebrate, my mom is making spaghetti. I wanted to go out for supper, but my mom doesn’t want to because Delila isn’t here. We will be going out for Friday however. So I hope we aren’t going to eat at McDonald’s or anything like that.
Well, what do I have to say?. I found a web site that has some good information on D&D, this stuff is taken out of the books. I printed of a few things on classes I’m into. I’ll set up some links for you guys.

Well, as I said, I still have exams. I’m pretty confident about them. I was allowed a cheat sheet in math and has basically every lesson I learned on it. I have a vague idea of what to expect in History and English, so I’m not worrying much about that.
After that it will be a trip to Colorado and through Republican infested territory, so I plan on shaving the scruffy beard I am growing so I don’t look to much like a hippie. I won’t be able to make any posts for awhile, but I will keep a log of things that happened on my trip.

Alright, I have no idea what else to put in. Later.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Hey, Remember "If I Had An Otherland Account," and my crazy sister's birthday is the day that is today

Okay, first off, my sister (who for all intensive reasons will be called Delila) is now Thirteen. She told me to write this down on my blog least she reck havoc to dastardly to convey.
Anyway, I have a few new ideas for "If I Had An Otherland Account,". I know I haven’t done that in awhile, and I don’t know if you remember it, so I’ll just write down my new ideas.
  • The World of After Man, After Man is a book about what animals will look like in the future. It is a very interesting book and has all kinds of interesting pictures of animals. It would be pretty much the same size as Earth, or I may just have it as a bunch of isolated areas for specific environments. I would make a link to some pictures for you, but I can’t find anything.
  • Boys’ Own Adventure Mars, This is again another simulation from the Otherland network, but give me a break already. I have only read a bit of Edgar Rice Burrough’s A Princess of Mars, and I found it a little disappointing but since summer is coming I think I’ll bring it up with me to my Aunt and Uncle’s cottage. It’s basically going to be similar to any Pulp Fiction Mars world, except for British, American and Soviet colonists. Because I sympathies greatly with any native inhabitants of a colonized world, the various Marsian species will have equal if not more advanced technology then the humans.
  • C.S Lewis’ Solar System, You may not be aware of this, but C.S. Lewis wrote science fiction. His trilogy was based mainly around I guy called Ransom going to Mars and Venus and eventually some big coup that I have been meaning to read but have never been able to finish. I recommend it because it’s a very good trilogy. It won’t be a complete solar system and at the very most will end at Jupiter. Jupiter doesn’t really come in anywhere in the series it just made sense to me.
  • Forgotten Realms, This is the most popular campaign setting for Dungeons and Dragons, mainly because of all the books and Dritz Do’Urden(God I hope I’m spelling that right). Since I’m into D&D know, I figure this would be a terrific new addition to my vast virtual reality multiverse, and the best part is, I don’t have to worry about which dice to use. It will work on automatic.
  • Golden Age, This is something of my own creation. It is a world with superheros that starts some time in the 20's. It’s not like the DC or Marvel universes as that there are negative consequences to the work of these Superheros, for instance the Psiserker, a Cree Superhero is considered a hero by First Nations peoples because of his rebellion against the Canadian government, but the Canadian Government had a few problems with him. I will be using this as a major timeline so expect some of my work out about the storyline.

There. I don’t know what else to say. Shalom.

Oh, wait. Here is the complete list of Worlds I Would Have If I Had An Otherland Account.

  1. Australian Dreamtime
  2. Boy’s Own Adventure Africa
  3. Boy’s Own Adventure Mars
  4. Brian Jacques’ Redwall
  5. C.S. Lewis’ Solar System
  6. Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy Universe
  7. El Dorado
  8. Faerie
  9. Forgotten Realms
  10. Frank Herbert’s Dune Universe
  11. Golden Age
  12. Human University
  13. John Mandeville’s Orient
  14. Larry Niven’s Known Space
  15. Lemuria
  16. L. Frank Baum’s Wonderful World of Oz
  17. Lloyd Alexander’s Prydain
  18. My Future History
  19. My Hometown
  20. Mythania
  21. Robert A. Heinlein’s World
  22. Roman Empire
  23. Spider Robinson’s Callahan’s Place
  24. Terry Pratchett’s Discworld
  25. Tolkein’s Middle-Earth
  26. World of After Man
  27. World of Greek Mythology

Okay, know I'm done. Shalom for real.

