Sunday, December 28, 2008

You Can Never Go Home

For most of what has been the Holiday Season, I have not felt in the holiday spirit. I have been, for the most part nervous and edgie. My socials skills have not been the best and a few times I have been rude. When this happens this usually means I'm uncomfortable. I discussed this with my parents and they said that technically I have no home at the moment. I'm on the verge of moving out, though I do come home on weekends, but either way when I stay to long I begin to miss the other place. I had the same problem during exams with serious homesickness, at one point I didn't even want to go back to University but I don't want to live at my old home either.
So anyways, as with all Christmas posts, I'm going to give a list of all the stuff I got. Since I had only two things that I praticularly wanted, and I got both of those I suppose it was a good year. I might not ask for anything next Christmas, but that dosn't seem likely. So here's the list
  • The Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky box set
  • Carnivale Season 2
  • The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse
  • Hiro Bobblehead
  • A Confession, by Leo Tolstoy
  • A book about books
  • Two note books
  • New Pencils
  • The Traditional Terry's Chocolate Orange
  • Three sweaters
  • 25 dollars worth of Itunes I have yet to spend
  • The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman

That's all I can remember, but I like lists and this is something that I do at Christmas and Birthdays or when I buy used books.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve '08

Well I had to blog about this eventually, it's Christmas Eve and tomorrow all the kiddies who have well-off parents are going to wake up to see Santa Claus has left them presents. It's a time or warmth and cheer, and as such I feel especially uncomfortable when family members argue loudly about really minor stupid things like cleaning rooms and stuff. Mind you, I would probubly find it annoying if they were overtly cheery on Christmas, but still we'res the Christmas cheer.
I'm starting to think that the entire idea of Merry Christmases are something that big buisness has sold us on. I hate to get all Marxist, but I'm probubly going to blame the Catholic Church on this one too, since they were the guys who organzied Christmas as Jesus' birthday, but they arn't as guilty as big buisness.
Besides that, I'm not really concerned with Christmas. The entire holiday just sort of snuck up on me. Now it's all in my face and I'm thinking shouldn't I be more excited. I don't really feel excited at the idea of getting swag tomorrow. Earlier this year I even considered not getting anything. You know, just not getting any actual presents. For myself mind you, but I caved because well, free stuff.
Well, that's all I have. It's the Christmas season, emotionally unsatisfied, getting presents.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Psueodonym?

I've been thinking about adopting a pseudonym. As many of you may be aware now, my full name is Dylan C.G. Thomas, as seen through my as of yet undeveloped websight. I have always felt some difficulty with this name however, because there is already a writer named Dylan Thomas, who while being a couple things I'm not, such as national Welsh, a boozer and dead, still make me feel a bit uncomfortable. We both have the exact same name and as such I'm worried that we'll be mixed up, or I'll always be in the shadow of the other Dylan Thomas. As such, I've been thinking about starting using the pseudonym of Dylan Williams.
The name Dylan Williams is pretty good I think. Technically, it should be my last name because of some factors in my family tree I ended up with a different last name, but genetically I'm a Williams, whatever that means. Maybe one day I'll go to Ireland and track down my ancestors. But I really don't see much harm sighning my works Dylan Williams. I did find at least two other Dylan Williams out there, but ones a painter and the others in Sports. One of them even has a face book account, if not an unknown third, but I couldn't get to it. I would appreciate what you guys think of the pseudonym.

Friday, December 19, 2008

My First Short Story

Published this thing before I wrote anything by accsident. How's that for you.
Well, two big things happened tomorrow. First, I finished by first semester of University. When I go there next year it will be a whole new ball game. I'll be taking a philosophy class, a course on Eastern religion and the follow up to my English course. For the next two weeks I don't have to worry about papers or essays or anything.
Second, my first short story, Cattle Man's Folly, has been published at The Oddville Press. Go here to download Issue Two for your very own. It's free and has other stories you can read. I'd like to thank everyone who helped, which would by Steph for giving me the place to publish, everyone at Revel for being my test audience.
So it has finally happened, I'm a published author. This excites me alot, since it's actually like I'm a published author. I should be working on a bibliography. I know it's only one story, but I feel I should be working on that. I'm going to publish this before my screen blanks out again.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More Wold Newtonness

I've got a picture up because I feel my blog looks more interesting if I have a picture up. The problem is that I usually talk about personal stuff, and thus I don't have much else to talk about. Thankfully, I have my interest in Wold Newtonry, which is where this picture came from. It's also the cover for the Wold Newton book that I can actually sign out from the Library. I have it out now, and I wonder if I'm the only person to actually sign it out.