Friday, June 17, 2005

in 2015...

The phone rings. I look up from the copy of my newest graphic novel and pick it up. I look out the window to see it starting to snow over the Toronto streets.
It’s my agent. "Hey," he says "I got the novel into an agent. They said we can expect it out over the summer, ". Yes, I thought. I had been working on Mythania for years. This year I had ironed out the finer points of the appendix. It drove my agent crazy when I turned in fifteen sections. We limited it down to information on the Doradane order, Political history, a much shorter section on language and a glossary. We have a conversation for awhile and decide to celebrate by going to an Italian place I heard of. I hang up.
I let out a yell of joy. My cat Zoroaster runs into the bathroom. I call up my parents and sisters and girlfriend to tell them what happened. Then I look thru my CD collection and pick out A Night at The Opera. I deserved it.

in 2035...

I look nervously around the room. My wife puts her hand on my arm and tells me to stay calm. I just heard the title of my latest novel on the list of best science fiction novel of the year. I wait in anticipation, I hum Pink Floyd’s "Shine on you Crazy Diamond," to myself. It didn’t help much.
"And the winner is," says the announcer. "The Magdalene System,". That was my novel. I’m stunned, granted this isn’t the first time I had gotten a major award. Mythania won best novel in 2016, and I got a few Shusters for stuff like Golden Age, Immortals and 11.12.13. I’ve also won a Nebula for The Civilization Masters.
I get the award from the smiling, what do they call the people who give the awards at these things?. I look out over the crowd. My wife looks at me and smiles. "Wow," I said. "I didn’t think the Magdalene system was that good. I mean, I knew it was big. Everyone told me so, but I didn’t think it was Hugo big. Anyway, I’d like to thank my wife and kids for their support, the fans off course and all those religious extremists who haven’t killed me yet. Thank you, ". I wasn’t joking on that. My last novella had some Church in some southern US state in an uproar and I had the world in an uproar when the first Immortals out, what with showing the founders of the world’s religion in a completely different light. Somebody had called me the most controversial science fiction writer since L. Ron Hubbard. I shouldn’t worry about that know though. I’ll just go back to my table and wait until the buffet is open.

in 2055...

Over forty years since I published my first short story in my future-history and I was wrong about my idea of the 21st century. I’ve got a bit of a new age following that could be described as Naousim and the American government has come clean about the whole Roswell thing, but it wasn’t what I said it was in 1947 and the World is Ending. Just as well, North America is still as screwed up as I thought it would be. I’ve decided to take this time to travel the world with my wife. We had just finished our third circumvention of the globe by checking up on how China is doing since the Communist block has fallen over there. I’m currently sitting across from my wife in a cafĂ© in Istanbul.
I take a drink of water. For all my life, death has bothered me. I don’t think it will anymore. My life has been eventful enough. The translation of Mythania from book to Movie was good enough, but Hollywood never stays too faithful to the source. Well, there was Sin City, but that was a fluke. I’ve got a shelf full of awards back at my estate, which is good. There is a whole sub-culture of Dylan C.G. Thomas fans. Last convention I was at I had a meaningful conversation with someone using complete Tawazee pop-culture references. And I have been married for thirty years know, that’s pretty good. I don’t know how she can take it though. I’d ask her, but she is to busy deciding what to do, I’m fine if we can just go see Hagia Sophia.
I look over to see some other tourists who are pointing are looking at me. I tell my wife that we have possible fans coming. I was right. One of them walks up to me.
"Excuse me?" he says
"You’re not (place my name here), the science fiction writer?,"
"If your with any religious group I apologize,"
"Oh, no. I’m a big fan. Your Mythania series inspired me, ".
"You’re a writer?"
"Oh yes. I’m with my class on a trip. Can you sign my book,"
"You mean a book? Not one of those e-books kids carry around these days,".
"Yeah, here," he passes me what appears to be a first edition of Mythania. Wow, this book is in better condition then mine.
"This isn’t the first edition is it?" I ask.
"Yeah," he said "My mom had it. I guess it’s still hers, but I’ve read it more then her I guess." I take out a pen.
"Who should I sign it too?" I ask. He tells me the name of his mom and himself and he gives me his book.
"Oh, wait," he says. He takes out a minidisk and hands it to me. "This is a short story I wrote. I was wondering if you could look over it,"
"Okay," I reply. "How can I contact you?"
"My e-mail is on the disk," he says and walks off. I go back to discussing things with my wife.

Livin' In His Head (a parody of "Livin' on the Edge" by Aerosmith)

Mayan Date:, 14 Zotz, 3 Cib
Something’s new in his head today
I don’t know what it is
But it has more then two eyes
Nuts he’s starting to stim right know
Space/time will know distort
I’ll have myself a pie.

We’re living in his head
We’re living in his head
We’re living in his head
We’re living in his head

Buddhist England is placed across
an Islamic Rome
This kid is half insane
Hey can you name that species
It was on Star Trek: TNG
All aboard the Crazy Train

We’re livin’ in his head
You can’t stop the thoughts from coming
We’re livin’ in his head
Don’t want to be in here at all
We’re livin’ in his head
You can’t stop the thoughts from coming
We’re livin’ in his head
Don’t want to be in here at all

Tell me what you think about my sit-u-a-tion
Complication- frustration
Is getting to him
It’s not even for a decent reason
But every little thing that goes thru his mind is
Sent to me - But not intentionally
It comes & it comes & it comes & it comes

Something’s new in his head today
A short story’s coming on
The drainage will be good
I’d get a soda if I could
But the snacks have done and gone

We’re livin’ in his head
You can’t stop the thoughts from coming
We’re livin’ in his head
Don’t want to be in here at all
We’re livin’ in his head
You can’t stop the thoughts from coming
We’re livin’ in his head
Don’t want to be in here at all

This is a song sung by Ralph about living in my head. Which I believe is an interesting place at some level, but mostly it just sounds dangerous from what I understand of the stuff I get down on paper.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A Quote

Mayan Date: 11 Zotz, 13 Ben
A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven.
Jean Chretien
I just felt that I should put this quote in for no logical reason.

Monday, June 13, 2005

I SPENT 24 HOURS WITH PEOPLE!!! (oh, and 10 more days left of school, not including weekends)

Mayan Date:, 10 Zotz, 12 Eb
You may be a little surprised by this. It is the date by the Mayan Calendar, which I find very cool and I will be making the date in the Mayan for every post unless I have made a post that day.
Well, over the weekend. My friend Loncrow came over to my friend Ruric’s. We stayed at Ruric’s for awhile and I played Age of Wonders with him. Age of Wonders is a fantasy-based computer strategy game. I played humans and Ruric played the Azracs. It was fun.
After that, we went over to my house to play Dungeons and Dragons. We had to bring Ruric’s stuff, because I don’t have any D&D stuff. Since it’s such a cool game, I plan on getting some at some point. There are quite a lot of books, and I don’t plan on getting them all, but besides the board(or sheet), Standard Player’s Guide, Dungeon Master’s Guide and Monster Manual, I would like to get Races of Destiny(which deals with humans and species similar to humans) and the Quintessential Bard (because Bard’s are my favourite class, mainly because they can have weapons and use magic).
Anyway, Loncrow has changed his character from a Salamander Fighter to a Rakshasa Ranger. He changed the rules a bit because his alignment is Lawful Neutral and Rakshasa are always Lawful/Evil. He is known the most powerful member of our group.
Just for the record, I’ll tell you how the campaign is going. We were able to defeat the Wizard of the Onyx Tower, so we can get a Dwarven Tome that contains the Location of the Dwarven City of Guan Tylgrym (Gwan Til-Gr-eye-m) and the Arcanum Mysterium, a secret document containing information on the secret society that Nai’Atha belongs to. I also got out Ten Arcane Scrolls, a silver ring with no magical value and a Staff of Shock for Nai’Atha. After that we went to the nearest town were we all got some drinks and Ralz’Chi’Ryn beat up some poor idiot for calling him a rat. Loncrow’s character went out to get us some mounts, and discovered that we needed some money. He and Ralz tried to make off with some money from a bank, but it was to heavily guarded, and we all decided to go troll hunting for the bounty. We all ended up defeating three Trolls, Four Orcs and I’d say ten Goblins at the least. We all ended levelling up, we can know afford the mounts and will soon begin our journey to Guan Tylgrym.
My little sister, Sprite played for a bit with us. Her character is a Half-Elf Druid who is a sister to Nai’Atha. She’s not going to be a part of the Guan Tylgrym campaign, but once I get my own board, I’ll come up with a campaign for her.
Sunday was uneventful. I was tired because I was up till five in the morning and I’m not used to that. I would have continued the campaign with Loncrow, Ruric and Umpsh (Ruric’s brother), but I really wasn’t in the mood. So I went swimming with my family and spent the rest of my time not being to stimulated.
And, I told you that I'd set up a link to some Talking to American clips, so here they are.
Well, that was about it. Bye.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