The good news is that I've got access to the two founding documents in Wold Newtonry, Tarzan Alive and Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life. Granted, I don't have them on me, but I know where they are and have had access to them. They're in the rare book section of Dana Porter and as such I can't sign them out. However, they do offer a pretty handy in my Wold Newton family tree. I've been putting one together over the last few days, using mainly the internet, but it helps to have a print source. Since I have a major exam tomorrow, and will be leaving for home in a matter of days, I don't think I'll be able to get ahold of them for a few more days. I do plan on doing some extensive looks into them next year however.

Other then that things are good, I know where my exam is going to be tomorrow, which is good. It's not going to be in the Office for Persons with Disabilities, or OPD as it is called by most. It's in a building in the math room. I have a good feeling about this exam. I'll just be glad when all this is over and I can go home and relax.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I want to go home. I'm in the middle of Exam season and all I want to do is go home. I'm tired, frustrated and havn't been getting to sleep at a decent time and havn't written any of my fiction. I have the time know, I could easily do it in between studying for my English Exam but the well is dry. I have so many ideas and I don't know if I'll be able to write them all.
Mostly I just want to go home. I feel sick of University and need a long break, preferably one where I can write something. I had this idea for a story in which I have writer's block and have to fight this monster that lives in Conrad Grebel, comes out at night disguised as a janitor and plants it's progeny in the walls of the residence. It holds a special item that will give me back my abbility to write. Also I plan on getting back to writing "The Last Dance Revolution." I really hope that I can write that one, because I don't know if I have the neccisary experience. The book is a love story, and I've never been in love. I'm also worried that the novel won't be as good as it can be because I'm still a young author. Maybe I'll just work on it for most of University, clean it once I graduate and have it published. During that time I could aslo get the First Four all written up, make long details for the plots and characters and how the novel is going to be presented. I'd like to use different ways of presenting a story. I think multiple view-points is going to be a method, and I have at a false document as a novel.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Upcoming Events

This is an interview Alejandro Jodorowsky made for his upcoming movie King Shot, which looks like it will actually come about.

And this is a little taster of what is going to happen in the next season of Lost.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Christmas Card from Tom Waits

Hey everybody, it's Tom Waits!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Wait, I just got an idea...

Alright, I just wanted to run this by you
Dick Cheney on acid. Should this happen? Discuss.


I'm in a melancholy mood. I think it's partially the game I'm playing with the guys at Watsfic. It's my introduction into the World of Darkness, and my characters is a vampire. I'm really not liking the idea because apparently the entire point of vampirism is your damned. I don't want to play a character that is literally cut of from humanity. Why are people into vampires anyways, it seems to me that if there are vampires they must lead a very miserable existence. They're basically parasites. I feel very sorry for my character. I think I'm going to have him mysteriously disappear and rewrite him into my mythos, where they're aren't any vampires per say, but I kind of like the idea of what vampires are so I'll rewrite it in some way. I'm converting Dean, that's my character's name, Dean Gettys, into something else though. Maybe I could reintroduce him as that thing but I'd have to take it up with the Storyteller (World of Darkness talk for Dungeon Master).
In other news, I am discovering a new kind of stress. University Exam Stress, or UES. This is like High School Exam Stress (HSES), except that it slowly builds up over several days. I believe that UES is much worse then HSES, especially when you have an essay due Friday. Everyone says that I'm in a good place for my essay however, since I'm working on it and have a good idea. My English proffessor, who I'm probubly not going to see for quite some time as I'm done my first courses, said that I just need to write what I have down and ideas will come to me to flesh it out. I already have a page and a half of writing done, which is more then I expected. She probubly has a point.
I'm actually feeling a bit better writing all this down, I don't know why. I don't know why bearing my soul to you people makes me feel better. Maybe it's because I know most of you. Maybe I'm just secretly an emotional exhibitionist at heart and like people to know what goes on in the dark recesses of my soul. I always thought I had some perverse desire to share my soul with others, but I like to do it on my blog. That way it's kind of like I'm not actually telling you anything, I'm just writing it down.