12 days until school ends, not including weekends

The heat, God I can’t stand it. I don’t know what it’s like for people in Cincinnati Bloody Ohio or wherever Dan is from, but the heat is killing me up here in Canada. Good thing I listened to my mom and put on the cool shorts. They’re good, but I have to tie them up with a string and that kind of annoys me.
Also, I understand that readers such as Steph are from the USA. I feel that you have the right to know that Canadians have been making fun of you guys. See, A Canadian comedian named Rick Mercer came to the United States and asked Americans there opinions on non-existent issues such as the reinstituting of the Saskatchewan Seal-hunt (Saskatchewan is land-locked) and that the Prime Minister of Canada is Jean Poutine (At the time it was Jean Chretien. George W. Bush Jr, fell for that one. Everybody laugh at the President). I just felt that American readers needed to hear about this.
By the way,click here and go to the bit about the D&D characters, trust me on this.
That’s all I can think off, auf Wiedersehen

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

What D&D character are you?

This is a test I took, to do it click here.

You Are A...
Chaotic Good Elf Bard
Alignment:Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.
Race:Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.
Primary Class:Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.
Secondary Class:
Detailed Results:
Law and Chaos:
Law ----- XX (2)
Neutral - XXXX (4)
Chaos --- XXXXXXX (7)
Good and Evil:
Good ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Neutral - XXXXX (5)
Evil ---- (-3)
Human ---- X (1)
Half-Elf - XXXXXXX (7)
Elf ------ XXXXXXXXX (9)
Gnome ---- XXX (3)
Halfling - XXXXXXXXX (9)
Dwarf ---- XXX (3)
Half-Orc - XXXXX (5)
Fighter -- XXXXX (5)
Barbarian -XXX(3)
Ranger --- XXXXXXXX (8)
Monk ----- XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Paladin -- XXXXX (5)
Cleric --- XXXX (4)
Mage ----- (-4)
Druid ---- XXXXXXX (7)
Thief ---- XXXXX (5)
Hmm, I used to have a character who was an Elven Bard, maybe I’ll make my next character an Elven Bard.

Monday, June 06, 2005

This is the most acurate test I have ever taken: Which Illumanati are you?

The UFOs. Fnord.
The U.F.O.s:
You're the secret master, and YOU don't even know
what you're up to.

Which Illuminati are you?
brought to you by

Oh, I knew. Haha, Mwhahahahahahahahahaha

15 days till school ends, not including weekends

People frustrate me.
Take this morning. There is a movie that I rented and haven’t gotten the chance to see yet and my sister is watching something upstairs. I guess I can watch it later, but it still bugs me.
Something else that bugs me is one of my classmates. This is more or less the conversation we had awhile ago...
...He’s not a friend of mine by the way...
Me: I think Thor could beat Superman
Classmate: No he couldn’t.
Me: What are you talking about? Thor is a god
Classmate: Well maybe Superman could get help from Batman
Me: oh, Thor could obviously beat Batman
Classmate: No he couldn’t. Batman has got a utility belt.
Me: A utility belt is unless against the God of Thunder
Classmate: Well Batman has got a mask.
You can see how stupid this is. When I want to have a conversation with someone about which superhero can beat which over superhero, I want to look at things objectively. Granted, Superman is a powerful superhero, but Thor has practically all of Superman’s qualities (i.e., flight, super strength) and is additionally a god. I can think that Superman could survive an attack on Thor, but I don’t think Superman could win without a lot of help from an outside source, possibly a very yellow sun.
I talked to Ruric today. I think I should tell you that Ruric will be moving to another town at the end of the month. His parents said that they will try to keep our friendship together, but I’m going to miss him because then I’ll be the only one left from the old days when Ruric, Loncrow and me went to school together. I feel very alone writing this.

Friday, June 03, 2005

A Newspaper Artcle from the Front of WW1 I wrote for class

Ralph McTashe
The Canadians have done the impossible. After four days of fighting, Canadian soldiers have finally taken the German fortress of Vimy Ridge.
Vimy Ridge is a key link in the German Hindenburg line. From Vimy you can get a good vantage point of surrounding territory. Obviously it is heavily guarded. Vimy has three surrounding trenches, concrete gun placements and deep protective dug-out shelters.
There have been other, less successful, attacks on Vimy by Allies Forces. The French made an unsuccessful three-pronged attack. The British were able to set foot in Vimy, but it was soon recaptured by the Germans. Many thought that it couldn’t be done. "I certainly knew that it couldn’t be done," said General Sir Douglas Haig "It was simply to fortified and well guarded,".
However, just to prove them wrong, the Canadians defeated the Germans at Vimy. General Byng, leader of the Canadian forces, used a strategy called "Leap-Frogging" that carefully combined attentive preparation, precise timing and great accuracy on part of the Canadian gunners.
Needless to say, the Canadians are pretty happy. Life at Vimy isn’t all celebration. Over 10'600 people died in the attack. "I lost ten friends in that battle," says Private Kyle Johnson. "Mat was going to marry my sister. What am I going to tell her?"
There does seem to be a growing feeling of nationalism among the Canucks. "If you Brits feel like packing up, we can take it from here," jokes Lieutenant O’Toole. "We could probably take Berlin in the next month or so,".
Despite the troops feelings, General Byng believe’s it is best to wait. "We lost a lot of good men out there," he says. "I think that its best for us to strengthen our hold here,".

Keirsey Test Temperament Results

Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self -- always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.
Idealists are sure that friendly cooperation is the best way for people to achieve their goals. Conflict and confrontation upset them because they seem to put up angry barriers between people. Idealists dream of creating harmonious, even caring personal relations, and they have a unique talent for helping people get along with each other and work together for the good of all. Such interpersonal harmony might be a romantic ideal, but then Idealists are incurable romantics who prefer to focus on what might be, rather than what is. The real, practical world is only a starting place for Idealists; they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized, rich with meanings calling out to be understood. This idea of a mystical or spiritual dimension to life, the "not visible" or the "not yet" that can only be known through intuition or by a leap of faith, is far more important to Idealists than the world of material things.
Highly ethical in their actions, Idealists hold themselves to a strict standard of personal integrity. They must be true to themselves and to others, and they can be quite hard on themselves when they are dishonest, or when they are false or insincere. More often, however, Idealists are the very soul of kindness. Particularly in their personal relationships, Idealists are without question filled with love and good will. They believe in giving of themselves to help others; they cherish a few warm, sensitive friendships; they strive for a special rapport with their children; and in marriage they wish to find a "soulmate," someone with whom they can bond emotionally and spiritually, sharing their deepest feelings and their complex inner worlds.
Idealists are rare, making up between 20 and 25 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.
The Four types of Idealists are:
Healers (INFP) Counselors (INFJ) Champions (ENFP) Teachers (ENFJ)
Which one are you?

What Should The Rest of Europe Done About Hitler?

I believe that the nations of the world should have used force against Nazi Germany. This may come to some as a surprise because I am usually a pacifist, but I am against everything that the Nazis stand for. It is also shown that Hitler would not listen to reason and would not give in to diplomacy, because of his actions against Poland. Some may argue that it would cost to much to declare war against Germany. I will respond to that by saying that money is no object in the battle against good and evil. I’m not glorifying the British and the French, they both have histories of discrimination, but
Nazi Germany’s attacks on minorities goes far beyond anything in human history. I say the Nations of the world should have done something. In my opinion they should have completely redone the treaty of Versailles, that way we could all be living in peace. However, in this cause, I would say defeat Hitler before he become’s a bigger problem.

Did Canada Have An Identity In The 1920's, an essay

Cultural identity has always been a big issue with Canadians. During the 1920's however, Canada didn’t have it’s own expression. The expression of Canada was only an imitation of the United States. This can be illustrated using inventions, entertainment and Canada’s development as a nation.
America was better at making inventions in the 1920's. One of the single most influential devices, the automobile was created by American Henry Ford. Henry Ford also created the assembly line, a device that has lifted the economy greatly. However, some might say that Canada had it’s great inventors. It was Canadian Joseph Bombardier who invented the snowmobile. However, considering the climate northern Canadians have to deal with it can be safely said that the snowmobile was inevitable. Henry Ford’s inventions have changed the world, and western culture greatly, while Canada didn’t make as good an impact.
America was also better at entertaining. Despite the fact America has been able to assimilate Canadians like Mary Pickford into their entertainment industry, these individuals represent America more then Canada. Also, American history has given them their tough attitude and a lot of story ideas, while Canadian independence is mainly a series of flucks. In addition, entertainment is a business and business is something engranded in the American culture. Americans have been able to monopolize the movie-making industry in Canada because of these reasons.
The most important reason Canada didn’t have it’s own voice was because Canada didn’t exist as an independent Nation. The idea of Canada as a Nation originated during World War I, where Canadian soldiers started feeling more Canadian after successful battles. Canadians started feeling they could run things without the British. Flags where considered to give Canada a symbol to identify it with. Eventually Canada became an independent nation, but it still didn’t have a voice. So the nation turned to the nearest source of cultural output they could find, the U.S.A. Canada echoed the U.S. because it was the only thing it could do.
In conclusion, I do not believe that Canada had any important influence on the world during the 20's. Partially because Europe and America were the main focus for western civilization, but mostly because Canada had just become a nation by the end of the decade, so it didn’t have much of a chance in making a big splash on the pool of human civilization.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

The World According to Ralph: Smurfs, Dungeons and Dragons

Hello, my many human readers.
Well, I thought I would give you an update on the People’s Republic of the Smurfs. They have settled in a pit somewhere near the house. They pretty much ignore us, but recently one called Igor Smurf has defected to our house. I don’t see why, because we aren’t really a government as much as a house, but considering the complete lack of talent of their pilots and military it was pretty wise. They probably couldn’t take the sandbox.
I have been watching these Communist Smurfs recently and I have made a list of the natives, it's not complete.
  1. Stalin Smurf, He is the boss of the Communist Smurfs. At least the hairy-symbion that’s controlling his brain and is latched under his nose is. He usually goes out onto the top of his giant mushroom house and yells a lot.
  2. Village Idiot Smurf, Pretty much does anything he’s assigned to do. Nice kid, but is as dumb as a post.
  3. Guevara Smurf, the only member of the Smurf militia with any competence. The only problem is that he’s to short to be taken seriously by us and he’s the only one with any competence. He could probably take the Sandbox by himself, but he would be chased out later because of a squirrel or something.
  4. Grocho Smurf, He serves no purpose besides making puns. He has a larger mustache then Stalin Smurf, but so far it’s not threatened it(Stalin Smurf’s mustache) in anyway.
  5. Chico Smurf, Nice hat, Italian accent, no skills
  6. Harpo Smurf, Hangs out with Zeppo Smurf a lot. Doesn’t talk but talks using a series of whistles and honks.
  7. Zeppo Smurf, Were not so sure what he does.

Anyway, Writer may have told you that I have a version of myself in the Dungeons and Dragons Universe. I thought I would take some time to talk about it. It is really a very interesting experience for me and I would like to take some time to talk about it.
First of all, Our group is dysfunctional. It’s manly Krisco’s fault (He’s the giant fire-snake-person-thing). He really hate’s Ruric, who I guess is our team leader what with the fact that he’s the only dwarf we got and we’re going to find a lost Dwarven City that’s probably crawling with Drow and what not, and to tell you the truth we aren’t really that experienced. Currently, the highest is Nai’Atha(Writer’s main character) and that’s only because he did a bonus round. He’s only level 3, though and only knows one cool spell, magic missile, but’s that’s it. Also, Umpsh is completely deficient in language. He called Ruric Gold Piece out of some mistake in language, but he’s a good fighter and probably the only person in our group who can hold of Krisco if he eventually turns on us, not for awhile mind you but enough for us to escape. I guess that if worse comes to worse, me and Nai’Atha can run of with everything of value and run to the next city, course considering the fact that Krisco’s a giant fire-snake-person-thing, I’ll just run of with whatever Ruric and Umpsh have of value.
Also, I hear that people say there is a Satanic influence on the D&D game. I will say that it is addicting, but there are no Satanic curses or whatever you think it is on the game. It’s mainly just paganism which is a good, wholesome religion.

This is Ralph (AKA Ralz’Chi’Ryn) signing off.

The Awakener Dies, American Civil War Ends

in -4 CSY Rephezi Wyksyn Chorion, of the Tawazee and Florana Dae’Khanti enter the valley of New Mesopotamia, becoming the first beings to cross the Talortreal Spine mountains in over five millennia. The two lived in New Mesopotamia for a period of three years until the Return of the Ragondra Legion, when they returned to from isolation with Alexander Buddhachrist.
in 1865
Confederate General Kirby Smith signs the surrender terms, ending the American Civil War. The United States of America, after the great casualties of the war begin a peace campaign around the world. Today, the USA is considered one of the most enlightened civilizations in the world, and was voted best country to live in, in 1997.
in 1954
President Joseph McCarthy charges that communists have infiltrated the CIA. Known for his paranoid beliefs that communists had infiltrated practically every area of the American government, including Girl Scouts. McCarthy was eventually taken into custody by local forces. Joseph McCarthy spent the next three months in an insane asylum and never went into politics again.
in Altecocha the Awakener dies in Machu Pichu. The father of modern Aztec philosophy and religion forever changed the face of the world by speaking out against the priesthood and ultimately defying the gods. The bloody sacrifices to the false gods were replaced with the celebration of the Great Spirit. Under the teachings of the Awakener, the Middle Continents would develop into the greatest nation the world has ever seen.
in 1953 Elizabeth II is proclaimed Queen of England, making her the third leader of the British Monarchy to rule during the Golden Age. Despite her popularity, she was unable to reunite all of the United Kingdoms, but was able to bring a stability to the European Islands.
in 1997 Timothy McVeigh is convicted of 15 counts of murder and conspiracy for his role in the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murray bombing in Oklahoma city. A survivalist who gained a great distrust for the government after being layed after the Soviet Union collapsed, McVeigh. President Bill Clinton made strict gun control laws because of it. Today, 85% percent of the American people don’t own guns.
in 2109 The Colonist ships Nelson Mandela and Eland land outside the Tliwan city of Tlao Shan. The humans, originating from mainly from South Africa and surrounding nations, would come to know the planet as Burroughs’ Mars, in tribute to the wildlife similar to that in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ "A Princess of Mars". The Tliwan and human alliance would become one of humanity’s best successes in the history of human civilization.
in 1967 Vishnu Rose makes his first political speech in Vancouver, British Columbia, where he made a talked about the corruption in the American system and how it affected Canada. Vishnu Rose’s skills with public speech would help him while forging what would become the Hippie Civilization.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Alexander Buddhachrist born, Islam takes Rome

in -30 CSY Alexander Buddhachrist of the Dylisanite species is born in New Babylon. Alexander lacked the mental abilities of his Dylisanite brethren such as genetic memory. He eventually became the first Dylisanite to leave the valley of New Mesopotamia. During the Return of the Ragondra Legion, Alexander helped on a mission to find the Draan to the Aethyran Continent, where he began to develop abilities beyond that of any previous Dylisanite. He helped sign the Commonwealth Constitution in 0 CSY and eventually started the Knights of the Alexander Bloodline, made up of his offspring which possessed his mental abilities to protect the Mythanian Commonwealth.
in 1953 Desiderio Bontecou, French revolutionary during the Great War is proclaimed Grand Advisor of France. Bontecou was one of the first superheros in Europe and became known as M. Liberty. Bontecou was able to recreate the French Parliament and continued his job as guardian of France and advisor for the French government. His work made France one of the most stable countries in Europe during the turbulent Golden Age.
on Sha’ban 10, 126 The Western Empire Capitol of Rome falls to Muslim forces. The Christian forces of Constanople were unable to put up much of a fight, and with Rome captured the rest of Christian Europe soon fell to Islam. Rome later became the seat of power for the Islamic Roman Empire which would become the most powerful nation in the history of the world.
in 1968 Helen Keller, one of the worlds leading artists dies. Despite her blindness and deafness, Helen beacame one of the leading artists of in the world with such classics as Breakfast, San Francisco at Noon and Face #9.
in 1938 Superman appears in issue 1# of DC’s Action Comics. Superman flopped in the United States, but became legend in his co-creator’s, Joe Shuster homeland of Canada. Joe Schuster started up Shuster Comics, which became the most popular Canadian comic book publishing company.
in 2227 Ahmed "Jay-Shooter," Johanmesburg, the most dangerous man on the northern continent of Bekoworld during the colonial period enters the city of Bronzewood, where he got a job as a cattle-herder. He was later arrested after bragging he killed 57 people, but it is widly believed thta he was lying. Historians believe it was ruffly half that number.
in 1946 Vishnu Rose, father of the hippie civilization is born in London, Ontario. Born Joseph Marvin Kent, Vishnu would become involved deeply in the hippie movement that help largely in it becoming a distinct culture in North America and eventually the world.